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Dr. Lorenzo


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Hi, first post here, but have been around hairloss sites for awhile. Would like honest opinions on Dr. Lorenzo's work. His results seem phenomenal even on high norwoods and his documentation is better than any other clinic's I have seen. I am wondering how he seems to get consistently get good results on high norwoods when I rarely even see high norwood transplants from other clinics or if I do they normally don't touch the crown.


Thank you for any replies in advance :)

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I think there are better choices. his work is good but his hairlines are too conservative imo and his prices are too high. he seems to do great work with smaller sessions but when performing larger sessions his yield is just not as good as some of the other top HT surgeons in the world.

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Thanks for the reply BUSA. I have had transplants before in the early 90's (luckily mine are pretty decent compared to a lot of what I have seen from that era) and my hairline is "set". It needs softened up some but I like the placement. It was Lorenzo's youtube channel videos that caught my attention where he seemed to have regular successes with high NW's. His crown work seems really good also. His yield was one of the things I though was impressive (?), but I have just started looking. I know he is expensive but am willing to pay for a good result (within reason, I hear Feller is good but just too expensive for me).


What other doctors would you suggest for FUE?

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I think there are better choices. his work is good but his hairlines are too conservative imo and his prices are too high. he seems to do great work with smaller sessions but when performing larger sessions his yield is just not as good as some of the other top HT surgeons in the world.


Please explain the bolded.


If anything I would have said that Lorenzo would not by my first choice for a small case, but for higher NW's there is no one else.

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demsroy and doganay just have better yield then Lorenzo and their hairlines are more aggressive. so does Bisagna and maras imo. lorenzo is definitely one of the top doctors but imo there are better and especially when u consider price.


I wud agree that H&W do produce some incredible results but with any FUT u run the risk of a poorly healing scar. seems to be far less with H&W but there are plenty of H&W patients with scars that needed to be filled in with FUE.


H&W use to be one of the few practices that produced great results with FUT with LARGE sessions cause it was once thought large sessions cud not be performed with FUE but that has since been completely disproven.


I don't think there are any surgeons better than Lorenzo at FUE. I'd be curious to know who BUSA recommends.


IMO, Hasson and Wong and Lorenzo have produced the most number of "wow" results of any clinic.

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Thanks KO....H&W are impressive also....I don't want another strip surgery but their results are very impressive as well.....very useful to have these forums, wish they would have been out when I had my original transplants in the 90's.....luckily I came out ok.....I have seen many sad stories of people who were butchered.

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Please explain the bolded.


If anything I would have said that Lorenzo would not by my first choice for a small case, but for higher NW's there is no one else.

well, lets look at the big cases demsroy and doganay have done compared to lorenzo. the yield in the end is just not as impressive as the other two.


the results speak for themselves. lorenzo performing 5000 grafts will not look as good if demsroy or doganay will.


the measure of a surgeons skill is not measured with small sessions cause their are hundreds that can perform small sessions and look pretty good. the same cannot be said for large sessions which is why many won't perform large sessions or make up some lame excuse why they can't or why u shudnt.


don't get me wrong lorenzo has performed some great large session results just not nearly as many as demsroy/doganay have. they have PROVEN more often that they can perform large sessions with the same yield as small sessions.

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H&W use to be one of the few practices that produced great results with FUT with LARGE sessions cause it was once thought large sessions cud not be performed with FUE but that has since been completely disproven.


That is not entirely true. I would say sessions up to 3000 in one sitting have proven to be a success by a limited number of doctors. Dr Lorenzo is an exception and nicknamed the robot but even other surgeons I think of highly doing larger session fue have techs do a lot of the work which in states in the USA is illegal. But above that in onc session, there is yet to be a clinic who can consistently push out sized sessions of 3500/4000+ by FUE. That is not to say it cannot be done in the future as the procedure evolves even more.


There is a difference between the large and mega session.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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well, lets look at the big cases demsroy and doganay have done compared to lorenzo. the yield in the end is just not as impressive as the other two.


the results speak for themselves. lorenzo performing 5000 grafts will not look as good if demsroy or doganay will.


the measure of a surgeons skill is not measured with small sessions cause their are hundreds that can perform small sessions and look pretty good. the same cannot be said for large sessions which is why many won't perform large sessions or make up some lame excuse why they can't or why u shudnt.


don't get me wrong lorenzo has performed some great large session results just not nearly as many as demsroy/doganay have. they have PROVEN more often that they can perform large sessions with the same yield as small sessions.


Are you serious? The bolded just sounds ridiculous. On what basis do Demirsoy and Doganay have better yield than Lorenzo? Lorenzo has been plastering the forums with NW 5+ results, Doganay, despite being a surgeon for over a decade has very few high NW results, and most of the photos he posts are patient taken shots with dim lighting and angles that conceal the hair loss, nothing compared to the wet hair comb-throughs that Lorenzo does. Same with Demirsoy, they barely have any results compared to Lorenzo.



OP - check this out:

Norwood 5 - 6 - 7



I cannot think of any other clinic, except HW that has this volume of high NW results.

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Are you serious? The bolded just sounds ridiculous. On what basis do Demirsoy and Doganay have better yield than Lorenzo? Lorenzo has been plastering the forums with NW 5+ results, Doganay, despite being a surgeon for over a decade has very few high NW results, and most of the photos he posts are patient taken shots with dim lighting and angles that conceal the hair loss, nothing compared to the wet hair comb-throughs that Lorenzo does. Same with Demirsoy, they barely have any results compared to Lorenzo.



OP - check this out:

Norwood 5 - 6 - 7



I cannot think of any other clinic, except HW that has this volume of high NW results.


