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  1. Buy biotin from puritan's pride online. I take advantage of their buy 2 bottles get 3 free and take it every day. It's cheap and helps.
  2. The itching will go away after a few months/years. I had it too when I first started. I'm sure you could spray anti-itch stuff from the pharmacy on your head after it has absorbed. I believe Eucerin makes a product like that.
  3. I found part of my own answer to #1 on propecia.com. "PROPECIA tablets are coated and will prevent contact with the active ingredient during normal handling, provided that the tablets are not broken or crushed" It doesn't say that this coating prevents your stomach from digesting the medication, however, if propecia/finasteride can be absorbed through your skin, when you swallow a crushed/split finasteride you are obviously absorbing the drug as soon as it touches your fingers or tongue. There is a coating on many types of medication called enteric coating. You can read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enteric_coating or just read this quote: "An enteric coating is a barrier applied to oral medication that controls the location in the digestive system where it is absorbed. Enteric refers to the small intestine, therefore enteric coatings prevent release of medication before it reaches the small intestine[1]. Most enteric coatings work by presenting a surface that is stable at the highly acidic pH found in the stomach, but breaks down rapidly at a less acidic (relatively more basic) pH. For example, they will not dissolve in the acidic juices of the stomach (pH ~3), but they will in the alkaline (pH 7-9) environment present in the small intestine. Materials used for enteric coatings include fatty acids, waxes, shellac, plastics, and plant fibers." So I question whether the coating on finasteride or propecia is enteric or if it would benefit from enteric coating. On propecia.com: "Finasteride is extensively metabolized in the liver, primarily via the cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme subfamily." To figure out where/when the liver is involved in RECEIVING anything from digestion (rather than PROVIDING), I found this on wikipedia: "Blood containing the absorbed nutrients is carried away from the small intestine via the hepatic portal vein and goes to the liver for filtering, removal of toxins, and nutrient processing." Further info here from another wiki site: How does the liver contribute to digestion So the liver receives nutrients/blood from the small intestine, so in my non-medical degreed mind, that means that the coating on the pill is quite important to proper absorption, so the pill survives the stomach and everything gets absorbed by the small intestine and thus liver. If you've ever used generic finasteride and split the pills, you know how fragile the medication is after splitting it. It would probably dissolve in your mouth in a matter of minutes. Based on some googling, it seems like I am asking a question that hasn't ever been asked before. How important is that coating to proper absorption? It seems to me that if the coating on the pill wasn't important, they would say you could allow the pill to dissolve in your mouth (which is basically what is happening to a small extent for all of us splitting the pills), or for that matter, you could just grind it up, put it on your head, snort it, put it in your butt, or whatever you want. If it needs to be metabolized by your liver, is it surviving our stomach juices? A little more googling has caused me to question whether the decreased effect of hair maintenance is due to what else I take at the same time as my split finasteride. I take it with all my vitamins right before I go to bed, and perhaps there is something messing with my vulnerable, penetrable finasteride that doesn't have a coating on 2 sides from being split. Apparently grapefruit juice (I'm sure there are several people on here who take grape seed extract, which is from grapefruit juice) affects how finasteride is absorbed in a negative way. Grapefruit Juice and Finasteride/Dutasteride Absorption - Balding Blog This claims that grapefruit juice actually increasing the amount of it in your blood, but that you shouldn't drink it with the drug. Can grapefruit juice alter absorption of Propecia? Here they discuss a few points that have made me decide to change my schedule on when I take my finasteride and vitamins. Hair Loss Help Forums - could taking this reduce propecia's effectiveness? I'll start taking the vitamins with dinner and take the finasteride (quartered) at night and see if I have improvement over the next few months... Do note that when I was on propecia and having moderate success, I was taking it with my vitamins at night... just as I am doing with quartered finasteride...
  4. I haven't ever had acne problems related to Propecia or Generic Finasteride nor a sensation on my scalp.
  5. Hi guys, I was on the old messageboard, and I know this is looked down upon on most forums, but I simply don't think I can spend 10 hours searching for the answer to my questions. My story: I'm 27, and I think I've been using Rogaine since I was 21 and Propecia since I was 22 or 23. I have never regrown hair, however I wasn't losing much. I switched to generic finasteride a year ago since Propecia was costing me so much, and I can get 5mg finasteride with my insurance for $10 or $20 a bottle. I've been quartering the 5mg pills. My hair has been receding a LOT in my temples, everyone is commenting on it. I've been on finasteride for about a year now. Questions I have: 1) My belief is that the reason my hair is thinning and falling out now is because the quartered drug does not have a seal/membrane/barrier to getting digested like Propecia or Finasteride has when you don't break open the medication. I assume Propecia is not digested until later (like in your small intestine) and that is how it is better absorbed. Is that true? 2) Is it okay to take one 5mg Finasteride once every 5 days instead of quartering the pill? Can someone who has been doing this for a year or more give me an answer? I know the drug is not time released, so this seems extremely risky to me. 3) Is there something you can brush onto a quartered pill to give it that (potentially) necessary barrier to prevent it from getting digested too soon and not absorbed? Any insight from users who have been using generic finasteride would be greatly appreciated. If you have just started taking it and you have been quartering the drug as I have, you might take my story as a warning that it doesn't seem like it works!
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