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recent FUE with Dr. Lorenzo at farjo

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6 month post op:


Jose Antonio

ICC-Injertocapilar.com-Dr. Lorenzo, Dra Vila.


- I work in ICC-Spain human resources, I’m not a sales rep/patient liaison.

- For information, valuations and budget:

coordinadorpacientes@injertocapilar.com(Spain); Mick@farjo.com (MCR)


- New Vimeo Website: https://vimeo.com/user23345553/videos

- New Youtube Website:https://www.youtube.com/shubbapahte

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/injerto.capilar

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Injertocapilar


Dr. Jose Lorenzo is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Hi guys, sorry ive been quiet on here for a few months but ive just had my 6.5 mnths post-op check up with dr.lorenzo and as you can see from the photos all is going very well!:) heres my update over the last few months:


from 2 mnths to now, my transplanted hair has been growing back and getting thicker all the time. it was probably from about 4 mnths in that i really noticed it getting thicker and my 2 saviours during this growing back period were Toppik (light brown) hair fibres and couvre (dark brown). they really did mask the effect of the sparse areas where my transplanted hair was and without them i would have been a social hermit so please make sure you get these in advance of your hair transplant and can use from 2 mnths onwards. no one noticed i was using them, all of my friends knew i had an hair transplant as i have many p**s takers amongst my mates so i thought right just be honest and upfront then i dont have to feel embarrassed. hardly no-one has mentioned it and certainly not in jest and they are all mightily impressed with the results. Ive been on boys weekends away and many nights out so ive certainly tested them to their limits!!! my hair salon girls cant believe it everytime i go into the salon they check it out and say how thicker its getting (to which ive had 5 haircuts since its all been growing back as my hair grows quickly anyway).


at my 6.5 months consultation i wanted to see Dr. Lorenzo before he went back to Madrid permanently last week. He greeted me with a big smile and seemed over the moon with the progress and told me its doing really well and i should expect another 40% to come through within the next 4 mnths or so!!! my girlfriend has already said to me its thick enough already so i cant wait for another 4 mnths down the line when i will hopefully be able to style it in any direction i wish! Lorenzo and Mick both seemed very happy with the results but more importantly so am i!


i have noticed that the texture of the transplanted hair is slightly courser than the non-transplanted hair but i think that will change as it goes through its cycle? its certainly not un-manaegable and im sooo happy i had this done!:)


supplements: ok so after 2 mnths post-op i took a one a day biotin tablet (natrol 10,000mcg) and also a one a day hair vitamin (perfectil original triple active). They are both cheap and last months so nothing fancy but i do think they have attributed to my quick hair growth. The 'natrol biotin' i split in half and only took half a tablet i.e 5,000mcg as i heard thats all you need. The 'perfectil' is from asda supermarket and costs ?10 for 3 blister packs which is 90 tablets in total so lasts 3 months, a bargain! as for shampoo i used 'herbal essence 0% silicone', again cheap as chips but read about not using silicone based shampoos. Thats it nice and simple and cheap on the supplement front apart from ive always taken and will continue to take a one a day 'Dr best Saw palmetto 320mg'. I took it before my op for a couple of years and dr.lorenzo said its helping to keep what i have with my existing hair too. Its also good for prostate health so at my age (39) ill keep on taking it for life!


Dr Lorenzo told me last week that i dont need to take supplements anymore so im off of the biotin (i did stop using it anyway from about a month ago!) but im still taking the perfectil as its good for skin, nails and hair and can only help your general health too. as above ill also keep up the saw palmetto for life.


So all in all guys i hope this update can help anyone else on their journey and ive got to say i dont regret it one little bit having it done, it really has changed my life and hair confidence! Ill update in another 4 mnths

Hasta Luego!:)

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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p.s the skin still looks pink in some of the photos but in reality its not noticeable! using couvre painted on the skin by applying lightly onto a sponge applicator masked this in the lesser growing back months.tip....go easy on the couvre and have some make up wipes to hand to wipe any off of the forehead where its not meant to be! then lightly work into the frontal hair line with a wipe so you get rid of the defined line it creates to create a natural effect amongst the hairline

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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Really impressive Northernsplap head and more to come!!

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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Looking good man, congrats on your results.

