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Scar Repair FUE Dr Jose Lorenzo Farjo


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Lol Spanker !


I know beards are very vogue at this time ...... but once I grew mine I found that there was alot more grey in there than I ever expected !


I dont know maybe next month when I have to grow it again for a couple of days I may see how it looks with a little trimming ..... I could have a whole new image after all these procedures !


Take good care ....


Pepe ...

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Hi Guys ......


For those that I have messaged in the past and knew that I was going for a second procedure in July, I am just updating the most recent proceedings.


I journeyed over to the Farjo clinic last week to have my second procedure performed by Dr Lorenzo. The main purpose of which was to assess how my scars were looking and fill in the top/crown of my head.


Back in March 2014 I had 3000 FUE grafts to help with fixing my scars and placing hairs into my smooth crown and top sides. The retention of those grafts were very good and the growth rate was also very encouraging.


Anyway, this recent visit to the clinic allowed me to see the progression of my scars - as there was always the chance that a few more may be needed dependent on my retention from the first procedure. I have to say that I was pleased with the results and the decision was made to only place a moderate amount of beard grafts into the scars. Bearing in mind that after 4 months only around 40% of grafted hair is usually visible then it was pleasing to see that they were coming along nicely.


So, the majority of work was done on filling the top and crown area of my head with grafts totalling 3000 FUE grafts.


I had visited the clinic a week prior to my surgery and Dr Lorenzo took some shots with my 4 month results prior to any shaving but as yet they have not been passed on to me. So, I am attaching what I have at this time and am keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well after my second procedure and I can get to fulfill my lifelong ambition of having a buzz cut which wont scare the neighbours .....


I will update as I go along ..... but if you notice that there is some longer hair in my pictures from the second procedure - well that was left cut down with scissors as it is growth from my March procedure which is not to be buzzed until the 5 month mark.




Pepe .....




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Any photos of the scar after the first surgery with lorenzo but before the extraction process of the 2nd surgery? Looking very promising.

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Hi Mickey .....


I dont have any pictures as yet as Dr Lorenzo pops them along when he gets the chance. I only have pictures of them after two months of hair growth which does not show an awful lot - but I did see hairs growing in the scars under the microscope thingy during that consultation at 2 months.


I will wait and see what photos arrive, but it may be a little early to be sent any as I only left the clinic last Friday. I will update as things become available ....


Pepe ....

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4 month post op:



Jose Antonio

ICC-Injertocapilar.com-Dr. Lorenzo, Dra Vila.


- I work in ICC-Spain human resources, I’m not a sales rep/patient liaison.

- For information, valuations and budget:

coordinadorpacientes@injertocapilar.com(Spain); Mick@farjo.com (MCR)


- New Vimeo Website: https://vimeo.com/user23345553/videos

- New Youtube Website:https://www.youtube.com/shubbapahte

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/injerto.capilar

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Injertocapilar


Dr. Jose Lorenzo is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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COMP 4 months:



Jose Antonio

ICC-Injertocapilar.com-Dr. Lorenzo, Dra Vila.


- I work in ICC-Spain human resources, I’m not a sales rep/patient liaison.

- For information, valuations and budget:

coordinadorpacientes@injertocapilar.com(Spain); Mick@farjo.com (MCR)


- New Vimeo Website: https://vimeo.com/user23345553/videos

- New Youtube Website:https://www.youtube.com/shubbapahte

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/injerto.capilar

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Injertocapilar


Dr. Jose Lorenzo is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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4 months scars:



Jose Antonio

ICC-Injertocapilar.com-Dr. Lorenzo, Dra Vila.


- I work in ICC-Spain human resources, I’m not a sales rep/patient liaison.

- For information, valuations and budget:

coordinadorpacientes@injertocapilar.com(Spain); Mick@farjo.com (MCR)


- New Vimeo Website: https://vimeo.com/user23345553/videos

- New Youtube Website:https://www.youtube.com/shubbapahte

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/injerto.capilar

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Injertocapilar


Dr. Jose Lorenzo is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Hi Mickey ....


Thank you for your kind words ......


My goal is to be able to wear a short haircut which would be about 1 cm in length and the scars are looking better after 5 days of hair growth - since my procedure last week. I think that at 10 days growth my hair will be at the length I would like to wear it and break up the scars nicely.


The pictures which Dr Lorenzo kindly uploaded show the scars buzzed to the limit and we are still at the very early stage of knowing what any final results may look like. At 4 months there may be only 40% of grafted hair showing in the scars or there may be more, it is a little too early to tell. Anyway, we popped a few more grafts in last week and now it will be a waiting game to see how things progress.


I will upload pictures again at the 10 day mark and see how I am looking close to the length I would really like my hair for the long term. Below are pictures at the 5 day mark .....


Kind regards to all who have posted here ....


Pepe .....




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Thanks hairweare ....


I am excited to see the final result and the months just need to go by. My next buzz will be at Xmas when I can safely hit it with a trimmer and hopefully I will have 9 months behind me for the first procedure into the grafts and 5 months for the extras we put in last week.


Thanks for writing and I hope all is well in your world ....


Kind regards


Pepe .....

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2nd procedure: 3003 grafts



Jose Antonio

ICC-Injertocapilar.com-Dr. Lorenzo, Dra Vila.


- I work in ICC-Spain human resources, I’m not a sales rep/patient liaison.

