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Australian FUE Surgeon - Anyone?

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I am new to the whole concept of the hair transplant. I am 35, Australian and have have been experiencing thinning hair for the past 5 years although I still have a fairly good head of hair except for my Crown. I did use rogaine for a while which seemed to work and then i stopped, bad idea, it seemed like it got much worse over 3 months following stopping the rogaine. I posted a picture and it looks like I am a NW 3 maybe 4? (vertex) I think, happy to be corrected. I have been finding the forum extremely educating but am shattered to find that there are no good experiences shared by clients of an Australian surgeon performing FUE. I am just finding it really hard to believe that in a County of 22 million that there is no one who is performing FUE to the standard of Bissanga, Feller, Rahal, Shapiro R, Lorenzo. I really would prefer not to travel overseas for the procedure. I have looked around on the web and saw FUE being performed in Sydney, by a Dr Jonathon Chan from the hairtransplant institute. I must say I liked the look of the bloke (from the website), he looks switched on, but that is just a gut reaction, I cant find any reference re his work and don't want to travel to Sydney to find out unless there are some recommendations. I am yet to find an Australian to be recommended. Chan has no reviews and any other Aussie surgeon mentioned, the reviews are mostly negative. How can this be? Why cant an Aussie go and learn from the best and then come back here and help out the 1000's of Aussie blokes in need of some rerouted hair.



1. Is there anyone in Australia that could be considered?


2. Does anyone know anything about this Chan bloke.


3. If I was going to travel where would be the best place to go considering travel time and considering that I would like FUE not FUT, not a big fan of being sliced up. The little jabby needle gives me more comfort. The focus is on a good job, not a cheap job.


4. Finally any comment on the potential number of grafts required based on my picture, I was thinking 500- 1000, but that is a real novice estimation it is probably more depending on how dense I want to go. I can add other pictures if required any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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Hair loss,


I've never heard of the physician discussed above. What's more, we do not currently recommend any hair transplant surgeons in Australia. However, traveling for a state-of-the-art hair transplant surgery is almost always an effective idea, so I suggest reviewing our recommended hair transplant surgeons.


Feel free to ask any additional questions!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Hi Future_HT-Doc


Thanks for the quick reply, but I was hoping that there might someone in Australia that has had some level of success. I appreciate that this forum only recommends Dr's that have been screened but it would appear that there are a number of good Dr's not on the list. Are there other good Dr's closer to Australia or in Australia that are not on this forums list but have produced results. I guess the problem is, who wants to be the first to test an Australian surgeon and bare the potential disastrous results. I was really just putting it out there to any Australians that may have had a positive experience. Even potentially good FUE guys in Thailand.



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Hi Hairlossnoob,

I read your email and the guys response to you and thought i should just tell you that even though this is a great forum remember it is very american and because of this its hard to get accurate and helpful advice from people overseas who have no idea about Australia and the surgeons here. I have had a very successful transplant myself and I am not sure where you are located but we have some world class surgeons out here and the biggest reason to get your work done here is that there is some recourse if something, god forbid, should go wrong. If you go overseas to have a procedure there is no follow up care and the same medical rules don't apply, especially in Thailand.

Anyway I had my transplant 2 years ago in Melbourne with Doctor Knudsen. I found out about him from my dermatologist and I did my research. All the good doctors go to the conferences around the world and they all share info and essentially do the same techniques (the good surgeons I mean!). I found out that knudsen lectures at some of these conferences. I was originally going to go overseas for my transplant to see Doctor shapiro but I asked for a recommendation in australia cause i couldnt afford to go overseas in the end and he told me about knudsen and how good he was. I haven't ever heard about doctor Chan but do your reserch and see if you can find someone who has had a transplant with him, thats the only way you will know. I can vouch for my transplant with Knudsen. I had Norwood scale 4 but now i look like I have never had any hairloss. Its ace. go and meet with some doctors and see for yourself. You will only know then. I waited 3 years before i saw anyone because i was scared but i wish now i would have gone earlier. Also no one on here is an expert and can tell you how many grafts you will need, just go and ask the surgeon, he is the expert and then you will know for sure instead of just some guys opinion. I have had a transplant but that doesn't make me an expert so dont be fooled. I used to be on this forum all the time years ago and i got so much dud advice from other people. I love the support on here but you cant get medical advice from a forum. Anyway mate go out and have some consultations with some surgeons and then you will truly know whats involved. Good luck

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I totally agre with Aussie. This Forum is amazing but it is the beginning of you research not the end.