I'm hoping to hear from Dr Lorenzo in the coming days, I sent an inquiry in regards to possibly going to Spain to get a procedure off him.


Anyone happen to know how long it usually takes to hear back from him?

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Looking good man, congrats on your results.

I'm hoping to hear from Dr Lorenzo in the coming days, I sent an inquiry in regards to possibly going to Spain to get a procedure off him.


Anyone happen to know how long it usually takes to hear back from him?




from my check-up last week he was heading back to Madrid and in his email to me this morning with my photos on he said he was just settling back in so im guessing hes going to be back up and running soon. Maybe call Mick at Farjo as they still have links with his Madrid surgery and i heard them saying that they have 2 new operating studios in the Madrid practice....business must be good but then again he's a legend....well in my eyes...and hair anyway!:)

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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from my check-up last week he was heading back to Madrid and in his email to me this morning with my photos on he said he was just settling back in so im guessing hes going to be back up and running soon. Maybe call Mick at Farjo as they still have links with his Madrid surgery and i heard them saying that they have 2 new operating studios in the Madrid practice....business must be good but then again he's a legend....well in my eyes...and hair anyway!:)



Yes he is indeed a legend ;)


Thanks for the heads up man, much appreciated.


Look forward to seeing your results in the coming months also.

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hers some before and after pictures as they are really good for comparisons, i even forget how little hair i had in that front area....until i saw these!!!!:)


Very impressive for just after 6 months. And to think there is more growth to follow!!!

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Hey Northern...

How is everything looking??? You should get some good grow at this stage...

Looking forward to see some pics...happy growing my friend...!!!




hey romaninio, all good thanks mate! and you? heres my update on 6.5 mnths, hope yours is going swell!!!!!???? :)

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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Hi guys, sorry ive been quiet on here for a few months but ive just had my 6.5 mnths post-op check up with dr.lorenzo and as you can see from the photos all is going very well!:) heres my update over the last few months:


from 2 mnths to now, my transplanted hair has been growing back and getting thicker all the time. it was probably from about 4 mnths in that i really noticed it getting thicker and my 2 saviours during this growing back period were Toppik (light brown) hair fibres and couvre (dark brown). they really did mask the effect of the sparse areas where my transplanted hair was and without them i would have been a social hermit so please make sure you get these in advance of your hair transplant and can use from 2 mnths onwards. no one noticed i was using them, all of my friends knew i had an hair transplant as i have many p**s takers amongst my mates so i thought right just be honest and upfront then i dont have to feel embarrassed. hardly no-one has mentioned it and certainly not in jest and they are all mightily impressed with the results. Ive been on boys weekends away and many nights out so ive certainly tested them to their limits!!! my hair salon girls cant believe it everytime i go into the salon they check it out and say how thicker its getting (to which ive had 5 haircuts since its all been growing back as my hair grows quickly anyway).


at my 6.5 months consultation i wanted to see Dr. Lorenzo before he went back to Madrid permanently last week. He greeted me with a big smile and seemed over the moon with the progress and told me its doing really well and i should expect another 40% to come through within the next 4 mnths or so!!! my girlfriend has already said to me its thick enough already so i cant wait for another 4 mnths down the line when i will hopefully be able to style it in any direction i wish! Lorenzo and Mick both seemed very happy with the results but more importantly so am i!


i have noticed that the texture of the transplanted hair is slightly courser than the non-transplanted hair but i think that will change as it goes through its cycle? its certainly not un-manaegable and im sooo happy i had this done!:)


supplements: ok so after 2 mnths post-op i took a one a day biotin tablet (natrol 10,000mcg) and also a one a day hair vitamin (perfectil original triple active). They are both cheap and last months so nothing fancy but i do think they have attributed to my quick hair growth. The 'natrol biotin' i split in half and only took half a tablet i.e 5,000mcg as i heard thats all you need. The 'perfectil' is from asda supermarket and costs ?10 for 3 blister packs which is 90 tablets in total so lasts 3 months, a bargain! as for shampoo i used 'herbal essence 0% silicone', again cheap as chips but read about not using silicone based shampoos. Thats it nice and simple and cheap on the supplement front apart from ive always taken and will continue to take a one a day 'Dr best Saw palmetto 320mg'. I took it before my op for a couple of years and dr.lorenzo said its helping to keep what i have with my existing hair too. Its also good for prostate health so at my age (39) ill keep on taking it for life!


