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Dr. Marco barusco - nighmere


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I know what you mean my friend, but im alone in this country, all my family is back in Italy, I don't have anyone here that will help me in case I go broke, so far the only way I have to live the rest of my life decent is to do the tattoo pigmentation on the scar and maybe all over my scalp so I don't have to spend each day 1 hour covering the massacre.


wich means I have to spend other money to fix what this doctor did, and of course im broke since than so, is the only way I can imagin myself satisfy somehow for what happen.


lets be honest, the way law is right now for me and all the other man in my situation we cannot do anything, this doctors have way too much money and power to let a single man like me to do anything, this barusco guy here have a lawyer that works 100% every for him, can u imagine? jusus I wish I knew this country a little better when i walked in that damn office of scam.

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Hi and sorry for interrupting into this thread but I have been reading it with interest.


I have had similar results to yourself and been left scarred very badly. What prompted me to write was your point about having tattoo pigmentation into your scars and all over your scalp. I have considered this in this past and I realised that it would need continual touching up over the years (more expense) and that you have it well into your latter years when you probably could not care less if you had hair or not.


Like yourself I was left very badly scarred with a pretty poor result and no monies to get it fixed. I did not attack my surgeon in any way as it was the early days of hair transplantation and like so many others I took the decision based on what little knowledge and information was available.


Anyway, since I had no money to get it fixed my next best option was to wear a bonded hair unit which served me well for almost ten years. Yes, the unit cost a bit and you have to go get it cleaned every month or two but it gave me back my life and allowed me to swim and enjoy a normalish life. In the meantime I was saving money to get my scars fixed and it took quite a while but I got there in the end. I did alot of research and finally found a great Surgeon who I had faith in. The point here is: I made a decision I thought was right at the time and was wrong, I found a temporary solution which helped me through the dark times and had my eyes set on a final goal.


Finally, my goal has been reached, I do not look back and wonder what could have been, I made my choice and had to live with it. I got through those years with a solution that was not permanent and am now feeling better - so plan for the future and set your goals to achieving what you want in the end. It took me a long time but I am happy now and have accepted that nobody can achieve absolute perfection but they can get you to near where you want to be.


I have attached some pictures to show you what can be done with scars with the right surgeon and that there will be solution for you if you can start looking forward. It is terrible what has happened to you and I would not wish it on anybody, but you need to start putting as much energy into positive thinking as dwelling on that past.


Best of luck my friend .....


Pepe .....




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Nemack, contact FTC under the basis of marketing fraud. This will open up something big. Take copies of all paperwork and deposits and fees you paid and submit it along with emails. Including snapshots of forum responses or emails. Once that is done, send an overview of your sugery/situation to FDA. Make sure you indicate the surgical procedure and what tool was used to extract your strip. You can send them detailed info of adverse effect to FDA at :

CDRH-Division of Industry and Consumer Education (DICE)

Office of Communication and Education

Center for Devices and Radiological Health

Food and Drug Administration

10903 New Hampshire Avenue


Silver Spring, MD 20993


I also got their email address if you need it.

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thank you for the help guys, i really wish there was a meeting or something of people that like me and us had this kind of experience just to share and learn from others.


Peperoni, your result is really good on the scar, FUE?

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Even if you never get any money back from this doctor, and it sounds like he is not prepared to compensate you for his work you are unsatisfied with, at least you have been given the opportunity to share this experience with the hair restoration community, and no doubt this doctor's business would have suffered accordingly as bad online reviews stay around forever.

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  • Senior Member
Hi and sorry for interrupting into this thread but I have been reading it with interest.


I have had similar results to yourself and been left scarred very badly. What prompted me to write was your point about having tattoo pigmentation into your scars and all over your scalp. I have considered this in this past and I realised that it would need continual touching up over the years (more expense) and that you have it well into your latter years when you probably could not care less if you had hair or not.


Like yourself I was left very badly scarred with a pretty poor result and no monies to get it fixed. I did not attack my surgeon in any way as it was the early days of hair transplantation and like so many others I took the decision based on what little knowledge and information was available.


