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22 and balding considering transplant

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Okay before I start, don't bite my head off for 'considering' a transplant right now, i know a lot of people say it can be unwise at a young age, hence why i'm posting here to get some insight, when I say considering, i mean more so that I want to enquire


So i've been losing my hair since 16, my hairline going back slowly, and thinning slowly, (6 years is probably considered quite fast) but it's always been quite gradual, this is starting to affect my confidence I don't feel as attractive as I did before, i feel my whole face looks different because of the recession, and overall feeling quite **** about it all


I had a consultation in which I was quoted 3200 grafts for 2700 from 'get hair' (dr tayfun in istanbul) and in the london consultation, the man I spoke to (not the surgeon) didn't seem at all pushy and wasnt trying to 'sell' me anything, but was promoting it more so than deterring it, and when I asked about the consequence of doing the procedure, then balding further and looking really weird, he didn't give me a direct answer, mentioned more procedures down the line etc.


I see some progress photos here from young guys like myself that look awesome, and on the forums everyone is supportive of the results and happy for the client. I'm realistic with my results I dont want my hair line lowered or dead straight, just from where its gone back, to align it to the frontal hairline that is still there, rather than lower the hairline all together. I don't expect a super thick mop on my head either, just some better density so i don't have to cake myself in toppik when I go out on the town etc.


Whats your feedback guys? In terms of medication, i tried regaine and it made my eyes super baggy and it looked like i'd been literally given a black eye...and propecia I just can't consider because of the side effects, I know the percent is 1.3% or something but i read a lot more testimonies about it affecting mental health, sex drive etc, and the idea alone of taking a hormone altering pill scares the hell out of me, I'm quite an anxious person and know i'll get anxious from taking it regardless of if its just a placebo affect, so i've ruled that out.


I know the photos all look somewhat different, but that is how it looks sometimes, out of the shower after a blow dry it okay, and not so thin, when I wake up in the morning with bed head it looks mental, and thin etc, the one in the car is me with no product, and the hairline looks okay i think, the others are me in strong lighting running my hand through my hair an sticking it up (its thinnest) and the other is showing what looks like a thick doner area (?) I think? haha, but yeah, give me your feedback guys, what should I do






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Without propecia you are a poor candidate for an HT. I know the usual cabal will disagree with me, but you're 22, and balding fast, with aggressive diffuse loss throughout the top of your scalp. An HT may well shock your native hairs out. Once your native hairs fall out, your transplant will show sparse, pluggy hair growth that will stick out and look very odd.


TL:DR: poor idea, but it's your head.

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I think you should try shaving your head as it is extremely likely with your current path you will be nearly bald by 30.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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  • Senior Member
Without propecia you are a poor candidate for an HT. I know the usual cabal will disagree with me, but you're 22, and balding fast, with aggressive diffuse loss throughout the top of your scalp. An HT may well shock your native hairs out. Once your native hairs fall out, your transplant will show sparse, pluggy hair growth that will stick out and look very odd.



KO is spot on... with propecia a HT would be great for a few years, but i doubt it would be your one stop fix, so please please please go FUE, you clearly wear your hair very very short, I think HTmay just prolong the inevitable, perhaps once you hit 32 you'll buzz down to #1.... all the best matey

June 2013 - 3000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2013 - 1000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2015 - 785 FUE Dr Bhatti


Dr. Bhatti's Recommendation Profile on the Hair Transplant Network

My story and photos can be seen here


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I've shaven my head down with a razor before, it wasn't too bad, looked okay, but i'd prefer to have hair, i acknowledge a HT wont be a permanent fix, or even close to one, and i accept that one day, HT or not, i will be shaving my head down to a 0/1, but I just wanted a few more years of decent hair, as being young and balding, as some of you probably know, really ****ing sucks

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You cannot guarantee you will get decent hair from an HT, note my point about shock loss. Plus, you will want decent hair for a long time,not just the next 5 years.


Good point, I just went to the link in your bio, that is extraordinary, do you think with a skilled/reputable surgeon and meds (fin mainly) it would be a decent idea?

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  • Senior Member

Hi Coppal,


Sorry, but I tend to agree with the guys cautioning against getting a HT, be it via FUE or FUT. KO noted the pertinent factors and reasons -- your extensive diffuse thinning (as opposed to front-to-back recession) at your young age being primary among them.


Something you might consider is getting some sessions of temporary SMP to reduce your dependency on fibers and concealers. If you choose not to get on fin, what's left of your native hair on top will likely miniaturize and depart faster, but it looks like it's likely to go either way. As it does, you could continue SMP and cut what you have left shorter, eventually buzzing down to a 0/1 but with SMP giving you the look of a hairline and buzzed down hair. I think it will make an appealing look for you.


I had the same experience with minoxidil as you. Can't use the stuff.


