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True/dorin - Feller - differences?

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T&D are somewhat more conservative than Feller. I personally think they accomplish more with less. Feller is good as well and creates better hailines than T&D IMO. Although T&D hairlines are still good.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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Both very talented clinics, and both very dedicated to quality, ethical FUE.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Based on my personal experience I would recommend feller massively. My growth has been superb and I can not imagine that anyone could give me a thinner scar than I have from my fut. Obviously I don't have personal experience with t&d but I have researched them a lot online. They are clearly top level doctors but it would be feller all day for me.

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Consult with both. Both clinics are top notch. I am a big fan of the conservative approach taken by T&D because they achieve great results with relatively small numbers of grafts. I also have seen lots of outstanding results from Dr. Feller. If you consult with both you will get a good feel for which suits you best. You can't go wrong with either clinic.......you are choosing from among the best.

Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUT 6/14/11 - 3048 grafts


Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUE 1/28/13 & 1/29/13 - 1513 grafts



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Both clinics get excellent results. Yes, there are some dissatisfied clients but that is the nature of these blogs---you can criticize with much impunity. HT results are also variable because of patient characteristics, expectations, etc. It is a tribute to the Drs that participate that they subject themselves and their work to broad scrutiny and review. (Yes I recognize the financial upside for Drs to participate)Some docs have thinner skins when it comes to criticism, but that is part of human nature? I recommend you look at Corvettester's posts. He used Dr. Dorin for both FUT and Fue. He is sporting quite the mane these days. He has investigated both of these doctors . You might want to PM him.

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From what I understand and have read, Corvettester had to return to Dorin to get his lower yield from the initial surgery resolved that he stated.


Having read pretty much everything to read on the forums, it is also common knowledge that Corvettester, when he was more active on the forum that he used to attack Dr Feller and was warned on numerous occasions of his conduct by the moderators.


As I said previously, you should consult with both clinics as they are both highly recommended. I do not understand what your motives are Mountinvan as to why you would specifically encourage someone to mail a specific person that is known for that.

Edited by chrisdav

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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I believe I owe chrisdav a response, especially since you seem to be asking for one--unless you are just being rhetorical in nature. You are right chrisdav about Corvettester ("C")--he obviously was unable to comment without impunity as the moderators intervened. I, for one, am glad that he is still able to participate (thank you moderators) but do not think it productive to get into a discussion of C's prior conduct. All I know is that he is a fellow hairloss sufferer and now 3x hair transplant veteran (both FUT and FUE). He is articulate and adds to the quality of the dialogue. Since he has personal experience with Dr. Dorin and views on his experience (good and bad), consideringht might find his feedback useful. I personally find C to be knowledgable and respect his opinions--good and bad. Considersinght is looking for "differences" and "feedback." Telling him to consult with both doctors is good advice, but doesn't really address his post since he is looking to others for their impressions. He can then form his " own" impression when he does the consults.

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My personal opinion is that both clinics are talented, and both have their upsides.


T and D are more conservative which may work better for you in the long run, but depending on expectations, may have you less satisfied at 1 year post op. I would say they are great at doing more with less.


Both IMO are equally skilled at FUE. Dr. F charges something like 10 bucks a graft though, which is the highest I have ever personally seen on the board.


Dr. Feller probably has more wow results, has had some really good FUT results lately and has been posting on this board for over a decade.


T and D probably has the highest quality documentation of physician posted results on this website. Great camera and great lighting. (H and W has great videos and SMG has top notch photo documentation as well.)


Dr. Feller is IMO a little thin skinned to criticism. I have seen cases where T and D tried to make things right after a less than optimal result. I haven't seen that with Dr. F. I am not saying he has never done it. I just haven't seen it. Out of the few unhappy patients that have posted concerns, I don't remember a happy outcome and the threads have been locked. There was even talk of lawsuit threat.


Since I have been in the board, these doctors have probably done 500 patients each (just a guess) so it is of no surprise that there are a few people that are unhappy.


Bottom line is that you should try to see both clinics in person before you chose. I don't think there is a substantial skill difference and just a bit of approach difference and a bit of a personality difference as well. Based in your needs, the answer should be clear after you visit both clinics.

Edited by Spanker

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Spanker is spot on. I have no personal knowledge of either of these clinics, but it does seem to me they have different approaches and personalties. Consults can help sort that out. Its like picking between haagen dazs vs ben and jerry's. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSgsJrpzZ211rzb5rOcaL72TAWIomlQQEa0VVSRdEVHpHK8_ONFoQ

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Having been treated by both doctors via FUE, i felt i should add my opinion. If you have narrowed your choice down to these two doctors, I can truly say that you have won a small victory. In both procedures I had grafts placed in the frontal 1/3 of my scalp. I found both doctors to be very professional and passionate about their work. Both doctors made me feel at ease throughout the entire process and addressed all of my concerns to include pros and cons. At no time did i feel pressured into doing something i didn't want to do or that i was being "sold" a product which unfortunately isnt a universal practice in the HT industry. As far as yield and placement of grafts went, both doctors produced desired results.

The reason I chose to go to DR Dorin after after having a procedure with DR Feller was that Dr Dorin seemed to be slightly more flexible to my needs and wants. Specifically Dr Dorin felt that shaving the recipient area was not necessary to achieve desired results. This was extremely important to me as I am very private about undergoing HTs and my ability to conceal the procedure post operatively was one of my ultimate concerns. For whatever reason I'm just not comfortable with being open about it and that's just the way it is and the way I suspect i will always feel. To be honest im not yet comfortable with posting any pictures and I am comfortable that that will be respected in this community.

One other difference between the two was hairline design. Though this wasn't a factor in choosing Dr Dorin, it was more something that became aware to me after meeting with him him. Dr Dorin seems to prefer to use a more curvy/jagged hairline design which contoured my scalp more nicely. Although this is a matter of opinion and one can clearly make their opinion as results of both doctors are posted routinely on this website.

On a final note, I will say that it is very encouraging to see that people are able to use this forum as a tool to educate themselves about their hair loss options as well as which doctors best suit their needs/wants. It also is good to see that talented Doctors such as Dr Feller, Dr Dorin and others are able to showcase their results and offer the patient some insight to their practice and techniques. Having said that, never discount the importance of meeting with the Doctors themselves or even their patients. This forum provides patients with a high level of education and information and it helps hold Doctors to a high level of standard of which I can say from personal experience that both Dr Dorin and Feller meet.

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