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Canadian_buba Dr.Rahal 7 month pictures

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Those are beautiful crusts and valleys...makes for a good look. In the next week and a half or so they should all be gone.


Doesn't it feel good to shave the rest of the "bozo the clown" look off?? I really felt liberated after that and I think my scalp was happy too as it became really dry during the first two weeks.


What did Rahal have to say?


LOOKING GOOD CB! Thanks for the update

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looking good so far CB!


which hat did Dr. Rahal pick for you? if he did can you post a pic of that hat. also did you experiment with tilting a hat forward onto your forehead so you don't rub on your hairline? you will probably look like some kind of 'cool' rapper with the forward tilt but it works (my friend did it like that post-op)icon_smile.gif. a nice brand new hat from foot locker will do the trick. let us know about your hat wearing and also work related issues.


happy growing!!!

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GQ & Eman


As I have shaved my head down to a # 1. I must say it feels weird putting on a hat. Im still getting used to such a short hair cut! However that being said, I do wear a hat when Im not at home. The hat I am wearing is http://oakley.ca/pd/4409 in black.


It goes with the winter jacket I wear. It does not touch the grafts at all. When I put the hat on my head I start from the front and then put it on the back. It covers the donor area as well. The donor area does not bother me at all. Well it would if someone was to see it! The hat is a sixe L/XL and to be honest is a little tight, I think my head still has some minor swelling which is normal from talking to Rahal as the surgery was only 2 weeks ago.


I also have a beanie but Rahal said to wait a few more weeks to wear that. http://www.killerdana.com/kill...d=10138371&dl_id=94&


To be honest at this stage I do feel weird having such a short hair cut! I love it when Im at home, however when Im in public I feel strange. People I know and work with know that I always have my hair longer and they all ask what I did with my hair! They always ask to see it, and when I say NO some say we will take it off when your not looking! This makes me paraniod and makes me less social. I find I do prefer to work from home or a friends house and when Im at the office I go straight to my office and do what needs to be done and get the hell out! My assistant is cool with it and she doesnt say anything which is nice. I have been telling people that my brother and I decided we were going to cut each others heads, and he made a mistake with mine and I needed to buzz it all off! We will see what happens.


Im not sure how im going to handle this weekend as I will see all my buddies as we are getting together for the UFC and for Superbowl. Any advise? PLEASE!!!!!


It is hard but im sure this stage will be over before I know it!


3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


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CB- sounds like you and I are into some of the same things. The last two saturdays have been MMA events and now this weekend with penn and st. pierre (rooting for st. pierre!!). We have a double weekend of fun with the Superbowl. PROTECT your dome from your buddies!!


I would say tilt your brim to a side and look like all the tough teenager whanabees that walk around with their hats askew. No one will mess with you. As I didn't wear a hat before surgery it took a little getting used to by my buddies and many threatened to take the hat off, but I threatened to pound them into the ground (all in fun of course as I am very passive--lover not a fighter!).


Actually at the 3.5-4 week mark with the scabs gone and a buzzed head, I went to a friend's house to watch UFC and they asked again why I was wearing a hat. Since there was a wall behind me and no one to my sides (i positioned myself strategically knowing I would do this) I gently removed my hat, showed them, and said I buzzed again and was wearing a hat as I don't like it that short. No more questions and no more threats of hat removal.

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I pretty pumped for this weekend! This is why I need to get over my paraniod thoughts! I have been thinking about getting there early to position myself well! If anyone asks to see it I will just tell them I dont like it and that I dont want to show anyone but my wife. I think that should make them stop if im some what serious.




I cant take it off as I still have the crusts and valleys! Will they ever leave!!!!!


I am also a huge St. Pierre fan! Montreal is 2 hours away from Ottawa and it is his home town! I will be at the next UFC in Montreal April 18t..... interested?? I have a line on tickets!!


3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


My Hair Loss WebLog


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The crusting and the valleys are normal part of healing.

The combination of Vit E oil, high density transplant hairs mixed with the native hairs, clump together to create the crusting and subsequently bending those hairs to create the valleys.

We also tend to be conservative in the post op instructions which may prolong this phase.

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Looking good canadian_buba!


I imagine over the next couple weeks all the scabs/crusts will be gone. Of course, so will the transplanted hair due to normal hair shedding...a sad reality we wish we could all avoid.


But I expect you'll be extremely happy in several months after the hair starts to grow :-)



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The crusts are almost gone...YAY!! Scar looks good. I think at this point (or 4-week mark) I began to put vitamin e oil on the scar which helped with the itching and soothed it.


I would say exciting times, but you have entered the calm (albeit long calm) before the storm (i.e., growth). Keep busy as the time will fly.


Thanks for the pics CB and let me know about those tickets as I may want to come up there. My only concern being in the stands is visisbility as to what is going on in the octagon!


Take care,


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Balder than before and still a hint of color--still in the doldrums. Not trying to make you feel bad--it will improve!! I remember those days very well (seems like yesterday)--they were not fun in the least and I looked exactly the same as you.


In another couple of months you will forget just how much you detested this period of time...I guarantee it.


Did you end up seeing St. Pierre and Penn? If you watched some of the previews about their training you knew that Penn didn't have a chance!


Take care and keep the patience!!

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done and done!! Check it out...

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Thanks guys!


Eman, I cant wait to start seeing these gaps in my hair to fill in! Very excited! The JSP fight kicked butt! Clearly I am a huge fan and like him more and more each fight. Enjoy the great looking hair bro! Cant wait to see what your first " Style" will be! Im thinking old school spikes or just growing it out!!! All the best to you and your hair!




We really are at this " Happy its over stage" ! It is some what tough, however I am trying to keep myself very busy and it seems to do a great job of side tracking me. Are you wearing a hat all the time? Do you still have redness? Cant wait to see both of ours, hair start to grow!


3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


My Hair Loss WebLog


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I think the comment "happy it's over" is very fitting. Yes, I am still wearing a hat everyday. Thanks god I own my own business so wearing a hat is acceptable. I do still have some redness but it is more like pinkness now. It is fading little by little and so is the scar. The scar and pinkness still have a ways to go yet. All we have to do now is sit around and wait for growth. Maybe we will catch Eman in a few months!!

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You guys will easily catch me...just you wait and see!! I look forward to it and seeing you with happy heads of hair.


I am definitely needing to decide how to style the new hair coming in and get a professional cut like Wantego!! But I promised to keep it growing out past six months...


The little guys will pop out for you CB soon...Clint you have a while to go buddy!

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