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FUT surgeon recommendations for NW5 in USA


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First time poster here. Have been going through the forum for the past month or so and I am amazed by the wealth of info shared on these forums.


I am 33 years, male, and have been losing hair for about 7-8 years. Recently decided to go for a HT and visited Tim Carman in San Diego. I had a very pleasant experience talking to him. He put me at NW5, and mentioned that he can harvest about 2500 grafts, and would be able to give a conservative hairline, and adding density to mid-scalp and feathering down to crown, almost like a 3V on NW scale.


My goals are also to have a conservative hairline while adding density to the other regions, and make sure that there is enough donor hair for future HTs (Carman put my lifetime supply at about 7-8k grafts).


I would like to meet with a few more docs before finalizing, and looking for recommendations for FUT doctors in US (I am in CA). I cannot travel abroad due to work restrictions. I am specifically looking for someone who is good at designing conservative hairlines for folks who are at NW5/6



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If you are NW5/6, why do you want a strip scar?


Do you realize that FUT does not stand for Follicular Unit Transplant on these forums, it means (in industry sleeze language) 'STRIP TRANSPLANT'?


So you want a strip job?


Then yeah, just go to the big famous strip joints.


Remember that strip doctors have a different philosophy about HT design. They tend to ignore the crown and plant densely at the front.

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Agree, diffuse harvesting of the entire safe zone with wider though less dense coverage looks far more natural and is aesthetically better for most men. Having less visual contrast between your "horseshoe" remnant and your newly transplanted areas is more likely achievable with FUE.

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All the names listed are your best bet.


I don't really buy into this idea of 'diffusing the safe zone'. It is just an excuse for overharvesting those areas. I've seen examples where it looks like someone's got DUPA. Not exactly a healthy look. Funnily enough the worst examples I've seen the patient has grown their horseshoe area to a grade 4 or 5+, even with FUE. Obviously trying to mask the thinness by growing it out.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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......Funnily enough the worst examples I've seen the patient has grown their horseshoe area to a grade 4 or 5+, even with FUE. Obviously trying to mask the thinness by growing it out.


I bet that guy is in an infinitely better position than he would be with a strip scar.


However, I suspect he has strip scars too. Otherwise, he could buzz it off. If he has a moth eaten look, he has to go shorter. If at zero he still looks pock marked, he can SMP into the dots and he will be OK.


This is a warning for those who follow American docs spin about 'strip' first and then FUE to 'Max Out'


I have been terribly overharvested with FUE - and budget FUE, drills, techs etc. but it is only the strip scar(s) that are a giveaway.


I don't condone overharvesting, but I think a NW5 / 6 shouldn't get talked into a scar. Having said that, I've seen NW5 and 6s get dramatic results from strip. Massive change. Huge shock of hair from the front, big smile on their face, perhaps they genuinely don't care about the crown? These are older guys (40s +) Perhaps they are already mature and confident individuals in their own right, with kids, careers etc., and perhaps they really don't give a damn. BUt if so, why get the HT?

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  • Senior Member
I bet that guy is in an infinitely better position than he would be with a strip scar.


However, I suspect he has strip scars too. Otherwise, he could buzz it off. If he has a moth eaten look, he has to go shorter. If at zero he still looks pock marked, he can SMP into the dots and he will be OK.


This is a warning for those who follow American docs spin about 'strip' first and then FUE to 'Max Out'


I have been terribly overharvested with FUE - and budget FUE, drills, techs etc. but it is only the strip scar(s) that are a giveaway.


I don't condone overharvesting, but I think a NW5 / 6 shouldn't get talked into a scar. Having said that, I've seen NW5 and 6s get dramatic results from strip. Massive change. Huge shock of hair from the front, big smile on their face, perhaps they genuinely don't care about the crown? These are older guys (40s +) Perhaps they are already mature and confident individuals in their own right, with kids, careers etc., and perhaps they really don't give a damn. BUt if so, why get the HT?

I will answer that! Because I haven't given up in life. I owe it to myself and my wife to look my best. I would be pissed if my wife let herself go. I refuse to be depressed about something I can control.

Just curios though...... Am I allowed to be happy with my FUT procedure? I know you want to preach about scarring but the vast majority of guys that did do their homework didn't get burned by a hack. None of the doctors above are in my opinion. We are satisfied with our results. Ya I'm over 40 by a few years and I believe I'm allowed to have a HT by a American Dr. and be pleased with it. I share pictures, and I'm proud of my Dr. He did a fine job making my scar minimal. You can give your opinion but you don't speak for the majority. Like I always say I could give a damn where, who and what someone has done. I put my big boy pants on and made a decision. I wasn't duped into anything.

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

Progress/Results Below ;)


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Just curios though...... Am I allowed to be happy with my FUT procedure? ..... I wasn't duped into anything.


No, I expressly forbid you to be happy. :)


I think are sort of in the category I was suggesting. I went into the HT world with nothing but youth (which I thought was being prematurely stolen from me)hope and fear, on the other hand were older, married, a father, a job. A more settled man, and yes, you are entitled to your happiness. And I think your hair looks pretty good too.


As far as being duped, I think people get strip because the doc does it routinely and that is about all.

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  • Senior Member
Just curios though...... Am I allowed to be happy with my FUT procedure? ..... I wasn't duped into anything.


No, I expressly forbid you to be happy. :)


I think you are sort of in the category I was suggesting. I went into the HT world with nothing but youth (which I thought was being prematurely stolen from me)hope and fear, on the other hand were older, married, a father, a job. A more settled man, and yes, you are entitled to your happiness. And I think your hair looks pretty good too.


As far as being duped, I think people get strip because the doc does it routinely and that is about all.

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