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Weight Gain on Propecia / Finasteride


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  • Senior Member

Guys does anyone have this ?

I have started propecia the generic version and I can see that within 1 month I have gained like 5 lbs/pounds :(( ,


Does any senior member acknowledge that ? Also I generally feel Sluggish after starting this :mad:


All Inputs are of great help pls inform

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I'm very familiar with this. It decreases dopamine activity due to no DHT- which makes males feel alert, happy, and sexual. It also causes hardening of the muscle (the difference between a veal steak and a steak from a grown bull) and water loss. DHT destroys excess estrogens in the body (female hormones). The same DHT that destroys our hair makes us feel like men. This is why I don't want to take that stuff, and would rather get surgery or a wig.

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  • Senior Member

thx guys , in respect to KO , you already know that clinical trials are always held by the sponsor company so its no wonder that it is not observed clinically . I was Lean before i started Fin , due to frustration over my Hair Loss , and what I observe is that I get Tired very easily , Body aches and FAT

The weight gain has been rapid in just 1 month of taking that drug I have gained close to 6 LBS !! WTF

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thats true , I have tried to change my diet , but in some days was back again to Meat and stuff :( . Maybe I will opt for a HT fix , just waiting till I get my resources fixed , have Dr. Radha from India on Mind , But FUT scares the shit of me . FUE in India Not the Best ! Turkey I have Dr. edrogan but the charges are steep for my budget as I need a minimum of 2000 grafts to cover my Norwood 2 /3

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  • Senior Member
thx guys , in respect to KO , you already know that clinical trials are always held by the sponsor company so its no wonder that it is not observed clinically . I was Lean before i started Fin , due to frustration over my Hair Loss , and what I observe is that I get Tired very easily , Body aches and FAT

The weight gain has been rapid in just 1 month of taking that drug I have gained close to 6 LBS !! WTF


The clinical trials were held by research scientists at Harvard Medical School. Why would they report sexual disfunction but not slight weight gain?


Just eat healthy, take your vitamins, and work out. Working out suprizingly will give you mor energy.

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The clinical trials were held by research scientists at Harvard Medical School. Why would they report sexual disfunction but not slight weight gain?


Just eat healthy, take your vitamins, and work out. Working out suprizingly will give you mor energy.

its a known FACT that fin will cause weight gain for many who take. its not rocket science. google it. its been that way for the last decade.


jus cause one trial didn't report weight gain doesn't mean chit! so the thousands of others who take it all the time and not just in a trial are lying? lol

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I'm not saying the weight gain isn't legitimate, I'm saying that its just pure irrational speculation to suggest that the clinical trial results were distorted to exclude weight gain as a side effect. If they did observe it, it was probably negligible or an uncontrolled factor i.e. they didn't regulate subjects eating and exercise throughout the trials so have no way to attribute weight gain to the drug.

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ppl can gain and lose weight on their own so even if ppl did gain weight maybe they were not comfortable saying it was a direct result of Fin. its not like a blood test is going to indicate it. but thousands of others report it makes them gain weight.


that chit is TOXIC! anything that shuts ur sex drive down in a week shud be avoided like the plague! we have no earthy clue what the long term side effects are for ALL who use it. jus because one is not experiencing side effects now doesn't mean he won't in 10-20 years.


its a known FACT that it kills sex drive for many and causes many others to gain unhealthy weight. and some have never gotten their sex drive back and others have takn over a year to get it back.


ppl can argue all they want about how there are no side effects but I speak from personal experience not cause I read some internet trial posted on some website.

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Unfortunately, there is not a lot of medical evidence making it difficult for physicians and patients alike to assess the true risk v. benefit equation. In my experience I can think of no medical alteration of the endocrine system that does not result in some kind of a compensatory or downstream hormonal effect because these systems act in a dynamic feedback loop and the location and action of all of the involved receptors are not always initially known or well understood. That said SAs could be dose dependent and or idiosyncratic to a specific genotype. There are a lot of things to consider and so many more questions that need to be answered. Although I believe that efficacy has been established, I am afraid that anyone taking these drugs must accept a certain degree of uncertainty regarding their safety.

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yea that pretty much sums it up. its a roll of the dice..... will work for some but not others. the risk/reward is a gamble.


even drugs that were approved by the FDA 15 years ago for HIV patients are now finding out that they have long term side effects and ppl are now coming off them and having to use something else due to the harm they have caused. and these are LIFE saving drugs. not somthn to address a cosmetic appearance.


so you can bet dollars to donuts that the trails to use the HIV drugs were FAR more stringent then any cosmetic drug will ever dream of being!


Unfortunately, there is not a lot of medical evidence making it difficult for physicians and patients alike to assess the true risk v. benefit equation. In my experience I can think of no medical alteration of the endocrine system that does not result in some kind of a compensatory or downstream hormonal effect because these systems act in a dynamic feedback loop and the location and action of all of the involved receptors are not always initially known or well understood. That said SAs could be dose dependent and or idiosyncratic to a specific genotype. There are a lot of things to consider and so many more questions that need to be answered. Although I believe that efficacy has been established, I am afraid that anyone taking these drugs must accept a certain degree of uncertainty regarding their safety.
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  • 3 months later...
  • Senior Member

Came across this thread while searching for symptoms. I started propecia on a regular basis for the first time (1 mg every other day) ever and I have gained a quick 4 pounds. My diet has not changed, nor has the exercise routine . The weight gain is just hard to shake off . I was counting on some alteration given this pill affects the endocrine system but weight gain side effect totally sucks -- I guess on one hand we are trying to improve our outward appearance via hair transplants and using finasteride and on the other hand weight gain takes away some of that upside !


