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Post Op -- 2 Massive swollen black eyes

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About 2 days post op now (3000 frontal graphs with Dr. Panine)..


I knew there would be some swelling, but this is INSANE. I have probably 10% visibility right now, at best. Both eyes are almost completely swollen shut.


Question is.. is this normal? I was assured swelling is normal, but these black eyes are starting to scare me. I can attach a pic if anyone wants.


Any help would be appreciated!


** Update -- added a recent pic in my second post (6 days post op).

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ya attach a pic.........I had about 3000 and I swelled up all over my face...I took off the cap the doc told me not to take off and I slept on my face cus I didn't wanna sleep sitting up? LOL ya im a dumb ass haha

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  • Regular Member
ya attach a pic.........I had about 3000 and I swelled up all over my face...I took off the cap the doc told me not to take off and I slept on my face cus I didn't wanna sleep sitting up? LOL ya im a dumb ass haha


Yep.. I can NEVER sleep sitting up, just a curse I guess.


The first pic is 2 days post op.. the swelling hit really quick!


The second pic is about 6 days post op.. back to normal!


How long did it take for your swelling to go down?



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The swelling should be completely gone in about four days. I have to say, this is the earliest I've seen swelling like this. It usually doesn't get like this till day 3. You're fine though. Just give it time.

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Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Thanks man.. that's what I figured. I was surprised it started the next day too. It's just a bummer because I have so much work to do and I can barely see what I'm typing.


I'm guessing it's my own damn fault for sleeping on my side, but I just can't get any rest otherwise.


Have to add though, that Dr. Panine and his team were amazing. Highly recommended on all levels!

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Ohh wow, this is really making me fear having a transplant as it makes it seem as though I'm going to have to miss a lot of work. Those eyes look painful!

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Surgical Treatments:


Hair transplant 5-22-2013 with Dr. Paul Shapiro at Shapiro Medical Group

Total grafts transplanted: 3222

*536 singles *1651 doubles * 961 triples,

*74 quadruples.

Total hairs transplanted: 7017



Non-Surgical Treatments:


*1.25 mg finasteride daily

*Generic minoxidil foam 2x daily

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Wow that is extreme swelling! I don't recall ever seeing someone with that much.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Hi, efflux! Swelling sometimes happens and is usually resolved by end of the week after the procedure. We recommend to keep your head above your heart when you sleep, finish taking Medrol doze pack, warm compresses ( warm teabags work well ). Swelling is somewhat dependent on how your body mobilizes fluid and can be more or less pronounced but it is transient and will be gone and forgotten by the time we take sutures out.

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wow that looks heavy! Ouch! But in a few days, you`ll be fine and laughing your axx off! A picture you can look at or show your loved ones when anybody is down ;-) Now you gotta go through it, I feel with you mate! Cheers and all the best!

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Just to add: There may come some additional swelling down, so you need to "replace" it (sorry for my english, I think you know what I mean) by pressing your fingers on the root of your nose, and then kind of pushing it axis symmetric and circularly towards the top and then to the side of your eyes, so the gravity can do you a service. You`re gonna figure it out for sure!


You need to do that as often as possible (10 - 15 mintes should be fine), so it doesn`t get even worse today or tomorrow. In three days you`ll be fine! Just be strong now ;-)

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Thanks for the comments everyone.. and thanks Dr. Panine.


Yeah, I've been sleeping slightly more elevated now and my visibility is coming back.The swelling seems to be moving to my cheeks now, which is fine by me.


@greatjob - I'm not too concerned about the hoodie, as it barely touches the donor or recipient region.. it's definitely loose. I only wear it when I need to walk my dog anyway :)


Sounds like mine has been a pretty rare case of swelling, but nothing that a pair of oversized aviator shades can't fix. If you're worried that it could happen in your case, just sleep more upright or at 45 degrees and it should be minimized. Also, its's not painful whatsoever, just really annoying and quite unsightly. :(

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  • Senior Member
Ohh wow, this is really making me fear having a transplant as it makes it seem as though I'm going to have to miss a lot of work. Those eyes look painful!

Haha Don't let his or my mistake stop you from getting a transplant...I was a idiot and slept on my face 2 nights in a row...The doc told me NOT to take off the head band for 4 or 5 days and YES I took it off..BUT there was no pain. Only the pain of being a Dumb Ass But ive learned to except that pain, Ive gotten use to it...

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