It is just important to mention that many doctors participate on this Forum, so if Snoob is lucky, maybe he can have a comment on his situation from one of the doctors.

Aussie, as I understand this Forum is open for new surgeons. The list of recommended surgeons here is very impressive. If you feel comfortable to share your experience with us, posting your pictures before and after your HT, I am confident that it is a start to have your doctor on the list, depending on other results and many other criterias he needs to meet.

But I see there are Australians here also looking for recomendation. You can help those guys!

Finally, even tough this Forum is American. we discuss a lot about many surgeons in Europe, Turkey, India, Thai, etc. One more reason for you to share your experience! I am saying that cause I live in Germany and this Forum helped me a lot to make my decision.

An amazing experience (4002 grafts) with Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED Clinic).

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HI Aussie, thanks for the reply, I agree with Denny, there does appear to be recommendations on this forum, not controlled by the US moderators, for surgeons like Bisanga and Lorenzo, with people posting that these blokes are the best as FUE. Their posts dont get taken down and as we all know for the most part when we post it goes straight up. Why are Bisanga / Lorenzo etc revered because people document there success stories on the site and it is hard to find about word about either of them. I am uncomfortable as the next man outing myself re considering that I am having a hair transplant, but it would seem that the way forward for Australians is for people to start talking about their Australian experiences good or bad. If you could post some before and after pictures that would be helpful. I would certainly consider having a chat to Knudsen, I would be wrapped to find a competent bloke in Australia.

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I was going to suggest looking at the Knudsen Clinic too. The Dr has been around for a long time and is certified by the ABHRS.


It goes without saying that you will need to carry out due dilligence. Ask to meet former patients, ask lots of questions etc.


I see you only have crown loss. Generally you should not transplant into this unless you are on propecia and experienced success in maintaing your hair.


Best option for now would be to try propecia and regaine in combination. You may find your hair regrows and no HT is necessary.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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The surgeons in Australia have not impressed me. Even the inventor of FUE resides in Australia and he has long been surpassed by the likes of Feriduni, Lorenzo, Bisanga etc. You really are getting more value for money by going overseas as the Australian surgeons charge a premium because there is much less competition and the quality is much greater overseas.

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Hi Guys,

For the Australians out there I suggest going and having a consultation (they are cheap and i got some money back from Medicare) and seeing the Doctor for yourself. Seriously this is the only way you will have any idea what the issues are for you individually and what the best treatment options are, you don't have to go ahead with anything but at least you have a better idea of whats involved and the costs and the best thing for YOU. At the end of the day its about you want and how that can be achieved not what you guess might be the case without actually getting expert advice. Sorry guys but I am not that comfortable putting my images up on the website but at the same time I am not saying that you should just trust my opinion either just that you should go and see some Doc's for yourself. I went to 3 before I settled on Dr knudsen. It wasn't a hard decision in the end, the cost was the same across the board, his experience surpassed everyone else I saw and I saw heaps of before and after photos and even spoke to one of his patients, he was also very straightforward, no bull. That's how i came to my decision. As for the costs in Australia versus overseas, you cant compete with Asia because of cheap labour and living but the prices were comparable with the UK and the US, not more expensive, its nothing to do with competition and I knew if i did go overseas I would have no follow up care. I saw my doc, 4 times after my HT, everything was good so it didn't matter but if it wasn't then at least I could do something about it. I also agree with 1978Matt you should go and get some medication and you may find that you don't need a HT, that's what i am harping on about when i say go and see a doctor about it. You may be pleasantly surprised. That's what the experts are there for to give expert advice and seriously don't wait too long, the longer you wait the more hair you may lose, like me! Why is it when guys are losing their hair they go and buy crazy potions off the internet (guilty!) instead of seeing a specialist. If you had a skin cancer you would go to a doctor and get it sorted without a second thought but suddenly we don't trust specialists for hair loss, we go and see "consultants" at places like Ashley M (guilty!), who have less knowledge about hair loss than my nan! Just sayin!

