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how many grafts do i need? and is it possible to only spend $5000?

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Well im losing my crown, im 31, here are 3 pictures, i dont wanna scar on the back of my head so id rather do FUE but i doubt $5000 will cover it...im in New Jersey...


how many do you think i need? any opinions?




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You can definitely have a HT done for less than $5,000. You only need the crown worked on, not your hairline yes? I had to have my hairline and crown areas done and my procedure was a little over $5,000. I'm in California, which I'm sure is more expensive? I hope that you can find a surgeon there that can give you a reasonable price.

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Some people have regrown their crowns with similar loss to yourself, but ideally you have tobe prepared to give it at least 12, if not 18 months to see if it works for you. If you get any sides, you can just stop and they will go away.


If you are confident that you hair loss has stabilised, and your crown won't continue to expand, then go for it; I guess you would be looking at around 2500 grafts, maybe a bit more. Don't think you will get that many grafts for 5k in the States though? In terms of value for money, your best bet is one of the recommended doctors here from India or Turkey and get some FUE done.

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  • Senior Member

I agree with FUE2014 on this one. You can get the transplant you need and can afford in Turkey,

Please look at this networks recommended list.

Be careful when choosing as recreating a crown is a art in itself. Also it may be better to have a conservative amount of grafts - as the crown is known as the black hole of grafts.

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Course you dont have to fly - but it is a good option. The crowns whorl pattern is different to recreate than the rest of the head.

Its very easy to put in a lot of grafts to the crown and then keep chasing future loss. For example i had approx 2000 grafts in that area alone.

Its just important to still have enough grafts to do the rest of the head if needed in the future.

Most people have approx 6-9000 grafts that they are able to use.

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The crown is known as the black hole because of the surface area is flatter and it therefore requires more grafts to get a full look. That said an improvement could be made with 1500 grafts with the right placement. You will still have scalp visible but a much fuller look could be possible.


The problem with transplanting into a crown when your loss is not stable is that of course you will loose more hair and potentially have an isolated transplanted area. Further sessions will be required to chase your loss, some people are OK with that but donor hair is a finite resource and what happens if the front goes?


That is why Doctors in general are conservative with the numbers when placing grafts just into the crown. Best advice as others has said is to get on Propecia even at a low dosage of 1mg every other day you might get some regrowth in this area. You will need to be on it at least 6 months to 1 year to fully assess. If you are stable you will find that Doctors are more likely to place more grafts in the area and if you are lucky enough to get some regrowth you may not need any work or a reduced number of grafts as a result.


That may then work better with your budget.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I agree with David (Garageland).


The top ethical docs would refuse to operate on you as the whole process would be counterproductive. The likelihood is you will spend 7-10G, the grafts will shock out weaker hairs, you will be back to square one and be classed as a 'disappointed patient'.


If you are having to shop around as well it sounds to me that you would struggle to chase the loss as it progresses.


As difficult as it is to accept, the likelihood is that the balding crown is going to do only one thing: expand.


The best thing to do is to try the finasteride. You might even be lucky and regrow some hair and save yourself the 5G...

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Regular Member

Wow making it sound real bleak... Making it sound like if someone has a balding crown there's no transplant that will work for them.... Looks like I'm in trouble if Propecia don't work

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  • Senior Member

If you can stabalise your loss then theres no reason why you shouldnt get a Transplant for your crown. there have been similer crown hair transplants to yours on here. Have a search through this forum and it will give you a idea of what is possible.

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  • Senior Member

I got an FUT. Dr. Meshkin does good work. He is able to make a large area look dense and full even with using a smaller amount of grafts for a reasonable price. He rebuilt my hairline and filled in my crown area. That was 3 weeks ago, but it looks great so far.

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  • Senior Member

Well if you don't wanna get on Fin, you can try Minoxidil!

But yes like everyone said, medicines need at-least a year

so patience is the key!


My advice- Please be on Fin and Minox, If you lucky enough you may experience regrowth, as crown is the key area where medicines are highly effective!

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