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Looking for the best surgeon for me


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Hi guys I'm new on here and have been reading all other peoples stories on here, so I thought I'd give my story out there and see what help I can get. I started losing my hair at the age of 21 I'm now 36 it's been a slow process but I am now between a Norwood 4 & 5 I guess. I've tried a few treatments over the years including laser and herbal tablet none of which made a major difference I guess it slowed things down a little. I started taking finasteride about 11 months ago and I'm hoping this has stabilised things a little.

So just recently I decided into doing a lot of research into getting a transplant and after a lot of reading up I've narrowed it down to three choices dr feller, dr rahal or h&w. I have spoken to spex for dr feller, chad for rahal and David for h&w all three of them have been really helpful. The outcome was from the doctors after looking at my pics dr feller said 3500-4000 fut with a follow up procedure for more work on the crown. Dr rahal 4000+ fut with the hope of one procedure for now. And h&w 5000+ with the hope of one procedure being enough for now. I will attach my photos and would appreciate any comment regarding the surgeons and the amounts of grafts needed thanks in advance guys.

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I think it is hard to beat H and W for a 5000 graft case. Without photos, I would say H and W. Dr. Rahal has shown some really nice large cases as well. I have not seen a lot from Dr. Feller lately in the form of large procedures, so I can't really comment on that. I know that Chrisdav was very satisfied with his procedure.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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My photos are on my profile page on a title saying before any work done not sure how to put them on here direct yet please let me know if you can see them on there or even better how to move them across cheers guys

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  • Regular Member

PMA.. I personally would not go for such a high count.. better to do it twice or three times..


instead of one shot.. yeah it will take longer.. but I think your graft survival count should be higher..


Whoever, will do the first session you will see the result you will get with 1/2 the grafts.. if for whatever reason you are not satisfied you can go elsewhere.. just my .2 cents. ;)

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I'm going to differ with Spanker a little bit here in evaluating your situation. First, you have some hair….which is good, but have you been specifically classified (norwood) by any of the doctors? The reason I ask is that it looks as though you have a large crown area with no hair and the "drop" in the crown as well. You may be closer to a pattern of 6. Density and laxity are almost impossible to evaluate via online consultations….in fact, it's tough to evaluate them with in-person consultations until the doctor actually takes the strip. You can tell if your scalp is tight and can evaluate what the density appears to be…but you never really know until the day of the surgery. Spanker is right in the fact that H & W does some great work with large cases. However, You need to determine what your expectations are and how many surgeries you can expect. In my opinion 5000 grafts is not going to give you a head of hair……also, from appearances, you it doesn't look as though your density is strong enough (glance from afar to provide 5000 grafts. Also….5000 grafts would give you the appearance of decent density throughout the hairline and mid scalp and may begin to shrink the crown, but you would definitely need additional surgeries if you wanted the appearance of coverage on your crown. Not sure where you reside, but you look like a 3500 graft case to me (although I'm definitely no doctor) with the expectation of a good appearance with hairline and mid scalp. Crown will have to wait or you just decide it's not that important….which seems very logical to me. In addition, I would highly recommend a conversation with Konior. He's a wizard at case sizes like this. You'r limitation to me is going to be donor……In my opinion, Konior can put together the best long term plan for your donor availability and surgical expectations.


Good luck…..you're doing great research.

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4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member

Thanks guys all your points make sense. I suppose I'm just trying to get as much done in one hit and as it's worked back to the crown I don't mind the density getting less but like you say an online assessment is almost impossible to work out how many grafts are possible. The main reason I would lean to h&w is they

seem to get larger numbers very regular is that because they go for a longer strip?

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After looking at your photos I would say that you are a NW5, headed to a NW6 and I would not expect to maintain the hair that is midscalp and frontal 3rd for life. I do think that an in person consult would be your best bet, but out of the 3 that you mentioned, I would still go with H and W. I agree with RG that you will want to be careful with how many you put in the crown. Your donor area looks dense from a distance in the save zone, so you may be able to get 5k plus, but like he said, you won't know, at least until an in person. It also looks like you have course hair (again, distant photos) so you make be able to get a really excellent result in one shot. Doctors can examine you and get pretty close to how many you have available before cutting you open, But I don't see anything in the photos to make me think that you could not get that many. That said, with where you hair is not, I feel that will definitely need future work when the rest of your midscalp goes (could be years from now) so you should be thinking and saving grafts for at least one more procedure in the future, so you will need to keep that in mind when planning with your doctor.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member
Hey matt looks kinda similar to me I would absolutely love result for me.


I thought that too, although I would like the hairline ever so slightly lower. In your case that would be at the lowest point on your forehead that you still currently have hair.


If you opted for that it may of course mean going back again to add a bit more to the crown area.


I'm with Spanker on your donor qualities.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member

Great feedback spanker and matt much appreciated. Matt just showed those pictures to my wife and she thought is was my pics very odd maybe just tell h&w I want this result please!!! If only it was that easy.

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  • Regular Member

I agree….the result 1978 Matt posted would be great. And from my understanding, he's a "hair nerd" and is very educated on hair replacement. However, although you appear to be similar in pattern, there are several other factors that affect your result and whether your end result would appear similar.


To your point above….H&W (and I say this as an opinion and from what I've hear 2nd hand) will push the limits in a couple of areas….shape and length of donor area are the primary ways. Also, occasionally a doctor will try for a wider strip…but from my understanding that is very dangerous and there are risks associated with it that outweigh the benefits. There are "safe zones" considered for donor. Your safe zone appears as though it might hamper your donor a little.


One other point…..Spanker and 1978Matt are two of the most educated guys (when it comes to hair replacement….and I'm sure other areas as well) on this site. They both chose Konior after consultations. I chose him as well. After speaking with Konior, there's a reason you choose him. After having surgery and seeing the commitment from his staff, there's are reasons you're grateful for your decision. I will also say this about Konior……..his responsiveness to questions via email is unparalleled. Nobody in this industry follows up like he does and that means a lot. I'm not saying he's your solution, but I am recommending you have a conversation with him. Then consider all your options.

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