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Propecia heavy shedding for months ( Diffuse pattern baldness )


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Hello, this is my first post, and I'm 23 years old. Ive been taking propecia for 6 months now, my regime is as follows:

0.3mg 1 x a week for 2 weeks

0.3mg 2 x a week for 2 weeks

0.3mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

0.5mg 1 x a week for 2 weeks

0.5mg 2 x a week for 2 weeks

0.5mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

0.75mg 1 x a week for 2 weeks

0.75mg 2 x a week for 2 weeks

0.75mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 4 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 5 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 6 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 7 x a week for....

I experienced side effects when I started the treatment; however, they wear off.

In addition, the shedding occurred in a month of so after starting the treatment. On top of that, I used to shed about 40+ hairs every day, my scalp is visible now and there are lot of spots. Moreover, I'm noticing lot of miniaturized hair, in fact, much more than normal hair. In addition to that, I kept losing about 15-30 hair in the past month, which shows some improvements. Also, there is no regrow whats so ever and I'm considering quiting the medication, since I'm not responding to it in a good way. I should also note that I started weight lifting 3-4 months ago, I don't take any steroids etc, but I take Omega-3 fatty acids and Priorin Extra ( expensive hair vitamins), also I should note that my uncle is the only member in the family ( father's side) who is experiencing male pattern baldness, and my mom!, yes she is losing her hair in a diffuse pattern much similar to me. At last, I should note that I had consumed 3 packs of propecia so far ( each has 28 pills or so).

Edited by devilhunter
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  • Senior Member
Hello, this is my first post, and I'm 23 years old. Ive been taking propecia for 6 months now, my regime is as follows:

0.3mg 1 x a week for 2 weeks

0.3mg 2 x a week for 2 weeks

0.3mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

0.5mg 1 x a week for 2 weeks

0.5mg 2 x a week for 2 weeks

0.5mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

0.75mg 1 x a week for 2 weeks

0.75mg 2 x a week for 2 weeks

0.75mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 4 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 5 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 6 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 7 x a week for....

I experienced side effects when I started the treatment; however, they wear off.

In addition, the shedding occurred in a month of so after starting the treatment. On top of that, I used to shed about 40+ hairs every day, my scalp is visible now and there are lot of spots. Moreover, I'm noticing lot of miniaturized hair, in fact, much more than normal hair. In addition to that, I kept losing about 15-30 hair in the past month, which shows some improvements. Also, there is no regrow whats so ever and I'm considering quiting the medication, since I'm not responding to it in a good way. I should also note that I started weight lifting 3-4 months ago, I don't take any steroids etc, but I take Omega-3 fatty acids and Priorin Extra ( expensive hair vitamins), also I should note that my uncle is the only member in the family ( father's side) who is experiencing male pattern baldness, and my mom!, yes she is losing her hair in a diffuse pattern much similar to me. At last, I should note that I had consumed 3 packs of propecia so far ( each has 28 pills or so).


Hello Devilhunter;


There are some basic facts regarding shedding. It is a normal part of the hair growth cycle and most people will shed as much as 50 to 100 hairs per day. This is because approximately 10% of our scalp hairs are in resting phase at any given time. In the period the hair shaft is shed and another grows to take its place.


Weight lifting or natural supplements cannot adversly effect you hair loss. Hair loss in men is primarily do to the adverse effects of DHT that is it. The medication you are using is suppose to inhibit the negative effects of DHT.


If you are not having the outcome desired it is time to consult with skilled and knowledgable HT surgeon. All the Best, Michael

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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  • Senior Member

Taking photos every month is a good idea. Did you take any?


With little or no sides I would ride it out for another 6 months

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Thank you micheal. Ive decided to add protein powder to my regime for my bodybuilding program, is that going to cause any harm? I heard lot of such stories.

again, sorry for my bad english.


Hello Devilhunter;


This urban myth is still prevalent. The truth of the matter hair is actually a keratinized protein made up of a very specific building blocks of amino acids. Protein powders are supplemented to meet the increase nitrogen and amino acid demands from workout and anabolic metabolism. There is not clinical evidence relating the use of protein powders to hair loss.


Many athletes take anabolic steroids or other androgen precursors. There is some evidence that the elevated levels of testosterone can also generate more elevated levels of DHT causing the hair thinning that is experienced by body builders and other athletes.


All the Best, Michael

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

I had no regrowth whatsoever on finasteride. And im glad i didnt as it was an easy decision to drop it especially due to the side effects it caused.


It also induced a massive hair line shed which never recovered when i started it. And i dont believe we are an 'unlucky minority' but in fact a sizeable group of (former) / finasteride users.

