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Walking up stairs on same day of hair transplant

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This may sound like a funny question but I was just wondering, as one should take it as easy as possible immediately after a hair transplant to avoid any damage to the grafts.


But would it be ok to walk up two flights of stairs on the same day of transplant? I'm thinking about when I arrive home after my ht. Obviously, I would walk up slowly and I would try to stay upstairs for the first few days as my scalp heals.

Edited by TonyB
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  • Senior Member

Its fine, just don't bend over and try to keep your head elevated above your heart when sleeping. Using a travel pillow is excellent for this.

4066 FUE Grafts with Dr Bhatti, India 9&10 Jan 2014


For my pics and thread click the link:http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/173658-4066-fue-grafts-dr-bhatti-india-restoring-more-than-just-hair.html

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Don't do anything that might put stress on your head like go for a walk, as it burns calories so heat will disperse from head. And cover from sunlight for first 7 days

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  • Senior Member

All responses are wise advice. The issue IMHO is to keep the blood pressure as normal as possible. When I used to work inside the clinic, one of my docs used to warn his male patients not to masturbate for 72 hours post-op for that reason.


If you were to run up and down the stairs within 72 hours post-op, then that type of activity could present risk of popping out grafts. Or say, doing heavy weight lifting within the same time period.


Any activity that could potentially increase the overall blood pressure to the scalp is a risk to graft popping within 72 hours of HT surgery.


After that, they are pretty secure without aggravation...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Regular Member

Thanks everyone for the replies, you have all been very helpful.


I guess for some people some walking (even short distances) is unavoidable after their transplant e.g. those who have to go to the airport the day after to return to their home country - there would be some walking within the airport.

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  • Senior Member
This may sound like a funny question but I was just wondering, as one should take it as easy as possible immediately after a hair transplant to avoid any damage to the grafts.


But would it be ok to walk up two flights of stairs on the same day of transplant? I'm thinking about when I arrive home after my ht. Obviously, I would walk up slowly and I would try to stay upstairs for the first few days as my scalp heals.


Personally, I wouldn't risk it. Can you not get someone to carry you up the stairs?

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  • Regular Member
Personally, I wouldn't risk it. Can you not get someone to carry you up the stairs?


Really? I imagine if I climbed up super super slowly, literally one step at a time, it would be ok.

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  • Senior Member

Honestly, the risk to your grafts from walking up a flight of stairs is very minimal. They would have to be a very long distance and you would have to be climbing them pretty aggressively like two at a time, etc.


I think you will be just fine my friend...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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