Dr Lorenzo told me last week that i dont need to take supplements anymore so im off of the biotin (i did stop using it anyway from about a month ago!) but im still taking the perfectil as its good for skin, nails and hair and can only help your general health too. as above ill also keep up the saw palmetto for life.


So all in all guys i hope this update can help anyone else on their journey and ive got to say i dont regret it one little bit having it done, it really has changed my life and hair confidence! Ill update in another 4 mnths

Hasta Luego!:)


Hi buddy.

Looking good.

I have a question.

Did dr. Lorenzo told you that you have to wait 2 Month before using toppik after the HT?

I was told that after 1 Month it is fine.

And i have heard other claims that after 2 weeks its Also fine

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hi jhonny, no it wasnt mentioned to Dr Lorenzo about toppik but i wanted to give my head the best possible chance of healing and wait until all the scabs had fallen etc. I guess i was lucky in that i could wear a baseball cap or nothing hiding it in these first 2 months as i work from home so didnt have to venture out too much. saying that the transplanted hair didnt start to fall out until about 6 weeks so i was ok to go out to the gym etc without toppik up to this point.it was the 8 weeks to 6 months phase when i felt i needed it the most when it was falling and new hairs were coming through...the ugly duckling phase!!!!

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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hi jhonny, no it wasnt mentioned to Dr Lorenzo about toppik but i wanted to give my head the best possible chance of healing and wait until all the scabs had fallen etc. I guess i was lucky in that i could wear a baseball cap or nothing hiding it in these first 2 months as i work from home so didnt have to venture out too much. saying that the transplanted hair didnt start to fall out until about 6 weeks so i was ok to go out to the gym etc without toppik up to this point.it was the 8 weeks to 6 months phase when i felt i needed it the most when it was falling and new hairs were coming through...the ugly duckling phase!!!!


I see.

And i know what you mean about the ugly dugling stage.

I am almost 4 Month post op from a HT. With dr hakan, and Right now i am worse than before.

I know i Will need a HT againg Also because he didnt transplant into my thinning areas.

So i am strongly considering dr. Lorenzo.

Is he back in spain permanently now?

I am thinking of flying to Madrid in november to get a consultation with him face 2 face

And Then maybe operation in april/may

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Hi guys seems like dr lorenzo get amazing results every time. I hope so as I'm booked in to have 3000 grafts in Madrid in December just wondered if you can offer me any advice I'm gonna stay in Madrid for ten days to let things settle is that a good idea? Thanks in advance

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he said last week that he will be visiting the UK every couple of months and Mick at farjo has full details so maybe give mick a call, hes easy to talk to. It seems Dr. Lorenzo will be working back at his surgery in Madrid full time but Mick is taking his UK bookings? the best thing i did was to pick up the phone and make the call, i spent months and months deliberating and visited a couple of the more advertised and marketed UK clinics and got the feeling that they didnt know their ar*e from their elbow and as soon as i met Dr. Lorenzo i knew he was the guy for my hair op...that simple!

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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pma: ive got to say that day one post op i was completely ok then day two to day 5 the swelling was bad in my face! the anesthetic moved down into my eyes and cheekbones and i looked like sloth from the goonies for a few days so id say either have it done and then fly home the next day or wait it out for a week!

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BTW guys if you get time please follow my pintrest page on FUE transplants.


FUE hair transplant UK on Pinterest


its there to help us normal guys out here find inspiration and courage/determination to go through with an FUE transplant. theres many celeb pics too of who's had what done, supplements and the like..ill be updating it regularly! Enjoy and please follow the page to support it and keep it running!

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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pma: ive got to say that day one post op i was completely ok then day two to day 5 the swelling was bad in my face! the anesthetic moved down into my eyes and cheekbones and i looked like sloth from the goonies for a few days so id say either have it done and then fly home the next day or wait it out for a week!


When you flew home, how did you cover your head?

Did you use a cap or something, do you know if its ok by the dr. To use a snapback cap? And were it loose?

Or did you just go home without anything on your head?

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