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Need suggestion on finalizing the doctor for my hair Transplant

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Hello friends,


I am from Bangalore, India. 30yrs old.


I have been researching the Hair transplant from past 6months.

Since am NW6 and average donor area, I dropped FUT which gives me a permanent scare.


Now I have decided to go with FUE technique.


My budget is around 4lakhs. Please suggest me any good doctors for hair transplant.


I have attached my photos, please suggest me.


I have planned to marry in December 2014.



Please please help me.....






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  • Regular Member

dont waste any more time if u plan to marry @ Dec 14


u should consult with Dr T Bhatti ( Best FUE Dr in India ) ASAP with your budget you can have as many as 5000+ grafts, but in your condition I believe you will need beard/body hairs too so which may lower the no of grafts because Dr Bhatti charges double for Body / Beard HT . Anywhere btw 4000-4500 would be fine for you .


check this out http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/167897-hair-transplant-dr-tejinder-bhatti-darling-buds-chandigarh-india.html

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  • Senior Member

Wait a second! You are only 30 years old and that is your pattern of loss?


I don't know what doctors have told you but there is no way you should consider yourself a candidate for hair transplant surgery! Do the math. The ONLY way I would say proceed is if you are okay with having a bald crown and an average coverage in the frontal area. Do not be mislead that you can cover that much area with surgery. You can transplant hair, but even with a large operation I don't think you will have much success down the road. FUT would be your best bet for coverage purposes, plus FUE can thin out the back of your donor area quite a bit unless it is a small job.


It's your choice man, but if I was your friend I would tell you to shave the mustache and shave your head. Perhaps grow a beard or goatee. There is NO WAY I would proceed with a hair transplant if I was in your shoes. You will continue to loss hair, even if you take medication and you have already lost too much. There is not enough donor to give you full coverage. Again unless you are okay with going for just a bald crown. Your pattern is clear to anyone. The little hair you have on the top of your hair will be lost no matter what you do.


I'm sorry to tell you this but be glad you haven't proceeded yet. I would like to think that a doctor has not been advising you proceed with this. Consider what your 40-50 year old days will look like.

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Patriot brings up some good points and I do think you should proceed cautiously with realistic expectations, but you may be a surgical candidate. I recommend consulting with several TRUSTED hair restoration specialists to discuss your options. However, make sure to avoid the push into surgery without fully comprehending your options and feeling 100% comfortable. You should likely discuss proven preventive medications during the consultations as well.


In India, we currently recommend Dr. Madhu and Dr. Radha. I highly recommend consulting with these physicians, discussing your hair loss, and reviewing your options.


Good luck.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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You may not be able to get your teenage hair back. But I am sure you will be able improve your condition a LOT with FUE. Why do I say this?


Here are a few reasons:


Reason 1:



Reason 2:



Reason 3:



... and the list goes on and on...!


Dr. Tejinder Bhatti is the best FUE doctor in India.


Good luck!

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Dear friends,


Thanks for your valuable inputs. Please help me by reading the below message. I am very depressed. Am in a bad stage without marriage.


Below is the consultation history


1. Initially I consulted with Sreedhar Reddy Pothula( Pioneer hair clinic), Bangalore

As per his analysis, he said 1800 grafts can be extracted from the existing donor area.

Meanwhile I had a discussion with one of my friend who had undergone hair transplant by

him. He didnt give any positive comments. The work was also not good. Even after 4 years

the scar at donor area looks bigger.

He does FUT with 45rs/graft.




2. Secondly I consulted with Venkataram mysore, from Bangalore. He gave two options.

a) Once you marry and reach 40yrs of age, you will not think about thise thing as most of

your age friends would be in the same stage. You will not be worrying about hair.

SO you can be like this, with usage some medications to improve it better than now.



b) As per his analysis, he said 2800 to 3000 grafts can be extracted in the first session.

and try to cover the front and half of the top with 35grafts/sq cm.

He suggested me to take few medications to activate the hair growth

in the top and crown area.

He showed me some photos who took the medications and improved his

hair growth on the crown area.


He charges 50rs/graft.

I asked him to show some of his patients who has undergone the hair transplant with him.

He said, most of the patients would not be comfortable to

come ans show their hair. But he said book the surgery by paying 10000rs and we

will try to show some of the patients.





3. Then I searched on internet to find the best doctor to get it analysed

it properly. I checked lot of reviews and profiles in hairestorationnetwork.

There I got three recommended doctors in India.

a. Madhu from Hyderabad

b. Radha rani from Vizag

c. Tejinder Bhatti from Chandigarh ( famous for FUE and BHT)



In this, I shortlisted Radha from Vizag who is better in creating the good hairline.

29th November 13, I went to Vizag to have a consultaion with her.

As per her analysis, she said 3000 grafts can be extracted and that will cover the

front and half of th top with 35grafts/sq cm in first session.

In the second session, 1000 to 1500 grafts can be transplanted on top and crown

area for better look.

For reference you can see the photo on which radha has marked the

area which she would be able to cover in first session.





4. I had sent the photos to Dr.Bhatti. He said he would be able to cover in two sessions.

In first session, 3000 scalp hair and 1000 beard/chest hair. He would be covering the front( with good hairline) and top portion.


As per my analysis, minimum 45grafts/sq cm required to look normal. With my stae of baldness

Crown cannot be filled. I am ok with that. At least front and top portion should

be filled properly.



I work as a software engineer in Bangalore. Not yet married.

So I was worrying about his from 6-7 years. Already I have lost valuable

time of life without enjoying it. In indian family functions you must be knowing

how they look at me and talk about the hair topic always. It has made my life


Initially days of my career I didnt have money to spend for this. Now I am settled

with everything except this hair.




Please halp me to come out of this problem.




