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No s***!! I met with him a few months ago about my wide and big Dr. Lindsey scar He seem pragmatic, realistic.. just not a super warm and fuzzy I will re-engage. Obviously not a sales guy but a doctor.


He was asking $5 a graft, and I was like you got to do better then price vs Rahal. who is just insane good.

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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Or maybe u could just consult Dr Bhatti.. He charges almost 1.5 dollar/graft..and results are great.. Besides there are a lot of hill station type destinations u could tour: Himachal Pradesh, leh Ladakh, kashmir..

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Dr Bhatti uses Safe Scribe 3rd Gen.. Apparently it has a transection rate of less than 2%


lol 2 percent transection... sounds like a marketing gimmick to me.

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What in ur opinion is the best way to go about FUE, in order to preserve the donor area for future procedures? I'm seeking a surgery.. More inclined towards Dr.Bhatti as of now. The other considerations are Dr.A.. He uses open needle technique, which I came across somewhere causes more damage to the grafts in his FUSE technique.. Not many options in the market here for FUE.

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What in ur opinion is the best way to go about FUE, in order to preserve the donor area for future procedures? I'm seeking a surgery.. More inclined towards Dr.Bhatti as of now. The other considerations are Dr.A.. He uses open needle technique, which I came across somewhere causes more damage to the grafts in his FUSE technique.. Not many options in the market here for FUE.


Hmmm I have not looked into the Indian FUE doctors much at all to be honest. Best way to preserve the donor via FUE would be to avoid HUGE FUE sessions such as 3,100+ grafts. It is very taxing on the scalp and fatigue could surely set in. Most of the great FUE Docs like Lorenzo, Feriduni and Bisanga cap off their sessions at 3,000 at the absolute limit. Bisanga and Feriduni actually split those sessions over two days to avoid fatigue and donor trauma. I'm perfectly fine with a 3,000 FUE graft session split over 2 days but when I hear numbers like 4,000 in one sitting I start to wonder..

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Mickey, thats a valuable advice .. I suddenly feel good about the 1500 graft FUE I have scheduled with Dr.Bhatti for my hairline.. I might need to revisit in the future, but what the hell...why not!! Thanks buddy :)

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Mickey, thats a valuable advice .. I suddenly feel good about the 1500 graft FUE I have scheduled with Dr.Bhatti for my hairline.. I might need to revisit in the future, but what the hell...why not!! Thanks buddy :)


1,500 should be a walk in the park for Bhatii. Nothing wrong with doing a small FUE session champ. Look at it this way, in the odd event that the procedure doesn't pan out, it's better to lose 1,500 grafts than to lose 4,000 grafts. 1,500 lost grafts would still leave you a few extra thousand and you could then try another surgeon but to lose 4,000 grafts would basically exhaust your eligible FUE grafts and leave you with either body/beard hair and/or strip. Be prepared that you may have to keep 'chasing' your hairloss however, even with FUE.

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Mickey, thats a valuable advice .. I suddenly feel good about the 1500 graft FUE I have scheduled with Dr.Bhatti for my hairline.. I might need to revisit in the future, but what the hell...why not!! Thanks buddy :)


Keep us all posted. Your hair looks great already! Do you think you will loose the lot through genetics? Might be worth taking meds if your Father/Grandfathers bald...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Hi guys,


I cant stop thinking about getting a FUE procedure asap to bring back my hairline. I've been intouch with the surgeon and everything and am ready to jump on the plane and go!


I've been on Finasteride + Minnoxidil for 4 months now and believe it has stopped further recession, i've even noticed some small blonde hair's turning dark again on my side's - but very few.


My recession crawls at a snail pace and started aged 16. I've included picture's of my hair wet on top under lighting so it appears less flattering. Hair is fine all over and has been since birth. I've included a crude 7 year comparison picture of my hair now (aged 26) and my hair 7 years ago (aged 19) when it started to noticeably receding from the age of 16. Its slightly longer in the older picture and short in the new picture.


I keep thinking i'm good to go for 1500 FUE procedure now, continue taking Finasteride and Minnox and hope Histogen or Anderans gets released in 4/5 years time to halt any further loss. I'm suffering from MPB, both father and grandfather were bald by 30-35.


The plan was to restore my hairline and keep my hair buzzed short to number 3 all over forever... i've become pretty desperate and obsessed to do this now.


You sound like me when I got my first FUE. Your hair was very similar to mine. I also thought a 1200 FUE procedure in my hairline would set me right. I predict you will be miserable 8 months post op and will wish you would have never had anything done. Think twice. Don't believe the hype.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Ok chaps i'm booked in for 3000 FUE to reinforce my entire scalp - i'll report back in a few months with my experience.


You sound like me when I got my first FUE. Your hair was very similar to mine. I also thought a 1200 FUE procedure in my hairline would set me right. I predict you will be miserable 8 months post op and will wish you would have never had anything done. Think twice. Don't believe the hype.


I'm now having 3000 grafts to reinforce my existing hair. Seems to be the most feasible plan to keep some hair on my head until I need HT 2 (2-3000 grafts) in say' 3-5 years time to reinforce HT 1.