Good luck with whatever you decide!

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  • Senior Member
Good point, I just went to the link in your bio, that is extraordinary, do you think with a skilled/reputable surgeon and meds (fin mainly) it would be a decent idea?

Not my bio:). Just a good case study. I would try shaving your head or at least experimenting with fin before going under the knife. End of the day, an HT just moves hair around.

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Hey thanks for the advice, i'm not entirely clued up on SMP, but I assume its the hairline tattoo? one major flaw with this, is at 60, what elderly man has a straight hairline low down on his head and buzzes his hair to a 0/1


You hit the nail on the head, SMP alone will not stand the test of time it'll look ridiculous. In your case I do suggest at least giving finasteride a try at a minuscule dose, you still have a lot of hair left to lose, have you tried lipogaine? It's basically monoxidil with some other things, at the very least try this, wait until you're in your late 20's if you're destined to be very bald Norwood 6-7 by your late 20's you'll be able to see a clear pattern, at that time you can have a transplant and just plan for further loss, your grafts can be placed in a manner that will look natural even if hairloss progresses. At your age I had more hair than you and by the time I was 29 Norwood 6 pattern, this is not always the case though so I don't wanna scare you, but it's best to wait it out and stabilize your hairloss.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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SMP is similar to tattooing. Different ingredients in the "ink" and the depth at which it is inserted into the skin is a bit different as well, but a similar process.


They do have temporary SMP (it's supposed to last anywhere from 6-24 months and gradually fade away) if you really were interested in this option. This would take care of the "later on in life" issue you described above.


There are a few true SMP experts on the forums. Maybe one of them will chime in!


Calling hairthere! Calling hairthere!

Dr. Blake Bloxham is recommended by the Hair Transplant Network.



Hair restoration physician - Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation


Previously "Future_HT_Doc" or "Blake_Bloxham" - forum co-moderator and editorial assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, Hair Restoration Network, Hair Loss Q&A blog, and Hair Loss Learning Center.


Click here to read my previous answers to hair loss and hair restoration questions, editorials, commentaries, and educational articles.


Now practicing hair transplant surgery with Coalition hair restoration physician Dr Alan Feller at our New York practice: Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation.


Please note: my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member
Hey thanks for the advice, i'm not entirely clued up on SMP, but I assume its the hairline tattoo? one major flaw with this, is at 60, what elderly man has a straight hairline low down on his head and buzzes his hair to a 0/1


Now you are thinking long term. :)

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Kudos for doing some serious research and weighing all the options here instead of rushing into a decision you might regret.


Aside from all the sound advice you've received thus far, I would also echo that buzzing your head and giving that a go first would be a great first step - especially if you're dead set against meds. You said you've done it before and it looked alright, so I would try it again and give it more of a shot to see if it's something you'd get used to. Even if you get FUE with the understanding that you'll eventually have to buzz your hair, you'll still have small tiny dots/scars all over your scalp that you may not be crazy about, so that's something to consider as well. It's not as simple as getting a hair transplant now and just buzzing it later if you need to.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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  • Senior Member

I agree with the rest of the guys here. Do what you can now and shave your head when you need to. It might not look perfect but a HT on you wouldnt look perfect either and youll save yourself some serious regrets. You will be 35-40-50-60 one day, and will be happy you just accepted yourself for who you are and moved on.

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Thanks for all the interesting and informative responses guys, I appreciate it :), I think for now i will try Lipogaine (ty for the suggestion HTsoon), and i wont buzz it just yet, i've shaven my head completely bald before and the relief of seeing it suited me and I didn't have a strange shaped head was really awesome, I'll see where the future goes, maybe i'll try a low dose of fin and see what happens, because it seems if I wait a bit later on in life, somewhere between 25-30 then get a HT with fin, my results will be more promising

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Dear Coppal1,


Firstly, I would like to thank you for visiting us for consultation.


Indeed, our aim is to provide you information about FUE hair transplant operations and give you the statistics, supported with results and help you with your hair loss journey.


The reason why I couldn't give you a concrete answer about balding further is basically no one can guarantee that you will lose all the remaining hairs on top. Although majority of people, including me, would side with the high potential, it is simply not possible to give you a direct answer at consultation with a Yes/No. And this is actually why I asked about using finasteride and gave you the statistics on it.


Although we are solely a FUE hair clinic, I still prefer talking with statistics and results instead of promoting it, because we strongly believe whichever sales tactic people use, the decision will be yours and it should be.


Many young patients like you choose to go ahead with the procedure as they say they don't want to play Wait and See game, and we respect their choice. So, we recommend them to use finasteride after the operation at least to prevent a further hair loss.


I believe SPM may be an option but I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for.


For any questions, please do not hesitate to write me back.


Thank you

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