- For information, valuations and budget:

coordinadorpacientes@injertocapilar.com(Spain); Mick@farjo.com (MCR)


- New Vimeo Website: https://vimeo.com/user23345553/videos

- New Youtube Website:https://www.youtube.com/shubbapahte

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/injerto.capilar

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Injertocapilar


Dr. Jose Lorenzo is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Hi Guys .....


I am just giving another update on my progress at the 10 day mark after having my second procedure. I am probably at that stage where not much will happen for a while and so this update may be the last for a while.


The redness seems to have subsided in the grafted region and there is very little itching (or I am becoming immune to it) and I am very pleased with the beard area. There are no red marks and I cannot tell where the grafts came from - so that has healed really well/


I shaved 8 days after surgery and was very relieved to get the whiskers off as they were the itchiest part of my whole head. So, now I am in the wait and see stage and see if I have much shedding and then the long haul of awaiting the final results many months ahead.


Many thanks to all who have had an interest in my progress and many thanks to Dr Lorenzo for his great work. Those that I have shown my scars are amazed at the transformation thus far.


Kind regards .....


Pepe .....





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Thanks densedream .....


That is very kind of you to take the time to write ..... and I am excited to see what happens as time goes by. There are still 2010 or so grafts in my hairs yet to come through after my recent surgery and my fingers are crossed that all goes well..


I will be wearing my hair a tad longer than the 10 day post op pics but still very short. I am way past the comb overs, camoflauge techniques etc. and just want a simple life in my advanced 46 years of age. I had new growth coming through just at the 4 month mark too in the scalp region as I could feel the stubble so we shall see what the waiting game brings.


Many thanks and kind regards ....


Pepe ....

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  • Senior Member

Looking forward to seeing this one pan out. Should be a big change to your appearance!

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Thanks Matt ....


Time cannot pass quick enough but I have carried these scars for 15 years so another 6 - 12 months is bearable 8-)


I think as we get older we become less self conscious ..... but my fingers are firmly crossed !


I will update at 5 months as I will not have a cut in between - then buzz it down and see how things are looking.


Thanks for writing ....


Pepe ....

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wow pepe, you have been through a lot with the curse that is MPB!


you have come on a tonne from that first procedure with dr lorenzo, amazing what can be done with modern HT techniques in the hands of a talented doc, it was criminal what those other butchers done to you, you should rock a nice buzz cut at xmas, fingers crossed for you , good luck pal

4510 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2012


2350 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2013


HT 1:Total Grafts 4510: Singles 715, Doubles 2123, Triples 1369, Quads 303 ( 10,280 Hairs )


HT 2:Total Grafts 2352: Singles 350, Doubles 1601, Triples 401, ( 4,755 Hairs )

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Hey Thanks Cueball ......


That is kind of you to write ..... it certainly has been a long time since I felt optimistic about my future. I put my faith in Dr Lorenzo and feel confident he has done his best with what he had to work with.


I am just hoping and preying that my survival rate is good as I like my look at the moment when I look in the mirror (for a change) ....... it would make a big difference to my life.


Swimming with my 7 year old boy would be a great start .....



Thanks for writing and take care ....


Pepe ....

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From one repair patient to another who also went to Norton (twice in my case) I wish you the best with this latest session. As others have commented the improvement from the first session into the scars at 4 months looks very promising. I really hope you get your goal of being able to wear your hair short to 1cm as I can understand what that will mean to you.


Please do keep the forum posted on your case as it is very interesting and I am sure inspiring to others in similar situations.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Hi Garageland ....


Thank you for the comments and yes it is a shame that things did not go that well with the Norton Clinic. It was about 15 years ago now and we make decisions based on what we think at the time.


Hopefully, Dr Lorenzo has me back on the right track and I was thinking only this morning (pre-shedding) that if the final result can look like id does at the moment then I will be more than happy.


Survival rate is an issue and hopefully this wont be too much of a factor in the months to come ... fingers crossed!


I will update as I go along and when there is something new to show ....


Thank you for writing and I do hope that your hair is as you would like it to be .... it certainly looks good in the avatar ....


Kind Regards ...


Pepe ....

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I went to Norton in 1996/7 all you could do back then was trust in the Doctor and the rep it was impossible to know about unhappy patients as there was no platform like this forum for people to voice their concerns. Looking back I was totally naive and had no idea of what to expect.


Yes I made peace with my hair after my repair in 2006 and my recent surgery has got me to where I want to be.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Good man Garageland ....


I hope to be where you are in about 8 - 12 months time and totally at peace with the world of hair.


I looked through your profile photos and you have a really excellent result and I can see why you are so happy. It is a shame on the choices we made but like you say it was what was available at the time and we had little to go on. If we both come out the other side happy then that will be great.


I will periodically provide picture updates and try not to wish the time away ...


Take good care ....


Pepe .....

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Good man Garageland ....


I hope to be where you are in about 8 - 12 months time and totally at peace with the world of hair.


I looked through your profile photos and you have a really excellent result and I can see why you are so happy. It is a shame on the choices we made but like you say it was what was available at the time and we had little to go on. If we both come out the other side happy then that will be great.


I will periodically provide picture updates and try not to wish the time away ...


Take good care ....


Pepe .....

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  • 2 months later...
  • Senior Member
Good man Garageland ....


I hope to be where you are in about 8 - 12 months time and totally at peace with the world of hair.


I looked through your profile photos and you have a really excellent result and I can see why you are so happy. It is a shame on the choices we made but like you say it was what was available at the time and we had little to go on. If we both come out the other side happy then that will be great.


I will periodically provide picture updates and try not to wish the time away ...


Take good care ....


Pepe .....


Any Update?

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