Thanks for patience


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Two of the most important components for a successful HT surgery are good/ample donor supply and a highly skilled surgeon/techs. If you have these two, plus realistic/expectations, a high NW such as yourself can have a favorable outcome. It's also important that the doctor you choose is able to maximize your donor supply, and in your case I think someone who has experience and good results with body and beard hair is imperative. That being said, I would agree that Bhatti sounds like the best choice for you. Best of luck, and please remember that it takes at least 12 months to see the final results.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Hey it sounds like you are doing your homework, keep us updated on what you are going to do and like the post above me said you can always get more hair from the body if you run low on donor. I just want you to remember if you start this be prepared to finish it, even if you do some big surgeries now be prepared to do some years later as well and keep in mind it will never be like it was before but if you desire hair and it bothers you then doing something about it seems like the right thing to do. I would meet with 2 of those Doctors mentioned and go over a plan. I do not know if they are close to you or not because I do not know the locations within your country, it is sad to hear how hair loss is treated over there. I wish you the best.

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You may not be able to get your teenage hair back. But I am sure you will be able improve your condition a LOT with FUE. Why do I say this?


Here are a few reasons:


Reason 1:



Reason 2:



Reason 3:



... and the list goes on and on...!


Dr. Tejinder Bhatti is the best FUE doctor in India.


Good luck!


Wow, I'm the primary example :P


Yes, I was going to say--you have more hair now than I had pre-op, there is definitely hope! Just be realistic and do your research. Good luck!

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Dear frndz,


My aim is to fill my front and top portions with atleast 50grafts/cm. With this I am narrowing two doctors with affordable price and better quality.


1. Tejinder Bhatti, Chandigarh, India.


NW6 pattern, Need two sessions

first sesion: 3000 hair grafts and 1000 beard/chest hair to fill hairline, temples and mid scalp.


cost for procedure:

3000 * 75rs = 225000

1000 * 150rs = 150000



12.5% tax = 46875


Total = 421875


cost for stay and flight: 35000


even with the 10%discount, it comes around 4,50,000 rs.


2. Tugrul Maral, Turkey


Analysis: NW5

4000 grafts( exact numbers will be known at the time of procedure)


cost: 1800 euros ( includes stay , medications, pick and drop from Airport, hotel to clinic)


procedure: 154800

Flight charges: 60000, so total it may come around 225000 rs


I dont know whether Dr.Maral considers BHT if sufficient scalp hair is not available at the time of live consulation.



I hereby request all this forum frnz to help me to decide the doctor.

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Dear abcd...,


could you please tell me the payment procedure. Since am from India.

How do you pay the doctor. Is there any taxes above 1800euros?


After the first session, does the doctor leaves the donor area sufficient for next sessions?

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  • Senior Member

Hi bng,


Just my two cents; I would move forward very cautiously if I were you, considering your young age and advanced hair loss pattern. I think you would look good with a shaved head. Have you tried it? Usually, for full coverage, FUT is really the way to go, however, with your advanced hair loss pattern, I would only go for FUE at this stage. Are you taking Propecia? Any Norwood 7s in your family? Have you had a chance to meet with other NW 6 patients in person? I would recommend that you do, just to give a good idea of what you may expect from surgery.


Finally, I would strongly consider the recommended Turkish doctors, as they have been showcasing some excellent results lately. My final advise to you is sleep on it. Best of luck to you!

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Dear d...,

Thanks for your reply.


My dad is the only bald person in our family.

He has Nw6. My pattern is exactly same as him.


So I feel I would never reach nw7.


And at this stage, going for FUT with scar is not

Agreeable. Coz have average donor area. Which will

Become worse than the current situation.


Hence I have decided to go with FUE.


I am ok even if my crown is not filled. I will b happy if it

Covers front and top with goof density.



I am not taking any medications. Since am not yet

Married, I don't want to take risk by taking it if it creates

Any side effect.




As u can see my donor area is average, I am looking

For a doctor who does BHT also.





I am ready to spend upto 4laks max.

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Dear frndz,


I got a reply msg from Dr. Maral abt Body hair.

His reply was "Body hairs do not add more, if donor area gives less than 4000 grafts, we will transfer all the extracted grafts".


After getting this reply, I am little bit scared to go to Turkey. Because if the no. grafts is less than what he has expected, it won't serve the purpose of covering the top scalp.


Please suggest me frndz...


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Honestly I'm not clear about what is meant by that. Does he mean that he will supplement any potential lower number of grafts with BH? I can testify that they were not shy about the extraction, I got the impression they got as much as they could.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Hello Dear Friend..

Donot forget to update your experience and results with us from Dr. Tejinder Bhatti. Millions of people are looking forward for results.. :)

Wish you all the best..

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Dear one,


You are in the advanced grade of baldness just like I was before my transplantation from Dr Pradeep Sethi and Dr Arika Sethi of Gurgaon. Both are amazing doctors trained from AIIMS, New Delhi. They could extract a lot of hair from my good donor area. Almost 4303 grafts were planted on the front in one go and I am having amazing results after 5 months.

With unbelievable results of first sitting I just got covered the top yesterday with some 700 odd grafts. The quality of the instruments they use are MPCID, Serrounded punches and all those modern gadgets. And I checked that no body in India are using these sophisticated instruments.


I am extremely excited and happy to have a new look with their hard work, honesty, patient care and non commercialness. I have already posted my results in the blog. Since you are from India I can assure you that I have got the surgery done from the best hands in the country.

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You can search about Dr Pradeep Sethi & Dr Arika (ABHRS). I have seen lot of patient from his clinic. I totally satisfy with the results and hair line. I have also got it done from him after many research Bcz i am an politician so i have good approach. But i found these are the best that's why i have decided to go with him.

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