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My pictures before HT with Dr Humayun


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HT date 26.01.2009


Dr Humayum Mohmand ( Islamabad, Pakistan)


965105541_43A960C49838FB212D61E3B1D9A72B09.JPG.thumb 865105541_4E367FA42809DA35BC33D68EBE39EC19.JPG.thumb 765105541_78E7D933F1DB358479F93C59ECEEF4D8.JPG.thumb 665105541_9AC6E647C5B2B0FA58EC04942238E671.JPG.thumb 475105541_732BF69D42B275B817ED9BFBC5841573.JPG.thumb 375105541_AE1409C6A2A190F7785470069D748525.JPG.thumb 275105541_082716D179AB77899304D1A4FCCD5BAF.JPG.thumb 175105541_689CD66B2421252823337AB4C048A266.JPG.thumb



1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) Sept 1996




1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) February 1998




2475 grafts FUT Dr Mohammed Humayun Mohmand (Pakistan)


27th January 2009




3550 Total Grafts (3000 rear donor area & 400 from beard and 150 breast area) FUE & PRP Treatment with Dr Emrah Cinik (ISHRS), Istanbul, Turkey. 10th October 2017




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dakota any comments on this one???


Ammars27, something tells me that you won't be stopping at 3rd one dude. that was a huge area to tackle. how old are you? kudos to Dr. M for taking you in! HM would be the only salvation for you my friend.



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Well I was not expecting miricles! but I needed to tidy up the front, have had alot of hair loss in past 12 years since my last HT, which you can see is like and islnd in the middle icon_smile.gif so thought I do 1 more, as long as it look more natural I well be happy as i know I will never get a full head of hair again, I will post some more pics on the 26th Feb which will be 1 month from operation so will give you guys a good idea on what Doctor Humayun tackled, I know its an ocean to cover, but some hair land is better then none!!

1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) Sept 1996




1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) February 1998




2475 grafts FUT Dr Mohammed Humayun Mohmand (Pakistan)


27th January 2009




3550 Total Grafts (3000 rear donor area & 400 from beard and 150 breast area) FUE & PRP Treatment with Dr Emrah Cinik (ISHRS), Istanbul, Turkey. 10th October 2017




My Blog & Hair loss website story:



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I am now 38 and this was my 3rd surgery, by the way what is a HM?

1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) Sept 1996




1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) February 1998




2475 grafts FUT Dr Mohammed Humayun Mohmand (Pakistan)


27th January 2009




3550 Total Grafts (3000 rear donor area & 400 from beard and 150 breast area) FUE & PRP Treatment with Dr Emrah Cinik (ISHRS), Istanbul, Turkey. 10th October 2017




My Blog & Hair loss website story:



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PK Thanks, but actually I be happy with what ever hair I can get with a tranplant rarther then having no hair, If I did not do this last HT my hair was looking worst as I have lost alot of hair in past 12 years, so needed to fill in the patches of no hair at the front to achieve a good look on hairline and from front, I can live with no hair at back!

1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) Sept 1996




1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) February 1998




2475 grafts FUT Dr Mohammed Humayun Mohmand (Pakistan)


27th January 2009




3550 Total Grafts (3000 rear donor area & 400 from beard and 150 breast area) FUE & PRP Treatment with Dr Emrah Cinik (ISHRS), Istanbul, Turkey. 10th October 2017




My Blog & Hair loss website story:



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I understand any hair is better then no hair. keep us posted and we all suffer hair loss, some in 4 and some 12 years. I wish you the best!

Originally posted by Ammars27:

PK Thanks, but actually I be happy with what ever hair I can get with a tranplant rarther then having no hair, If I did not do this last HT my hair was looking worst as I have lost alot of hair in past 12 years, so needed to fill in the patches of no hair at the front to achieve a good look on hairline and from front, I can live with no hair at back!

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Originally posted by Ammars27:

PK Thanks, but actually I be happy with what ever hair I can get with a tranplant rarther then having no hair, If I did not do this last HT my hair was looking worst as I have lost alot of hair in past 12 years, so needed to fill in the patches of no hair at the front to achieve a good look on hairline and from front, I can live with no hair at back!



Hope it goes well for you. I think looking at your pics and ith another H/T things will look much better.


I was contemplating another H/T myself with DR,H Just waiting for a reply from him via email.

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dakota any comments on this one???


YES!!!! Im sorry, but GQ is right the only hope you have at achieving a cosmeticaly pleasing result is HM. \


IMHO your best bet right now is NOT to try to add density to the existing area of coverege but instead to connect the "Island to the mainland" on the sides above the ears and work your way back. That atleast will give it a more natural appearence.

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BTW it seems if Dr. Mohmand had any ethics he would turn away some of the more "hopeless" patients. I would hope that if I was a full fledged NW7 with a virgin scalp that a Doc would have enough ?decensey? to enlighten me on the fact that It would only make things worse to have a HT

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  • Regular Member

These days even a NW7 has a chance for improvement.


Check out these NW7s helped by Dr. Beehner ...



Or this NW7 helped by Hasson & Wong ...



Then there are a very few docs (like Dr. Harris and Dr. Umar perhaps) that can use body hair (probably as filler) as an additional donor area in cases of last resort.


Not what a NW6 would find acceptable BUT for a NW7 to have a natural appearing hair restoration that removes the harshness of a slick bald dome .... it's a welcome improvement. Just ask them!

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Dear Dakota


The only people with type VII I would touch is if

1) They understand the true limitations of hair transplant surgery.

2) Donor area can donate atleast 4000 to 5000 Grafts so that I can do two sessions.

3) They are not asking for density but rather some coverage


Haing sad that, All most 70% of people with type III and IV at age of 27 to 30 will be Type VII by 45 to 50 yrs. So from your point of view one will not do any surgrey for them.

