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Dr Lorenzo or Dr Bisanga?


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Hi all

After some time reading your messages, this is my first post in this Forum. First of all I want to thank you for the amount of knowledge you have created– I’m really impressed by your generosity and openness to share your stories.

I have to confess that I’ve been a bit sceptical of HT but reading your experiences has taken me closer to consider one. I have not yet visited or contacted any doctors yet. I’m 49, Norwood V, and have taken Propecia for years. I wear my hair very short.

My goal is to “populate” the balding parts (not sure if this is the right term, I’m learning the jargon”) but would still want to keep my hair really short – best example I can give is footballer Wesley Sneijder. My goals is to look as natural as possible, improving conditions but nor expecting to be the 5th Beatle, if you know what I mean. A gradual, non-noticeable (or at least as possible) approach is what I am after.

Fromm your posts I have deducted that the technique appropriate for my goals is FUE and that Dr Lorenzo and Dr Bisanga are top choices. Was wondering if you could help me out by sharing pros and cons, and if there is any better options please feel free to expand my horizons.

Due to my activity I have to speak in public frequently and one thing I am concerned about is post-op time. Realistically how many days would you say it takes to look “normal” (remember I wear my hair short), that is, like you haven’t had an HT operation?


Thanks in advance

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Hi Roaming,


I have had FUE from my face totaling 3800 beard grafts, to repair earlier poor, and outdated work. Regarding anyone noticing, I was good to go at about 4 days. The small scabs seem to drop off around then, combined with the surrounding stubble growth it was not noticeable.


I had 1000 FUE per procedure as I believe smaller sessions over a period of time may produce a better yield, just my opinion though.


I had the good fortune to meet Doctor Lorenzo at the Farjo centre last year, as they had an industry meet up there. I had time to view some of Doctor Lorenzo`s results on his laptop, as well as show my own result from Doctor Bisanga to the Doctors in attendance, Dr Devroye, Dr Shapiro and others in attendance.


Seems to me both Doctors you are considering do great work.





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Bith Dr are top of the top. You really can't go wrong. I would say ten days post op when all scabs are off you can look normal. Check out my thread, and pma. We are both higher nw and each had recent fue. Me with bisanga and pma with lorenzo.

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Thanks guys really appreciate your quick feedback.4-10 days start to be more encouraging, I was thinking a month or so.


ej, I've checked Injertocapilar which seems to be Dr Lorenzo's clinic. It says there that the technical director is another Dr, actually a lady Dra. Ximena Vila. Does he do the surgery himself? or does this mean he's delegating?


I could understand the benefits of an incremental approach, but from the clips I've seen i will probably need 6000-9000 FU's which would take many sessions to complete.

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Hi Diver,

I would ask these questions at a consultation, as I'm not sure how much of the procedure the Doctor does himself.


Most Doctors have assistants that help with the procedure though, its quite common.





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Lorenzo has the most documented cases of high NW FUE, whereas Bisanga seems to use FUT more for high NWs (this is my impression), so he may not necessarily consider you a candidate for FUE. That said, you have to keep in mind that in Lorenzo's Madrid clinic, technicians extract a substantial no. of grafts, although for some patients, the Dr does the majority.


All said, I think you will be in good hands with either.

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They are both Top choices. If you are a NW5 then I would probably go with Lorenzo. He is the man for high norwoods if you want FUE.


Just a quick question, you mentioned you've been on propecia for years. How long have you been on Propecia? And did you continue to lose hair over time?


The reason I ask is I've been on propecia for 6 and a half years and just wonder how long it will work for.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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3800 beard grafts? care to share pics of ur donor area?


Hi Roaming,


I have had FUE from my face totaling 3800 beard grafts, to repair earlier poor, and outdated work. Regarding anyone noticing, I was good to go at about 4 days. The small scabs seem to drop off around then, combined with the surrounding stubble growth it was not noticeable.


I had 1000 FUE per procedure as I believe smaller sessions over a period of time may produce a better yield, just my opinion though.


I had the good fortune to meet Doctor Lorenzo at the Farjo centre last year, as they had an industry meet up there. I had time to view some of Doctor Lorenzo`s results on his laptop, as well as show my own result from Doctor Bisanga to the Doctors in attendance, Dr Devroye, Dr Shapiro and others in attendance.


Seems to me both Doctors you are considering do great work.





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They are both Top choices. If you are a NW5 then I would probably go with Lorenzo. He is the man for high norwoods if you want FUE.


Just a quick question, you mentioned you've been on propecia for years. How long have you been on Propecia? And did you continue to lose hair over time?


The reason I ask is I've been on propecia for 6 and a half years and just wonder how long it will work for.


Hi splitting hairs

I've been taking propecia on and off for 14 years. I travel a lot for work so I've not been the most disciplined person in taking everyday, there was a period I stopped taking it for months. But when I started taking it again my hair immediately felt thicker, stronger. and I think that the loss has been at least delayed. Having said this I haven't perceive any growth really but just reducing the speed of loss was enough for me.

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Merry Christmas to all

Short update - I've contacted the clinics of Dr Bisanga and Dr Lorenzo through their online forms and I am waiting for feedback. Spoke with a very nice assistant at Dr Lorenzo's who said they will get back to me in mid-January. A representative of Dr Bisanga's wrote me asking for more pictures.


In the meantime, does anybody have a reference on Dr. Gho and the Hair Science Institute?

I read a lot of controversy on his achievements in various forums. What he has done with footballer Wesley Sneijder is brilliant and is exactly what I want but when you look at other cases on their webpage then you start wondering why does he not have many more of such outstanding results.


Any views?

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