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Thats quite possible, but some of miniaturized hair has in fact a thicker diameter at the follicle side ( newly produced side ) its hard to explain Im going to take a picture of it if you dont get it. Thanks anyways.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Hello, this is my first post, and I'm 23 years old. Ive been taking propecia for 6 months now, my regime is as follows:

0.3mg 1 x a week for 2 weeks

0.3mg 2 x a week for 2 weeks

0.3mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

0.5mg 1 x a week for 2 weeks

0.5mg 2 x a week for 2 weeks

0.5mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

0.75mg 1 x a week for 2 weeks

0.75mg 2 x a week for 2 weeks

0.75mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 3 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 4 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 5 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 6 x a week for 2 weeks

1mg 7 x a week for....

I experienced side effects when I started the treatment; however, they wear off.

In addition, the shedding occurred in a month of so after starting the treatment. On top of that, I used to shed about 40+ hairs every day, my scalp is visible now and there are lot of spots. Moreover, I'm noticing lot of miniaturized hair, in fact, much more than normal hair. In addition to that, I kept losing about 15-30 hair in the past month, which shows some improvements. Also, there is no regrow whats so ever and I'm considering quiting the medication, since I'm not responding to it in a good way. I should also note that I started weight lifting 3-4 months ago, I don't take any steroids etc, but I take Omega-3 fatty acids and Priorin Extra ( expensive hair vitamins), also I should note that my uncle is the only member in the family ( father's side) who is experiencing male pattern baldness, and my mom!, yes she is losing her hair in a diffuse pattern much similar to me. At last, I should note that I had consumed 3 packs of propecia so far ( each has 28 pills or so).


Hello Devilhunter;


Your post lends me to have some serious concerns at the level of hair loss you are reporting. !) Regarding Propecia having no effect after 6 months of use, suggest further evaluation and consult is needed to determine if your hair loss is due to androgenic allopecia. 2) Nutritonal supplementation is reassurance against under nourishment but has little to do with pattern baldness. 3) You are reporting diffuse pattern hair loss which initially may indicate other root causes to your hair loss.


Based on these observations from your post I suggest that you see a hair restoration doctor and have the proper evaluation, tests (if needed) and consult. I look forward to your follow up. All the Best, Michael

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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  • 3 weeks later...

With what dose and how long were you using the drug that it did not work? Did you consider an increased dosage or switching to the dual type I/II blocker Dutasteride? You would have needed to try the drug for 12 months, and then Dutasteride for 12 months if no success with the former. To give up and accept the lost hair is effectively shooting yourself in the foot because this may have been a sign of great things to come.

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So far, Im noticing a very weird thing, I kept my hair long, so I can have a better evaluation of my thinning hair, here is a list of what Ive found.


1-Shedding a less than a Millie-meter long vellus hair, Ive never seen those before.

2-Shedding what looks like a terminal hair, but short ones.

3-Shedding around 20-30 vellus aka miniaturized hair daily.

4-Shedding around 10-15 terminal hair (7 cm long hair), sometimes more, sometimes less.

5-No scalp inflammation, itchiness and an oily scalp anymore.

6-No regrowth yet.


Judging from previous results, there are two possibility:


a) My hair treatments dont work, and MPB is working on turning terminal hair into vellus hair.


b) It is working But at a very slow rate.


c) Slowing down the process! as my hair remained the same for about two years before start taking propecia 1mg.


At last, Im very sorry for crying out, and for being impatient, I tried to accept the fact Im balding, I did shave my head by a razor, things went very bad, as I looked like bane from batman which isnt funny . Please help if you can and share your experience.



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  • Senior Member

I had a HT and still lost hair on Finasteride.

Made my scalp so greasy too.


I finally stopped it after shedding apparently everyday after work for no apparent reason.

My hair has not fallen out and I think the shedding has reduced. Only time will tell.

Not everyone should be on Fin.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Member

I shed about 60 hairs a day I would guess, sometimes a lot more, sometimes a lot less. I have been doing it for years and years. Take some pics and keep an eye on it. 15-30 hairs is below average. You are likely losing more than that and just not noticing it.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

Shedding 50-100 (some say up to 150) hairs a day is perfectly normal.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member

You may be shedding thin hairs because it is time for new and thicker growth from the minoxidil.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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before taking fin, my Testosterone Level is 27.3 nmol/L

Ive taken a test 2 days ago, and my new Testosterone Level is 25.26 nmol/L


Whats going on?!? I should have more testosterone as fin is blocking the conversion of it into dht!

I need your help guys.


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