Second, If the person is willing to have a surgery knowing all the above limitations etc and understanding the concepts of surgery is still willing to have a surgery done. I will do the surgery, cause they have as much desire to have a HT as any one of us.

I do say no to lot of people but I would use my judgements which are based on my experience and technique.

You cannot impose your personal liking on other people, I appreciate your concern but I do not agree with your concepts of ethics etc.


By helping Type VII n VI I do not become unethical. They look natural and yes they do accept some bald patch on back (crown).


Not many people will take those challanges as I know how difficult they are.


If you cant appreciate the result, atleast have a second openion of a Doctor about the result and whether it is ethical or not.


Having a disagreement is one thing labelling some one unethical or judging his character is another thing.


But thank you for your comments.



I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Just like SC has said


they actually are the most grateful of all the clients. For them having some/few hairs on top is more appealing than nothing.


We are here to improve not to do full coverage and as dense as they were before.



I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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I must agree with the doctor here because he did explain fully that the rear will still remain bald and at the front by filling in around the island would give a more natural look, that is what i wanted, at my age it would look silly to go back to full head of hair even if it was possible when people knew i lost my hair, plus it would not look natural due to density, I asked the doctor to fill in the gaps and thats what he did at my choice, i feel more confident as when i look in the mirror it will look like i have some hair rather then none!i dont mind baldness at back but at least there is some hair on top and now with almost 6000 grafts i shall have a decent top coverage.

1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) Sept 1996




1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) February 1998




2475 grafts FUT Dr Mohammed Humayun Mohmand (Pakistan)


27th January 2009




3550 Total Grafts (3000 rear donor area & 400 from beard and 150 breast area) FUE & PRP Treatment with Dr Emrah Cinik (ISHRS), Istanbul, Turkey. 10th October 2017




My Blog & Hair loss website story:



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Haing sad that, All most 70% of people with type III and IV at age of 27 to 30 will be Type VII by 45 to 50 yrs. So from your point of view one will not do any surgrey for them


Do you this as fact? This would be quite alarming!!!!

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my understanding and according to what i've read on this site, is that the majority of ppl do not reach the norwood 7 stage. is this not correct? i'm worried now...

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Haing sad that, All most 70% of people with type III and IV at age of 27 to 30 will be Type VII by 45 to 50 yrs. So from your point of view one will not do any surgrey for them


like someone already mentioned earlier in another thread that this statement is outdated since fin + minox use became widely popular and widely known.


i believe that's the case as well!


my father is NW7 (was 7 @ 35) and i started experiencing rapid hairloss 6 years ago @ 22y. started on meds and all stabilized now @ NW2.5. for how long? i hope for long long time! if you know the answer on how long it will stay stabile like that, i'll give you your $64.

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oh yeah forgot to mention that Nizoral 2% alone halted the process for a long time!!!

i started fin/minox combo on a regular basis just over a year ago.


2 years ago started only minox but not seriously (few days go by without applying etc.).


tell you what, since the regular combo use i changed from NW3.5 to NW2.5 and i'm still there believe it or not. i got no pics to prove it but believe me i'm happy what the "combo" has done for me and greateful forever what Nizoral 2% did at the very beginning!


let's just hope it stays that way for a loooooong time. knock on wood.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Ammars 27

I know how you feel. I'm young and already a NW6 and I know the feeling of wanting some hair. At the end of the day the result that you will get will be better than the one you have now so who cares what anyone says. Do what makes you happy buddy. Everyone is entitled to take a chance once in a while. Good luck.

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icon_smile.gif thanks take a chance

1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) Sept 1996




1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) February 1998




2475 grafts FUT Dr Mohammed Humayun Mohmand (Pakistan)


27th January 2009




3550 Total Grafts (3000 rear donor area & 400 from beard and 150 breast area) FUE & PRP Treatment with Dr Emrah Cinik (ISHRS), Istanbul, Turkey. 10th October 2017




My Blog & Hair loss website story:



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Originally posted by SouthCarolina:

These days even a NW7 has a chance for improvement.


Check out these NW7s helped by Dr. Beehner ...



Or this NW7 helped by Hasson & Wong ...




If I knew I was going to end up looking like those NW 7 after pics I would not have had the HT. I think most younger guys are better off shaving their heads rather than doing a combover/combback with a small amount of hair. If I did do the HT I would have definately insisted that it be done differently than they did on me.


Sometimes I see repair pictures and think there's hope for me to get some improvement. Other times I see what other NW 7s have gotten and I already have more hair on top than many of them and then I just don't know if it's worth getting my hopes up.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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I still say I'd rarther have some hair then none! that's my personal choice, I do not like a bald head, it would not suit my lifestyle or job! I feel as long as there is hair at the front and your front appearence looks good, i dont mind having bald back.

1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) Sept 1996




1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) February 1998




2475 grafts FUT Dr Mohammed Humayun Mohmand (Pakistan)


27th January 2009




3550 Total Grafts (3000 rear donor area & 400 from beard and 150 breast area) FUE & PRP Treatment with Dr Emrah Cinik (ISHRS), Istanbul, Turkey. 10th October 2017




My Blog & Hair loss website story:



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  • 5 months later...
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Guy's if you are interested I have updated my Blog with a couple of pictures

1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) Sept 1996




1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) February 1998




2475 grafts FUT Dr Mohammed Humayun Mohmand (Pakistan)


27th January 2009




3550 Total Grafts (3000 rear donor area & 400 from beard and 150 breast area) FUE & PRP Treatment with Dr Emrah Cinik (ISHRS), Istanbul, Turkey. 10th October 2017




My Blog & Hair loss website story:



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