FUT #1, ~ 1600 grafts hairline (Ron Shapiro 2004)

FUT #2 ~ 2000 grafts frontal third (Ziering 2011)

FUT #3 ~ 1900 grafts midscalp (Ron Shapiro early 2015)

FUE ~ 1500 grafts frontal third, side scalp, FUT scar repair --300 beard, 1200 scalp (Ron Shapiro, late 2016)




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in respect to KO , you already know that clinical trials are always held by the sponsor company so its no wonder that it is not observed clinically.


Firstly, I'd just like to point out by your own logic almost no drug would be reasonable to take. It's a very normal thing for manufactures to sponsor clinical trials. As other have pointed out the study cited here was not sponsored by the manufacturer.


Secondly, calories in calories out. Drugs like antidepressants and corticosteroids don't just break science and magically create fat out of nothing. They cause fatigue and increase appetite an over eating. Even people with proper thyroid conditions can only blame around 15lbs on the issue- you're not just going to balloon up.


You're talking about 4lbs. It might be possible that this has something to do with the drug, but watch what you're eating and exercise a little harder. 4lbs is not a difficult amount of weight to loose. You care enough about your appearance to be on the drug in the first place- you can put a little more effort forward to correct this.

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You're talking about 4lbs. It might be possible that this has something to do with the drug, but watch what you're eating and exercise a little harder. 4lbs is not a difficult amount of weight to loose. You care enough about your appearance to be on the drug in the first place- you can put a little more effort forward to correct this.


I am assuming this comment was directed at me. The obvious reason , as you yourself point out , is possible change in metabolism from drug usage. Isn't that exactly what I am saying ? I will obviously have to work harder to lose the 4 lbs, it is just common sense.


Ultimately if i can enhance my crown hair thanks to propecia I am perfectly fine with the added weight if thats the price to pay -- the benefits will have outweighed the small weight gain from my perspective. But people need to be able to document experiences without being "preached to " every time .


FUT #1, ~ 1600 grafts hairline (Ron Shapiro 2004)

FUT #2 ~ 2000 grafts frontal third (Ziering 2011)

FUT #3 ~ 1900 grafts midscalp (Ron Shapiro early 2015)

FUE ~ 1500 grafts frontal third, side scalp, FUT scar repair --300 beard, 1200 scalp (Ron Shapiro, late 2016)




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  • Regular Member
I am assuming this comment was directed at me. The obvious reason , as you yourself point out , is possible change in metabolism from drug usage. Isn't that exactly what I am saying ? I will obviously have to work harder to lose the 4 lbs, it is just common sense.


Ultimately if i can enhance my crown hair thanks to propecia I am perfectly fine with the added weight if thats the price to pay -- the benefits will have outweighed the small weight gain from my perspective. But people need to be able to document experiences without being "preached to " every time .


96% of the population are within 10-16% of the average basal metabolic rate [1]. While the idea that people have a large variation in basal metabolic rate is pervasive, it's not true. What I was trying to mention before is that many drugs that are responsible for people gaining weight don't do so though slowing down metabolism but by increasing peoples appetites leading to overeating.


I'm sorry to seem preachy, there's just a lot of unfounded negativity about this drug and I think it's important that all the facts be laid out. In my opinion it's really unlikely that the 4lbs you've gained is a result of finesteride. I haven't stopped you from documenting your experience, I just provided a counter to your assertions.

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  • Senior Member

I've been on Fin for almost 6mths & yep I feel I've gained some weight esp around my mid line can I put my hand on my heart & say its defo the Fin? No maybe at 47yrs old my youth is finally catching up with my older engine so guess I have to work harder which is only natural & normal to do once you past say the age of 30yrs old.


Now saying all that i ve read that rogain / Min can give you added weight gain also so it could be that or like I said it could be my body is slowing down.


If any of these 2 Meds is any part of weight gain then it can be in your control by watching what you eat & working out a little harder something which is in my plans.


As for long term effects of this drug Fin/ Avodart nobody really knows but being this drug been around for almost 20 yrs with no real stats, that gives me & many other very good odds.


People have the option to research & make there own judgement to take it or not.

When taking ANY drug there will always be a trade off to which way ones body will react & if you find that the trade off is not worth it then simple cut loose & shave your head & move on.

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  • Senior Member

ontop - well said. i think at least at my age (40) , the trade off is worth it in my opinion , as long as the crown area hair grows and stabilizes . When I was younger I was definitely more concerned about side effects than I am now.


FUT #1, ~ 1600 grafts hairline (Ron Shapiro 2004)

FUT #2 ~ 2000 grafts frontal third (Ziering 2011)

FUT #3 ~ 1900 grafts midscalp (Ron Shapiro early 2015)

FUE ~ 1500 grafts frontal third, side scalp, FUT scar repair --300 beard, 1200 scalp (Ron Shapiro, late 2016)




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