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Jotronic/ 8 Years/ 7917 Grafts/ 3 Sessions/Repair/Dr. Wong


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Man Jotronic, it looks so good!


I have a question for you though, and this is for a HT patient like you where you've had quite a few grafts placed.


Based on the photos, I personally would like to know how "easy" would it be for you to not disguise your MPB


So what I'm referring to is, what does your hair look like when

- you get right out of bed?

- you literally comb your hair forward?

- you comb your hair forward when wet?

- you part it right down the middle?


So rather than trying to make it look good, try to make it look bad. I know this a weird question!

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As always, your pictures are clear and well light. No guessing as to what the results look like from H&W...And your results look great-to think where you came from, well, it's just shocking-and where you are now, its just awe inspiring to see that...That with right doctor, team, and patient donor, alot can be done to help someone have a better life...


Shifting gears abit, I'm looking to buy The Flip Video and post my results in HD. Do you think that would work with this sites software?

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Seeing H/W's clinic produce results like these eases us all, seeing how much one can improve their image after an HT or 2, using the best surgeons out there.


Just out of curiosity, do you use anything special on your scalp, such as a thickening agent like toppik? Forgive me if you have already stated, but do you still use minox/finas?


I for one believe that not enough can be said about how good your hair looks.

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I used to have a picture on my site, hairtransplantmentor.com, that showed my hair at 5 a.m. right out of bed. If I can find it I'll post it.


There are other photos of my hair wet, slick, dry, short, long, etc. on my site as well... www.hairtransplantmentor.com. Look under Hair Transplant Photos 3 and click to page 4 and 5.


Here is the HD video taken last year...


Jotronic's Hair in HD Video


And here is a silly video addressing the common question of whether or not hair transplanted hair needs to be cared for differently than non transplanted hair...


Washing and Styling Hair Transplant Hair


Over the weekend I'll see if I can wake up and remember to take photos of my hair for you.




You're going to do HD Video? God bless you, very glad to hear it. The software the forum uses is not important but rather a standard video format is very important. The file will need to be captured as h.264 at 16x9. Then export as .flv (flash). Or, the Flip HD comes with software designed to publish your file to the web. I suggest you choose the highest settings for export in this case because it may make the file too small to show off the HD quality. The ultimate goal should be to be able to enlarge the video to full screen without loosing much detail. I've seen HD video done well and I've seen it done very badly so if you have good settings enabled then your HD video will be miles ahead of any SD video out there. Done incorrectly then HD will make no difference. If you need any tips or have questions just email me. I really look forward to seeing your video.




No, I never use anything for my photos like Toppik or Dermatch. Now, over the past year I have played with Toppik a few times when I have gone out and it works surprisingly well. In fact, almost too wellicon_wink.gif I have done this maybe three or four times. Aside from that, I only use Alberto hair wax, just a small bit, every morning before I dry my hair. It helps to keep it in place and prevents it from getting too flat at the end of a ten hour day. My hair is quite fine so after a few hours it usually gets flat unless I have some wax in it. I show what I use in the second video I posted.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Regular Member

You look good and your photos as always are very honest, i have to say though some things i ve noticed.


a. even though you have great characteristics and light scalp skin to hair contrast and you had 8000 grafts transplants still give an illusion of density even in people that can harvest 8000 grafts from the donor.


b.Short hair is a bad idea when you have a transplant because you will need the longer hair to give a short off a compover look, either to the back or to the sides


c. I saw something that i dont know if im right or not but in the picture where you show the back of the scalp i noticed that the donor area where the hair are thick looks very small! Its like the balding crown area is way down the scalp?Why is that is it because of the strips of skin removed?


d. HD video is important but some pics and some lighting are far more important to get the feeling of what can really be achieved


Personally i like your result and i think you look way better than before and thats the most important thing. But on the other hand i perosnally as a nw6 like you were i am a bit dissapointed because i see that even with 8000 grafts the reality in some pics shows that transplants are very thin and the illusion barely makes it. I would be happy with a result like yours but i dont know if i would be lucky enough to have great laxity and density to get 8000 grafts to achieve your illusion. i dont think that many of us have it and i am not sure its gonna worth the investiment for anything less than you have as a fellow nw6.


Thanx for your honest photos and if one day i decide for a hair transplant and h&W tells me that i have donor like yours they will be my first choise

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  • Senior Member

I scrolled through this thread and was amazed that I haven't commented on this yet.


Joe, you have one of the greatest transformations ever seen in the HT industry. Well done.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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