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Hi Aussie


Thanks for the reply, I found another thread which is Australian based and really discusses this topic. I think I will follow on with that thread keeping all the information in one location. It really canvasses all the issues. I think anyone following on with the thread should post there.



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Hi Future_HT-Doc


Thanks for the quick reply, but I was hoping that there might someone in Australia that has had some level of success. I appreciate that this forum only recommends Dr's that have been screened but it would appear that there are a number of good Dr's not on the list. Are there other good Dr's closer to Australia or in Australia that are not on this forums list but have produced results. I guess the problem is, who wants to be the first to test an Australian surgeon and bare the potential disastrous results. I was really just putting it out there to any Australians that may have had a positive experience. Even potentially good FUE guys in Thailand.




There is a guy in Sydney with the initials R.W. who pretty much invented FUE in 1989. Due to a squabble with one of the coalition doctors his name cannot be mentioned on this forum. He has something called a "Patient Bill of Rights", a rarity in an industry of "no-fault" surgery by doctors who make you sign waivers.


I cannot believe your research has not made you aware of him. I think you need to do alot more research before you do any surgery.

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Hi Wylie

I am aware of the Doctor you speak of, but I have read some average reviews here and elsewhere in relation to client manner and cost . I dont just look at this forum, I really try to look at various doctors and then scan the web for any negative reviews to try and get a general consensus. There are surgeons listed that you can only find positive reviews and I think that is a good start. It would appear the FUE procedure has come a long way and is becoming a real art, I think it is important that the surgeon you go with is someone you have absolute faith in. I am also starting to feel that a holiday to the States, Spain or Belgium might be ok. The jury is still out, it is early day, I have an online consult with Lorenzo next week, lets see how that goes.

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Hi Wylie

I am aware of the Doctor you speak of, but I have read some average reviews here and elsewhere in relation to client manner and cost . I dont just look at this forum, I really try to look at various doctors and then scan the web for any negative reviews to try and get a general consensus. There are surgeons listed that you can only find positive reviews and I think that is a good start. It would appear the FUE procedure has come a long way and is becoming a real art, I think it is important that the surgeon you go with is someone you have absolute faith in. I am also starting to feel that a holiday to the States, Spain or Belgium might be ok. The jury is still out, it is early day, I have an online consult with Lorenzo next week, lets see how that goes.



Well that's good to hear you've done your homework. I understand what you are saying, personally I think he has grown rather eccentric over the past decade, and have also read stories of strange behavior towards some of his patients, but I get that he has virtually no staff workin for him and does everything himself. I don't think that approach is necessarily feasible as one gets older though. It's kind of sad, because I do find him to be a very principled and ethical doctor in an industry full of bad actors and charlatans.


I would hope you have Dr. Umar on your shortlist. He is the best FUE doctor in the U.S., in my opinion. He has always been FUE only, whereas Dr. Bisanga still also practices strip. But Dr. Bisanga is an ethical doctor as well, and does good work also. And Dr. Feriduni in Belgium is turning out some good FUE work, as well.

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I'm an Aussie and have had ht with 2 Australian doctors and let me tell you that australian doctors are so far behind the rest of the world..I like you have been waiting for someone to stand out as a great ht doctor.Im not sure why we can't produce a great doc when we lead the world in other areas of medicine.I decided to go overseas and book a ht with a doctor recommend on this site..

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The surgeons in Australia have not impressed me. Even the inventor of FUE resides in Australia and he has long been surpassed by the likes of Feriduni, Lorenzo, Bisanga etc. You really are getting more value for money by going overseas as the Australian surgeons charge a premium because there is much less competition and the quality is much greater overseas.



spot on Mickey. Even if one goes to europe or north america, not only you give yourself the best chance for success, but also save money.

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Can thoroughly recommend Dr Knudsen based on recent experience. Pros and cons to getting a transplant at home or traveling overseas, but don't believe that you can't get an excellent transplant in Australia, because that simply isn't true. See if you can meet past patients and see for yourself.

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There's only one FUE surgeon in Australia that is worth half a consideration and I would not even bother. He actually invented FUE as we know it but he failed to innovate it and has been superseded by surgeons that came after him.

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