Anyway, since I had no money to get it fixed my next best option was to wear a bonded hair unit which served me well for almost ten years. Yes, the unit cost a bit and you have to go get it cleaned every month or two but it gave me back my life and allowed me to swim and enjoy a normalish life. In the meantime I was saving money to get my scars fixed and it took quite a while but I got there in the end. I did alot of research and finally found a great Surgeon who I had faith in. The point here is: I made a decision I thought was right at the time and was wrong, I found a temporary solution which helped me through the dark times and had my eyes set on a final goal.


Finally, my goal has been reached, I do not look back and wonder what could have been, I made my choice and had to live with it. I got through those years with a solution that was not permanent and am now feeling better - so plan for the future and set your goals to achieving what you want in the end. It took me a long time but I am happy now and have accepted that nobody can achieve absolute perfection but they can get you to near where you want to be.


I have attached some pictures to show you what can be done with scars with the right surgeon and that there will be solution for you if you can start looking forward. It is terrible what has happened to you and I would not wish it on anybody, but you need to start putting as much energy into positive thinking as dwelling on that past.


Best of luck my friend .....


Pepe .....


Thanks for sharing the photos, Pepe. Always encouraging to see that poor work CAN be fixed. The fixing of your scars is really incredible.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I came to Dr. Barusco about a year ago and spent $15K on a hair transplant surgery. WORST $15K I ever spent. The results are horrible and definitely not worth what a paid for. Dr. Barusco and the staff were friendly before they got their money, but when I voiced my concern about my dissatisfaction after the procedure I was told to speak with their lawyer. What ever happened to good customer service? I went into this knowing I wouldn’t receive perfect results but I have a hard time leaving the house without wearing a hat to cover up the mess that is my hair now. The thickness is patchy and I have a very large scar on the back of my head. Because of my hair I now suffer from depression and have called out sick from work several times which led me to lose my job. I’ve since become very turned off from the hair transplant world and do not recommend it to anyone who is thinking about it.



Hi lakesure99,


I am very sorry to hear your experience. I would like to send you a private message that you may find useful, so please send me an email that I can reply to at derbade2002@gmail.com


Best of luck

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  • Regular Member
Hi and sorry for interrupting into this thread but I have been reading it with interest.



Hi Pepe,


great results there. would you mind sharing your experience? (If you haven't already?)


As for the OP, I'm really sorry to hear of your experience.


Keep strong, there is always a way forward.


I think we forget what life is like without the ability to undertake independent research about doctors before we make this kind of life changing decision. Imagine pre-internet times, or the lack of English ability.

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  • 3 years later...


Dott. BARUSCO MARCO he is a fake and a very kind trickster  A RIP OFF

This clinic in Port Orange Florida: Tempus Hair Restoration, P.A. and Dr. Marco Barusco, are to be avoided. At the beginning they are very kind and friendly, but only because they have to take the money and realize with the contract, after it is a disappointment, a rip-off! In 5 years I did 3 operations paying a total of $ 11,570 for a total of 4,687 bulbs. The first operation was a total failure, so Dr. Barusco "regretted" his failure of the failed transplant, yes he was made available to do a second operation, making me pay another $ 500; the second transplant was less worse than the first, but always with poor performance; so reluctantly I agreed to do the third operation by charging me another $ 500. The third was a real rip-off, a real joke. After 5 years of waiting and after having undergone 3 operations, which are both economic and mental, physical and psychological, the results that he promised me has never been there! Naturally what I claim is documented by photos and videos that I made every month for 5 years and when learned Marco Barusco I showed him his failure, in the transplant, he offered me to try another operation asking me for more money. I replied to Dr. Barusco looking at him in front of his assistant with the iPad in his hand (who knows who was recording the conversation) that I no longer trusted a man and a doctor like that and that if he wanted to try the fourth operation because I was not willing to give him even more than 1 dollar, Dr. Barusco at that point became red in the face! Then he gave me the word that he would call me to discuss it, in maximum 1 week time, he never had the courage to call me (what a man of courage eh?).

I will do the same transplant in Europe that now make for € 2 thousand for six thousand bulbs. The fact remains that I can not believe how much really happened to me, after spending all that money to get a result that is a "failure" for 3 operations in 5 years, not counting the economic sacrifices I have suffered to pay for it, including the physical, mental and emotional stress! Do not trust that clinic and that doctor!

Edited by Haircrescina75
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