I unequivocally agree with KO on this. Lorenzo pushed the bar on high norwood FUE cases. Lorenzo has more VIDEO documented high norwood cases than any other surgeon except for H&W. Lorenzo has more video documented cases than Demirsoy and Doganay have PHOTO documented cases. Some things are purely subjective, but this is certainly not and can be quantified via evidence.

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I know u like to hug Lorenzo's nuts and swing on them but the fact still remains Demsroy and Doganay just have better results. no other doctor not even lorenzo is producing the density like those two doctors do with less grafts.


the proof is in the photos they produce weekly. you can call it subjective if you want but take the same patient and give them both 4000 grafts by each doctor and lorenzo's work just won't be as impressive as D&D. sorry if that offends you but thats a fact.


D&D just have a better yield. their all world class HT doctors but Lorenzo just isn't in the same league as those two, I'm sure we will agree to disagree on this but it is wat it is.


I unequivocally agree with KO on this. Lorenzo pushed the bar on high norwood FUE cases. Lorenzo has more VIDEO documented high norwood cases than any other surgeon except for H&W. Lorenzo has more video documented cases than Demirsoy and Doganay have PHOTO documented cases. Some things are purely subjective, but this is certainly not and can be quantified via evidence.
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BUSA, you sound like a troll or an idiot. Dr. Lorenzo post more FUE results than any other doctor and they are always simply amazing. I haven't even see, Dr. Demisroy post in awhile. Dr. Hakan and Demisroy are nowhere in the same league as Lorenzo. The post-up of photos are inconsistent as KO pointed out and not nearly as good as Lorenzo. Dr Lorenzo is raising the bar when it comes to documentation and results. I commend his clinic for their great effort. I have no dog in this fight because I just had a FUE with Dr. Bhatti because that is what I could afford. I actually chose Dr. Bhatti over Demisroy and Hakan. But I would have went to Lorenzo if money was not issue.

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I know u like to hug Lorenzo's nuts and swing on them but the fact still remains Demsroy and Doganay just have better results. no other doctor not even lorenzo is producing the density like those two doctors do with less grafts.


the proof is in the photos they produce weekly. you can call it subjective if you want but take the same patient and give them both 4000 grafts by each doctor and lorenzo's work just won't be as impressive as D&D. sorry if that offends you but thats a fact.


D&D just have a better yield. their all world class HT doctors but Lorenzo just isn't in the same league as those two, I'm sure we will agree to disagree on this but it is wat it is.


Mate stop trolling.

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I know u like to hug Lorenzo's nuts and swing on them but the fact still remains Demsroy and Doganay just have better results. no other doctor not even lorenzo is producing the density like those two doctors do with less grafts.


the proof is in the photos they produce weekly. you can call it subjective if you want but take the same patient and give them both 4000 grafts by each doctor and lorenzo's work just won't be as impressive as D&D. sorry if that offends you but thats a fact.


D&D just have a better yield. their all world class HT doctors but Lorenzo just isn't in the same league as those two, I'm sure we will agree to disagree on this but it is wat it is.


You aren't even worth a proper reply. Good day.

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lmao listen I've been around a LOT longer then YOU or any of ur little cronies so a troll I am not. in fact, I was here when this site began. long before you knew chit about chit when it comes to hair transplants so u can take that BS somewhere else.


Lorenzo is just too conservative with his hairlines. thats a fact.


bottom line is Demsroy and Doganay just perform better work at nearly half the price. it isn't rocket science. well, maybe it is for you but not for me.


D&D have better yield, more aggressive hairlines and far better pricing. sorry if that offends you or anyone else but those are facts.


Ok, I'm done with this troll. Lorenzo has nearly 50 results on his website in video of patients NW 5 and above with comb-throughs of their hair. Demirsoy and Hakan don't have that number in photos put together.
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I actually chose Dr. Bhatti over Demisroy and Hakan. But I would have went to Lorenzo if money was not issue.
well, then you made a poor decision and didn't do ur homework obviously cause Bhatti is good but not even in the same universe as Doganay or Demsroy but good luck with ur HT.
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The fact that he is conservative with his hairlines is a STRENGTH of his, not a weakness. When you are covering a NW5, you don't implant 3000 grafts into the frontal zone.
thats ur opinion and ur entitled to it. if someone wants to look 50 vs. 65 then thats their prerogative.


this whole concept that a HT surgeon has to be conservative cause otherwise there won't be enough grafts to cover the head is only reserved for a few select patients only due to number of grafts available and that a very select few when u consider BHT and the thousands of grafts available usually changes that outlook.


you don't see Demsroy or Doganay being conservative and they transform their patients to look young again.


millions of ppl around the world go their whole life with a hairline like D&D give their patients so this concept that a HT surgeon has to be conservative or the patient will have a hairline that is too young is absolute nonsense!


so those million of ppl around the world who are older yet still have a youthful hairline should have electrolysis done and remove a few inches from their hairline as they grow cause otherwise their hairline won't look natural? again, nonsense!


like I said Lorenzo is great for filling in but not a total restoration cause he won't restore a patient back to a youthful hairline.


a member just commented on how Lorenzo turned him down cause he wanted to be too "Conservative" and thought his hairline was low enough yet Demsroy offered to actually LOWER his hairline.

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Ok busa, not gonna disagree or agree with what your saying ATM but can you please show us a link to there result as so far it is all talk! The proof is in the results so show us?!? As ko has already give us a link to dr lorenzos results which look good to me. SHOW US THE RESULTS AND STOP JUST TALKING ABOUT THEM THANKYOU.

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