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Could a ht do this?


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  • Senior Member

I was on another hair loss forum a few months ago and a non coalition doctor said that hair transplantation could give a Norwood 4 hair like Jonny Depp in this picture:



Some other forum members then replied that JD had already had a ht, showing such pictures as these (though in his blog Dr Rassman said it is more likely due to harsh lighting):


















Personally I believe he has had no work done, putting it rather down to harsh lighting and skin tone/ hair colour juxtaposition in only a few photos, while in the majority it looks like a full head of hair with no scalp shinning through. My question is would it be possible to get hair like Jonny Depp using hair transplantation and if yes under what circumstances (e.g: Norwood Stage, density of grafts, hair cailbre, etc)? Cheers

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  • Regular Member

If you used enough grafts, you could get that hair as a NW4.....the only problem is if you bald further, you might not have enough to cover the 5,6 and 7 areas.


Thats why its important to have your NW6/7 area measured.....and your donor density measured by a qualified doc.

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  • Senior Member

I totally agree with Ronald that scalp geometry is definitely an issue. To obtain the Deppesque look I also think you would need to be below a Norwood 4, or if over that have a NicNitro sort of donor supply. And it probably goes without saying that it would need to be dense packed.

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  • Regular Member

a NW4 having hair and thickness like JD with a HT?

HAHAH be serious

First transplant with karamikian 6/05, less than 1000 to my hairline, result was mediocre at best.

2nd HT with Feller 2/08, 3000+ to my front third.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for your reply but look at shuffle, evolution and spex. I know they are the exception and only shuffle was above a Norwood four but there are also others. There is even a male model I know of who had his hairline restored and it has stood up well in that industry, though he had dense packing and was low on the Norwood scale. Ok lets do the maths; if the "average" Norwood four with 100 cm2 of balding area to cover went to a top clinic and had 6000-7000 grafts removed by strip and another 1500-2000 by fue that would give a density of 75-90 grafts per cm2. The natural density of some people is less than this! So personally I think a density of only 65 grafts per cm2 is needed to achieve a Deppesque look. Also have a look at the photos his hair appears naturally thin. Cheers

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If you use up all your available donor on a NW 4 pattern, then what do you do in a couple of years when you are a NW 5, then NW 6? It's a bad idea to get too agressive.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

i was looking at the cover of people magazine today which has a picture of jonny depp as sexiest man alive. it looks to me like he had a HT. take a look and decide for yourselves. his hair looks nice but he does not have whisper hairs at his widows peak, rather it looks like FUE. thoughts?

Using Propecia since 1997

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I always thought if he had it done it was strip because he hardly ever has short hair. But in his line of work fue would make more sense. The hairs in his hairline are definitely not fine but look coarse. If the sexiest man alive in 09 was revealed to have had a ht it would send men everywhere rushing for a ht!

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  • Senior Member

His hair looks much more dense in that cover you're talking about than it does in un-touched photographs such as this one:








It's not a good idea to base your perceptions on the type of photos that make it to magazines.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I think it's impossible to say for sure. Could be a transplant could be natural thinning.

There have been rumours about Depp for years on these forums with some people adamant that his hair couldn't be a result of a transplant, but in the close-up, un-touched photos I don't think we're seeing anything a good transplant couldn't do. I'd be interested to know what others here think.

I don't know if there's any photographic evidence of changes in his hair. If it is a transplant then I'm sure it was a very small one.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Go to the "Photo Gallery" in the jonny depp zone then click on "The Department" then on "No Colour". Go down to the pics where he is wearing a beanie and contrast temple areas. It was mentioned in Rassman's blog:




This is the only photo which indicates he may have had a change in hairline. I agree if it was a ht it was definitely a small one.

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  • Regular Member

I must say his hairline does seem to jump around from flat, peaked, a bit thin, extremely thick... though it's likely that this is mostly from photographers recycling old shots with new ones and from him wearing different hair pieces in films (both to give a thicker look and in order to maintain continuity when filming). But yeah, it's likely he's thinned a bit. He is a human being reaching middle age after all.

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It all depends on the individual. I do not have any fine hairs at all in my hairline. I have always had thick coarse hair no matter where it is on my head.


Before I had any hairloss, I had a few people ask me if I wore a toupee because it didn't look completely natural, but it was.

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