Luckily Finasteride 1.25mg daily and Minnox 5% seems to have halted further recession. I pray its effectiveness continues.


The shaded red area below is where Dr Bhatti will reinforce.


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If the meds can't stop the front then in the next five years it will be gone. You want to make sure you have the grafts in their to support what your going to lose.


I would do all frontal 1/3 then light in the mid


The back crown area I would leave untouched. Meds seems to be more effective on the crown, and you can still manage concealer in the back. Then your second or third procedure sprinkle the grafs in crown so you can use product to make it look thick.


With not to many grafts, a good doc can construct a faux crown that is thin but respectable.

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Yep certainly have! I'll be lowering my hairline by very little to be honest - an inch at the most and filling in the sides a little.


I just read this and was horrified. I think you need to take a step back and do more research.


To lower a hairline even just 1cm is going to take close to 1500 grafts just to get an acceptable density.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Ok chaps i'm booked in for 3000 FUE to reinforce my entire scalp - i'll report back in a few months with my experience.




I'm now having 3000 grafts to reinforce my existing hair. Seems to be the most feasible plan to keep some hair on my head until I need HT 2 (2-3000 grafts) in say' 3-5 years time to reinforce HT 1.


Luckily Finasteride 1.25mg daily and Minnox 5% seems to have halted further recession. I pray its effectiveness continues.


The shaded red area below is where Dr Bhatti will reinforce.


This is a crazy plan and you will be dissatisfied with the result.


To spread 3000 grafts over such a wide area will give you no more than about 15 grafts per sq cm. Once the native hair goes it will look terrible.

Edited by 1978matt

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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If the meds can't stop the front then in the next five years it will be gone. You want to make sure you have the grafts in their to support what your going to lose.


I would do all frontal 1/3 then light in the mid




Yes the plan exactly! Dr Bhatti is going to complete the frontal third assuming that the native hair will go. Then with the remaining grafts, work back to the crown.


With not to many grafts, a good doc can construct a faux crown that is thin but respectable.


Exactly. My hair is thin already and always has been on top. It will slightly thicken post HT to then thin out again in a few years as the non transplanted hairs are lost


This is a crazy plan and you will be dissatisfied with the result.


To spread 3000 grafts over such a wide area will give you no more than about 15 grafts per sq cm. Once the native hair goes it will look terrible.


Hi Matt - can I please ask what you would suggest?


The main priority is to complete the frontal third and then work back with the remaining grafts.


Please check this patients result with 4000 FUE - http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/167897-hair-transplant-dr-tejinder-bhatti-darling-buds-chandigarh-india.html


I'm hoping to achieve similar results. Then tackle my crown in a few years.


As Native Remedies has posted - a temporary concealer for the crown could tide me over until this day.

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Yes the plan exactly! Dr Bhatti is going to complete the frontal third assuming that the native hair will go. Then with the remaining grafts, work back to the crown.




Exactly. My hair is thin already and always has been on top. It will slightly thicken post HT to then thin out again in a few years as the non transplanted hairs are lost




Hi Matt - can I please ask what you would suggest?


The main priority is to complete the frontal third and then work back with the remaining grafts.


Please check this patients result with 4000 FUE - http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/167897-hair-transplant-dr-tejinder-bhatti-darling-buds-chandigarh-india.html


I'm hoping to achieve similar results. Then tackle my crown in a few years.


As Native Remedies has posted - a temporary concealer for the crown could tide me over until this day.


I would suggest a trip to Beligium to see the coalition Drs there.


It's better that you do propose just reinforcing the frontal 3rd. However, 4000 grafts is a lot to be using up at age 26.


I looked at that Bhatti result. I would say it is 'ok'.


Whatever happens I hope it works out for you.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Using 3000 of my grafts up has definitely concerned me - although I really do not wish to wait until its all gone in 5-8 years time to have my first HT. My density is good at the back so i'm guessing i'll have 5000-6000 to use in total hopefully...


Frontal third is definitely the priority for sure for the 3000 grafts. Then 2000-3000 in 3-5 years time to complete the crown


Here's what i'm hoping to achieve by this time next year - hair density will be minimum

Edited by HairFunk
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I just read this and was horrified. I think you need to take a step back and do more research.


To lower a hairline even just 1cm is going to take close to 1500 grafts just to get an acceptable density.


You and a few others in this thread have been the voice of reason. Lowering a hairline by 1 whole inch is being absolutely reckless with grafts. Especially for the patients age and level of loss. I composed my opinion earlier in this thread but the OP disregarded it. I have to say i now agree with Bill's decision to not recommend Bhatti onto this forum. As much as i like his prices and results, he seems too agressive, too liberal with grafts and makes ridiculous claims of less then 2% transection.

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Ok I have just measured 1 inch and yes that is absolutely ridiculous I agree - my bad there! Its more like 0.60-80 mm (less than 1cm anyway)


Dr Bhatti actually commended me on my high hairline choice in my artistic impression. He estimates 3000 to tackle my front and work back towards the crown - he did also say in his email less is more and that preserving my donor area is best for the future.


I'll update everyone in a few months - at worst in one year it hasn't worked and I shave my head to a number 1 for life and accept my baldness.


But at least I tried.

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