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Am I a good candidate? (pics)


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My hair has been receding and thinning for a while now ??“ getting to the point that I need to make a decision soon which route to go down. One short term solution would be to to go for a hair transplant just to fill the temples ??“ so my hairline is restored. The idea would be that this would last me at least a few years, until the crown etc starts to go..


Was hoping that by looking at the attached pics, if you guys could tell me whether I would be a good candidate for this procedure? I'd also like to add that for various personal reasons ??“ procepia is a no go for me at the moment - so would the shock loss be great for this small HT?


Thanks in advance!


(Obviously I will be going for professional consults soon, just wanted to use this as a starting point..)



Pic 1 - http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/3072/hair1a.jpg (receding shown)

Pic 2 - http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/9129/hair2d.jpg (receding shown)

Pic 3 - http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/193/hair3.jpg (receding shown)

Poc 4 - http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/7750/hair4m.jpg (styled)

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  • Senior Member

First and foremost question: How old are you?


The last pic (the styled one) does a good job of covering the receding hairline. If you are young and can manage to style your hair that way, you can go for a few years without a HT till your hair loss is mature enough (assuming you are below 30 now).

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  • Senior Member

u are very misinformed valiant. dont get a ht unless u take propecia, whats the point u will just continue to lose more hair. and dont 'fill in the temples' so it looks good 'for a few yrs'. ht's are life long decisions and should last and be planned as such. im guessing u are very young, you really need to consult a reputable ht clinic like hasson and wong or smg.

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Why I say last me a few years, is because if there is no permanent solution to hair loss in the coming years I will be opting for a hair system.


However I would like to delay this inevitability for as long as possible and there is also the possibility that my hair loss will not progress any further - meaning perhaps an extra HT will suffice!


I am 25 by the way..

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  • Regular Member

Hey Valiant!


I had the same hair loss pattern at your age. Am 31 now and I finally got a HT done. No one can predict the hair loss pattern as one ages so one has to be prepared for the worst.


With the help of concealers like Dermatch and Toppik you can conceal the hairloss. You cd also try medications like Propecia and Minox but they are more effective with the crown region and the midscalp compared to hairloss centered around the hairline and the temples.

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Thanks for all your replies!


My reservations regarding procepia concern the sides and my personal circumstances (trying for children), minox may be an option though. Oh and thanks Mav, found your photos particularly interesting...

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I see this time and time again on these boards, it's like a revolving door. When a guy is 20-25 and still has enough hair so as not to lose the facial framing and appear non-balding, it is EASY for him to dismiss propecia. Then you see the eratic and crazy posts from guys who hate themselves because they were too stubborn (or stupid) to get on it when they still had a chance.


Had propecia been available when I was in my early 20s, I might very well still be a NW 2/3 instead of a NW4.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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My two cents? Wait until your 30s. It's really not bad at all right now, and who knows what technology jumps might occur in the meantime.


Definitely get on Propecia, although I recommend Finasteride because it is much cheaper. There is a very low chance you will have any side effects at all.


A good place to order Finasteride for very cheap is www.canadadrugs.com


Best of luck amigo!


Panama Jimmy

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As others have stated, due to your low level of recession (at this point), and age, it probably would be a good idea to seriously consider medication. You can always undergo a transplant in the future.


Did you say you were thinking about consulting a physician? I think this is a good idea as well.


Good luck, and keep us updated!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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