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What did the Dr do with the rest of my grafts


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I had a transplant about 6 weeks ago and things are going well other than pain in and around donor area. I had spoke to my Dr about the pain and asked him how wide of a strip he removed in the donor area, he replied 2 1/2 cm. After our conversation I started thinking about this. I have a scar from ear to ear about 8" or 20.32 cm, which would be about 50 sq cm(2.5 x 20.32) right? From what I understand that should yield about 4000 grafts. My transplant was 2500 grafts. WTF happened to the rest of the grafts. Did this guy cut out too much of my scalp and toss my grafts in the trash? I am really getting upset as I think about this, how can he remove that much of my scalp for 2500 grafts? You try to research these guys but you let your guard down and trust one and this is what happens.

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I would double check that width number as 2.5 cm seems very wide. Also, your calculation assumes a donor density of 80 grafts per sq cm which is average. Yours may be lower than that. I doubt any surgeon, unless they are totally without scruples would just throw out extra extracted grafts.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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Dear Ben

Who was your doctor? There are doctors who will only use what you have paid for and because of a high transection rate they will take out more than actually required. What level of density do you have in the donor area....would you describe yourself as having thick hair in that area.

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Right now I believe my Doctor is a lying unethical piece of ****. I am going into to speak to him in person. If my beliefs are true I will gladly post his name but he is a member of all the right organizations and participates on websites. I hope it is just a misunderstanding but I am afraid my beliefs are sound.

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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While I'm sorry to hear about your experience, I do think there are quite a few unknowns at the moment and it makes it too easy to jump to conclusions.


Like a few others are stating, the assumed width may be a bit off (because 2.5 cm sounds quite wide) and you aren't certain of your density in the donor region. Because of this, I think I would try to speak with your surgeon and move forward from there.


However, feel free to share your experience on the forums until then.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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It isn't against the rules to name the doctor. I don't know why to many people are afraid to mention the doctors name when something goes wrong.


Are we sure "something went wrong"? Why should Benjamin name the doctor before he goes into have the first discussion about the situation? I don't think he should name the doctor until he determines after seeing the doctor as to if his assumptions may or may not be true.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Are we sure "something went wrong"? Why should Benjamin name the doctor before he goes into have the first discussion about the situation? I don't think he should name the doctor until he determines after seeing the doctor as to if his assumptions may or may not be true.


I certainly do not want to name him if I am wrong but when i spoke to him on the phone the other day about some shooting pain from the donor area he made a comment that he had done over 5000 hair transplants. To me that is a BIG RED BULL**** FLAG. If he works 5 days a week and does one transplant every day and take 2 weeks off a year it would take 20 years to do 5,000 hair transplant. So the more he speaks the less I trust him but I want a face to face with him before draw a final conclusion.

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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I hear ya Benjamin. I hope your worst fears are not true. I am interested to hear what comes out of your face to face meeting with the doctor. Sounds like the doctor is not a great communicator, but I would not go into the meeting with an obvious "you're guilty and a quack" attitude. You seem like a very informed patient and will be able to calmly discuss your concerns with the doctor.


BTW...I am one week out from surgery and like you I have had some degree of shooting pain from mainly one spot in my donor area. It is on the top side of donor scar area, basically where the back of my skull turns towards the front, almost directly above the back part of my right ear. I assume a staple or the incision must have struck a nerve or something. Maybe that's a point that gets more stretching pressure being right on the curve of the head. It doesn't hurt all the time, but flares up almost every day for 2-3 hours. I am hoping it will soon go away or maybe be helped with staple removal next Tues.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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I certainly do not want to name him if I am wrong but when i spoke to him on the phone the other day about some shooting pain from the donor area he made a comment that he had done over 5000 hair transplants. To me that is a BIG RED BULLSHIT FLAG. If he works 5 days a week and does one transplant every day and take 2 weeks off a year it would take 20 years to do 5,000 hair transplant. So the more he speaks the less I trust him but I want a face to face with him before draw a final conclusion.


Is the Doctor part of the coalition on this forum? 5,000 hairtransplants is not impossible. Some Doctors have been practicing hair restoration for 15+ years and some do more than one patient per day.

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When he says "he" has done 5,000 transplants, he might mean 'his clinic'. How big was the clinic/hospital? Any other surgeons there? Do they only have 1 site?


With regard to the grafts, you are calculating it based on a high density. What density per sq2 did he tell you that you had in your donor area? If the density in your donor area isn't great, he might have only been able to get 2,500.


Either that or his dissection skills are poor and he wasted many grafts when preparing them for implantation.


I wouldn't panic yet, just get the answers from him and concentrate on healing for now.

2800 FUE, Istanbul

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You don't need him to name his doctor, it can be found if you know where to look.


Having just checked his name to the list of recommended doctors on this site, it seems that the doctor is NOT recommended on here. There is very little information on him via the search feature on this forum. A post where his name crops up, people say they haven't heard of him.


Means nothing of course, could still be a great doctor. I hope your issue gets resolved Benjamin, but I must say I have an ear to ear scar for 2000 grafts...seems to me from looking at photos that everyone ends up with the same kind of scar, don't they?

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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You don't need him to name his doctor, it can be found if you know where to look.


Having just checked his name to the list of recommended doctors on this site, it seems that the doctor is NOT recommended on here. There is very little information on him via the search feature on this forum. A post where his name crops up, people say they haven't heard of him.


Means nothing of course, could still be a great doctor. I hope your issue gets resolved Benjamin, but I must say I have an ear to ear scar for 2000 grafts...seems to me from looking at photos that everyone ends up with the same kind of scar, don't they?


Is the Doctor part of the coalition on this forum? 5,000 hairtransplants is not impossible. Some Doctors have been practicing hair restoration for 15+ years and some do more than one patient per day.


I agree that it is possible and at one time he worked at a clinic that performed hair transplants but he is on his own now, so I me be jumping the gun on this one

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When he says "he" has done 5,000 transplants, he might mean 'his clinic'. How big was the clinic/hospital? Any other surgeons there? Do they only have 1 site?


With regard to the grafts, you are calculating it based on a high density. What density per sq2 did he tell you that you had in your donor area? If the density in your donor area isn't great, he might have only been able to get 2,500.


Either that or his dissection skills are poor and he wasted many grafts when preparing them for implantation.


I wouldn't panic yet, just get the answers from him and concentrate on healing for now.



I was told by anothre HT Doc that my density was about 80 FUs per sq cm is that considered high? What would be considered average and what would be considered low?

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  • Regular Member
You don't need him to name his doctor, it can be found if you know where to look.


Having just checked his name to the list of recommended doctors on this site, it seems that the doctor is NOT recommended on here. There is very little information on him via the search feature on this forum. A post where his name crops up, people say they haven't heard of him.


Means nothing of course, could still be a great doctor. I hope your issue gets resolved Benjamin, but I must say I have an ear to ear scar for 2000 grafts...seems to me from looking at photos that everyone ends up with the same kind of scar, don't they?



I thought about that after posting and went and removed his name from my profile till I find out more, I guess you checked before I removed it. He is not active on this site but he is active on others.

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No, I didn't find him from your profile.


Anyway - good luck, hope it turns out well!

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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