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Seeking advice on Hair TP doctors as well as general advice


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Hi all:


I am glad to be on this forum, and from what I have read, forum members are extremely helpful. First of all, happy holidays to all.


I have some questions, and I realize that some of you will ask me to seek professional advice for this, but I wanted to get your answers as well, if you are willing to provide them, as they would be most helpful to me:


1) I have attached some headshots of mine(see below). What NW level do you think I am at?

2) I would be looking for a transplant with density at the front and coverage for the remaining areas, i.e. mid-scalp and crown. I've got dark, slightly wavy, coarse hair on dark skin (as you can see in my pic). Some of you are masters at this, since you have either had multiple transplants or seen enough of these pictures to makes educated guesses, so how many grafts do you think I might need to achieve my requirements?

3) Which Hair TP doctors would you recommend in Ontario (Canada)?





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  • Senior Member

Your a NW 5 going onto a 6. You would need about 7000-8000 grafts for complete coverage with decent density. If your in Ontario, thats easy...Dr.Rahal is in Ottawa and is one of the worlds best and a master at extracting large graft numbers which you will need.


Good luck.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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how old are you and are you taking hair loss meds?


I agree with cant decide you a NW5 heading towards a NW6.


I would think you will need two surgeries...with each surgery providing about 4000-4500 grafts.


Dr. Rahal is one of the very best in the world, but also watch some of the videos below to make a more informed decision.


Interviews with our recommended hair transplant physicians

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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I'm 34 now. Can't take Propecia as it is causing pain in my lower abdomen, so I have been applying minoxidil to my balding areas for many years. It is helping to slow down hair loss, but not significantly, as my hairline recedes further every year...


Thanks for all the great advice, Shampoo and Cant decide...

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  • Senior Member

Go see Dr Rahal.


I'd aim for a conservative hairline placement and work back using 3000-4000+ grafts if possible.


Depending on donor you may be able to go back for a further 2000-3000 a year later to beef up any areas lacking.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Hasson&Wong,Rahal or Simons I think are the doctors to see in Canada.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks 1978matt & chrisdav. I was leaning towards that number as well, since it will be my first TP. Rahal seems to be the most referred doc on this forum, and it looks like he has good experience with mega-sessions.


I have also read that once you have had the Hair TP, there is a risk that your existing hair could also be lost due to shock loss. Has anyone here experienced this or is this here-say? I am concerned because I still have some hair left in my mid-scalp and I could potentially lose all of it after the TP, thereby creating more immediate gaps that need to be filled, even though I just had the transplant.

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I am a fan if both Rahal and Hasson and Wong. I really like H and W for patients that need a lot of grafts.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Hasson&Wong are the king of megasessions undoubtedy and the more experienced with hundreds of results in HD video and lots satisified patients with testimonials.


Rahal is the only other surgeon that I know of that does sessions of the larger kind, and from what I have seen, I have been very impressed.


They are both two of the best clinics in the world, so you in the right place either way.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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  • Senior Member
Thanks 1978matt & chrisdav. I was leaning towards that number as well, since it will be my first TP. Rahal seems to be the most referred doc on this forum, and it looks like he has good experience with mega-sessions.


I have also read that once you have had the Hair TP, there is a risk that your existing hair could also be lost due to shock loss. Has anyone here experienced this or is this here-say? I am concerned because I still have some hair left in my mid-scalp and I could potentially lose all of it after the TP, thereby creating more immediate gaps that need to be filled, even though I just had the transplant.


I'm no expert but I think there are 2 types of shockloss, i.e. temporary or permanent.


I think the doc just needs to place the grafts not too near the good quality native hair.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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