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Vitamins to add to Proscar and Rogaine Foam?


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I have been using Rogaine Foam and finesteride for about 5 months. I have a receding hairline (significantly got worse from 18-21 when i had very long hair but slowed down over the last 6 years) with thick hair everywhere else. My doctor says that i will eventually start to lose hair in the crown area so i decided to act. My main goal is to retain what i have and anything else would be a bonus.


I have shed immensely (mainly in the front center where i was thinning but some everywhere) and every time i feel it is slowing down i seem to notice more hairs in the sink. However, my derm says the medicine is showing results (at 4.5 months) and even brought in a training PA to see what new hairs (small white peach fuzz i guess) can look like with a magnifying glass.


So even though i have my doubts its working (i feel i am taking a huge risk of making my hair worse) I am willing to continue with the shedding (never noticed it before but may be bc i wasnt looking) in hopes that it will be replaced with thicker stronger hair and trust the derm. I recently switched to proscar to save money.


What i am wondering is what vitamins/minerals/herbs i can add that might help in the process and if anyone knows of a good multivitamin that is not too pricey i could pick up.


For awhile i was using my old procerin from years ago but have run out and am looking for cheaper options.


Thanks for taking your time to offer any advice or help (I realize this is a longer post)

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  • Regular Member

I take the time release GNC Mega-Man multivitamin (morning/evening), saw palmetto (morning/evening), and biotin (evening). If you are a GNC member, you save an additional 20%. I usually load up 6 months supply on their twice a year sale. Costco is another good place. I get my super saw palmetto by Webber Natural there.

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  • Senior Member

I have just started taking Perfectil tablets, 1 x A to Z multi vit and Neocell collagen tablets this week. Together it is more than enough to keep hair strong and keep my skin looking fresh.


Go to Asda and buy some Perfectil, hair skin and nails tablets, they are normally ?7 per 30, but are on offer, 3 x 30 for ?10


Neocell collagen tablets as they are good for skin and nails too. They are about ?18 for 250, but you need to take 6 per day.



Bargain. Stock up and enjoy :)

2800 FUE, Istanbul

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  • Senior Member

I'm taking Wellman Tricologic.


It's cheapest over ebay.


I've not been taking it long enough to say if it helps but it has all sorts of stuff in it like Biotin, Zinc and Amino Acids.


I don't take the recommened 3 tablets a day as I think this is excessive. One a day with food does me.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • 2 months later...
  • Regular Member

I think that a healthy balanced diet removes the need for vitamin supplements.


If you dont feel that your diet is optimal then a simple vitamin complex might help.


The body is self regulating in many respects - any excess water soluble vitamins are removed mostly in the urine.

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