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Back to work soon after transplant -- is it just inevitable that everyone will know?

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Hey guys, long story short...I was about a Norwood III-IV & had ~3000 grafts (mostly on crown). I took a few weeks off week (almost 3 weeks) and will be going back next week. Most of the scabs have fallen off but there's obviously still hairs sticking out in the implanted area, so the hairline does look lower.


I was under the assumption that when the scabs fell off, so will the hairs, but it looks like it's not completely the case. Now I normally wear my hair short anyway, but my question is, should I just resign myself to the fact that people will know?


I mean, I don't care if they find out when it starts growing, and I definitely don't regret having it done, it's just...not sure how to describe this, I just don't want to bring attention to it. I'm typically a shy, reserved person so the attention will bother me for sure.


Is it inevitable? I was thinking of buzzing everything down really short (to match the newly implanted hair sizes), but that's not really going to help considering the scar in the back.


What do you think?

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yeh they will notice, as it will still be red. Maybe just be honest, don't think you can get away with saying it's sunburn, or any other porkys..


How about a hat and say you had an op that means you gotta cover your head?

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  • Senior Member

I wouldn't be too worried about it. People will know something is going on but after you tell them you had 3000 grafts in your crown , they will most likely leave you alone.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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Honestly now that I think about it, I might just say it was rogaine and mention that "oh my god, it's working, see those little sprouts of hair!"; that may also explain the redness.


I think they'll buy it.







I hope

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That's going to be hard to hide but yes, go as short as you can without revealing the scar.


You should be proud of having the balls to go through with it and don't let people knowing phase you. Pretty much every other guy you come across probably has hang ups about their own hair and will not mention anything.


If anyone does overstep the mark you can just ask them: "What are you going to do when you lose your hair?" Then point out their receded temples etc..

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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I was the same as you ridge after my first procedure, i didnt look normal till after about 4 months, nothing you can do but hold your head up high and ride it out, be proud that you have done something about your hairloss and that as each day passes your situation will improve


i didnt bother shaving down close, i just rocked a crusty the clown look for months and stared down any sons of bi**ches that looked at me, i think i either scared or embarrassed anyone i met cause no one mentioned a thing to me lol

4510 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2012


2350 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2013


HT 1:Total Grafts 4510: Singles 715, Doubles 2123, Triples 1369, Quads 303 ( 10,280 Hairs )


HT 2:Total Grafts 2352: Singles 350, Doubles 1601, Triples 401, ( 4,755 Hairs )

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Thanks for the advice guys, I'll let you know how it goes after the first week or two.


Quick question, the little implanted hairs. I was under the assumption that they were suppose to fall out then regrow after 3-4 months. If that's the case, why are they still there? Do they stay the same size?


Just a question that really didn't come to mind immediately after the transplant, so didn't ask my doc.

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Its a tough time and all us high norwoods have been there. The best you can do is take the sides and back as short as you can depending on the scar. You should follow your docs advice and get the scabs off, each clinic has different instructions for this. Ask your clinic about vitamin e oil to help loosen the scabs or aloe vera gel to take away some of the redness from the hairline. A little foundation make up can work wonders in covering the redness.


I am confused by your photos as it looks like all the grafts were placed in the front not the crown as you said. This should be the case as they are best served up front.


Good luck with your return to work.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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3 weeks is not long enough to conceal much. I agree that a short buzz that does not reveal a scar is the best option. Continue to ice and keep the redness down. Also you could where a hat and go outside and purposely burn the rest of your face so that it all looks like a sunburn. Drastic, but an option I suppose.


BTW looking at the pictures it looks like you had frontal work, not crown work. In the end I wouldn't worry about it too much. I have always treated HTs as one of those things that I wouldn't lie about if asked, but I wouldn't be one of those annoying guys who broadcast it to the heavens. Be discreet, but honest.

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You're right guys I meant frontal, not crown. I also appreciate our advice. I'll see if I could buzz it down a bit without revealing the scar.


If they do find out, oh well, it'll probably be forgotten about in a few weeks.

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