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UPDATED: Photos -- 3800 grafts w/ Dr. Hasson


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Hi everyone,


Just got back from Vancouver where I had my Touch-Up Procedure with Dr. Hasson. He ended up revising the whole scar and transplanting 760 grafts in a horse-shoe shape around my hairline. Posted a couple post-op photos to my blog. Link is in my sig.


Dr. Hasson is having me leave the staples in longer this time in the hopes of the scar not stretching. He recommended 3-4 weeks and I'm going to keep them in for the full 4 weeks.




totally free including air ticket ? plz provide info (and pics)

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Tsakalos: Vancouver is a 3-hour drive from where I live. They were gracious enough to get me a hotel room. Provide pics of what? I'm going to post more graft placement pics in a bit.


The immediately post-op pics I already posted last week are here:




Edited by hair_me_out
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What exactly does scar revision entail? Do they place some of the grafts on the scar to cover it up?


Also, did you have your hairline lowered for the "touch up" procedure or did those 760 grafts just augment your current hairline?




My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


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I cant help but notice that Hasson and Wong seem to put in a lot more grafts than most surgeons. Even on mild receding they seem to use the same number of grafts that most get when trying to treat more severe balding. Firstly why do Hasson and Wong use more grafts? And secondly, are they really THAT good or are the results just better because they transplant more grafts than most, and it seems to me, more than some people need.

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Interesting first post...


This is the the first time I've heard anyone accuse them of over packing an area. The exact opposite is why I chose them; I felt they offered a more long term approach


IMO yes, they are THAT good. I just did a skim of their site and saw transplants ranging from 1500 grafts-10k+ grafts. The average is probably 3500-6k though. Based on that alone, I don't seee why you think everyone gets the same number of grafts. Sure, you can find some dense packed patients but I'm sure they were good candidates for it.


Granted, there's no sure fire way to predict where someone is headed but below is a good guide when planning.


-History of family loss


-Donor availability


-Level of loss

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Shaun congrads on your FIRST post. I think you need to research and see if anybody from any doctor has ever said " OH MY GOD THE DOCTOR GAVE ME TOO MUCH DENSITY". The elite doctors through experience and doing 1000's of surgery understand when it is possible, visible and to the patients best interest to dense pack an area. Doctors look at the patients needs, wants, and reality of what is best. Since I have witnessed 100's of operations and in most cases its the doctors that tell the patients what they want is too agressive and not realistic. I have also seen many patients refused because they either are not a good candidate or are just not realistic on what they want. Doctor all have different approaching but alot of it has to do with their knowlegable, ability and staff.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Sparky understood and I agree. Ethical doctor have to look at the future as well as the present. It make no sense to put 80grafts/CM in the hairline and have only 15 behind it. Blending it part of the overall look to give the patient a natural look, which in my opinion is more important than any density amount.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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One other thing to consider is this. I've noticed that Dr. Hasson and Wong are pretty conservative with their hairlines, which I think is a good thing for patients long term. Rather than trying to lower the hairline too much (which may look good when a patient is young but will look silly as they age and get older) they tend to favor density in the natural hairline. I think while this may not be as flashy for results photos, the patient will be happier with their HT for a longer time. That's just my opinion. I was pretty happy when Dr. Hasson originally didn't try to get me to lower my natural hairline -- it was a sign for me that he was ethical.



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Unfortunately posts like those from Shaun are obviously made with some sort of malicious goal and it is not isolated to this thread. There have been several posts by "individuals" that have conducted what I call "drive by postings" because they post something negative then disappear. I can only surmise that this is the work of a competing clinic but why, I cannot fathom.




I'm glad your post-op is going well and I'm glad you were able to come up for this procedure.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Unfortunately posts like those from Shaun are obviously made with some sort of malicious goal and it is not isolated to this thread. There have been several posts by "individuals" that have conducted what I call "drive by postings" because they post something negative then disappear. I can only surmise that this is the work of a competing clinic but why, I cannot fathom.




I'm glad your post-op is going well and I'm glad you were able to come up for this procedure.


Woooh relax everyone...I wasn't meaning it with any malicious intent at all. For the record I've been following the work of a lot of different doctor on here for a while and I think all the work from Hasson and Wong looks great. I'm not saying any of their work is "too dense" what I am saying is they definitely tend to use more grafts over smaller spaces, which gives a great result but sometimes I just wonder, hey if this guy starts losing it at the back how much is there going to be left over for future procedures? Anyway no doubt they take that into account.

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760 grafts is a lot more than the 100 or so that was originally mentioned. Is that because the doctor thought the density was a bit low throughout? I suppose if you are going through all the trouble of another procedure it makes sense to tackle as much as possible.


In any case I'm sure this will look great, and I'm really keen to see how quickly you recover so please keep us updated. Someday I'd like to get a touch up but I can't really take any downtime at the moment so it will need to wait (and my hair looks generally fine when it's not too short).


Good luck with your recovery!

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Hey Joe- Does this have any effect on the total # of grafts that can be harvest in the future? Meaning, now that he's essentially had 2 strip surgery, even though one is more of a "touch up" will this effect how many total grafts can be extracted or does the amount of surgery have no effect. Or is it best to go with as much as you can each time, assuming you need it.

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From my experiences Dr. Hasson is always more concerned about the future than patients usually are. I have seen many situations where the patients wanted more grafts than Dr. Hasson believed was neccessary and other situation where he felt surgery wasnt necessary.

i dont know anything about this situation but in my opinion such few graft would have very little or not affect in the future. Of course if the patient has 5000 grafts available in the future he now has 750. It may be hard to beleive but its not all hair transplant doctors goal to maximize the amount of grafts he can take. I feel all top doctor would prefer to have alot left on reserve and never have to get to that point. As we know this is not always possible.

Just my opinon

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Just updated my Blog with scar photos from 2.5 months post-op HT#2. Not much doing in the recipient area yet.


I left my staples in for 2 months. I don't really know what to make of these photos. Hard to tell what is shockloss and what is the scar. There was a lot of crusty skin buildup around this area, which when I took the staples out, took a lot of hair with them.


Here's the direct link:


Hair Restoration Journal -2.5 Months Post-Op HT#2



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Dr. