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Bad decision


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So I decided to get my first hair transplant when I was around 21 years old and my hair was just thinning a bit in the front. Horrible idea. Did not do any research and chose some doc who basically gave me plugs. Most grafts had 5-10 hairs in them. So I decided at 23, when more of the native hair began to fall out and the "plugs" became more noticeable that I would go in for round two. This time I did some research and chose a coalition doc. A year later and I am still in a horrible situation. While the "repair" did an ok job to get rid of some of the plugs it did little to add any density and it if I wear my hair back/up it is extremely obvious that I had a procedure done. I am at the point now where I have no idea what to do. I wish more than anything that I never went in for that first procedure and now I have to live with the fear of people noticing my procedure and having to constantly hide my hairline. I am afraid that my hair loss is going to continue and I am going to be completely screwed. I take propecia and rogaine but I still feel as though things may be getting worse. I don't know if there is anyway to fix my mistakes. It is a horrible feeling. Any thoughts, suggestions, comments would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to get a third procedure but I'm afraid that I have used up to many grafts already. Also, my second scar streched a good bit and I can barely even pull off a #5 haircut. I really wish I could have my hair shorter but instead I have to keep it long in order to hide the scar and the pluggly looking hairline

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  • Senior Member

So I decided to get my first hair transplant when I was around 21 years old and my hair was just thinning a bit in the front. Horrible idea. Did not do any research and chose some doc who basically gave me plugs. Most grafts had 5-10 hairs in them. So I decided at 23, when more of the native hair began to fall out and the "plugs" became more noticeable that I would go in for round two. This time I did some research and chose a coalition doc. A year later and I am still in a horrible situation. While the "repair" did an ok job to get rid of some of the plugs it did little to add any density and it if I wear my hair back/up it is extremely obvious that I had a procedure done. I am at the point now where I have no idea what to do. I wish more than anything that I never went in for that first procedure and now I have to live with the fear of people noticing my procedure and having to constantly hide my hairline. I am afraid that my hair loss is going to continue and I am going to be completely screwed. I take propecia and rogaine but I still feel as though things may be getting worse. I don't know if there is anyway to fix my mistakes. It is a horrible feeling. Any thoughts, suggestions, comments would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to get a third procedure but I'm afraid that I have used up to many grafts already. Also, my second scar streched a good bit and I can barely even pull off a #5 haircut. I really wish I could have my hair shorter but instead I have to keep it long in order to hide the scar and the pluggly looking hairline

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  • Senior Member

I had very similiar results from my first HT with Joseph Karamikian in New York. Dr. Feller fixed it for me by surrounding the sparse minigrafts with densely packed FUs. I would definitely consult a top doc as I think that's totally fixable.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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From your pics, I don't think it looks bad or unnatural. But again that is what I get from the pics you have attached.


From what I see, I think you may be too critical of yourself and what you see in the mirror (aren't we all??). Most people (if not all), would not recognize you had any work done. Again the pictures that you have posted don't say HT to me and I feel like I have a pretty good eye for it.


You are going to most likely lose more hair given your age. So, continue reading up on doctors and researching, wait a good number of years for additional loss, and then come up with a game plan.


But I think your hair looks fine.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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I'm very sorry to read about your concerns with your past experience..I hope you can find a way to become happier in the very near future..


I am sure you can find the help you are searching for here..

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  • Regular Member

I also had "plugs" and needed repairs, BUT, yours looks great compared to what I started with before the repairs! I know this isn't what you want to hear, but, in my NON MEDICAL opinion, and from your pictures, it looks natural. When you get a little older and find its not what you want, there are fine Dr.'s out there that can help. Look at the bright side, you now have a good database and sounding board to get the appropriate assistance. I wish this existed prior to my insertion of "plugs" in 1991.

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I would not say his transplant (1st one) looks natural and some of the grafts can be seen, but i there is much worse out there! If you wear your hair down I don't think anyone would know, but i bet the wind is indeed an enemy.


I'd look to get it repaired as soon as you can afford it, otherwise it will play on your mind judging by the tone of your posts.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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First doc was Larry Shapiro in So Fla. He will rot in hell one day. I guarantee you that. I was too young and too stupid to realize how big of a phony he is.


Second doc I'd rather keep to myself for now. I went in to see him for a follow-up after about 9 months. He was very concerned but suggested we wait until a year to reevaluate. I'm past a year and haven't seen any improvement

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Doesn't look horrible, but I can see your clear frustration after having done two ops -- including a "repair". See if you can get clear documentation of your 2nd op....also, if the result has really been lackluster don't be shy in being transparent about it for your sake or a prospective patient.


Either way, I hope you talk with your doctor and work something out that is beneficial to you!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I'm no expert but I have looked at hundreds of patient photos and I gotta agree with the others this is not all that bad. If you are really self concious you might experiment with some toppik or Dermatch to help beef it up a bit, but really I think it looks decent and suspect you like all of us are overly critical of yourself.

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Wow, you are lucky to be able to clip with a #5. My scar becomes visible when my hair is trimmed to 1", and I went to one of the . . best.


It looks natural. I dont think there was a problem with your second operation, perhaps they oversold the reality of what would be achieved.

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If the hair geeks here think that your hair is not bad, then it is definitely not bad for a common mortal.


Now, go enjoy life!


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Thanks for the support. I'm not going to lie I am definitely too self conscious.


Second procedure was by Epstein. I think the guy is great and maybe my expectations were a bit high. I know there has been some controversy lately but I do believe he really cares about his patients. He did a great job of getting most of the very pluggy looking grafts. I'm like 99% of the people on this site in wishing there was just a bit more...

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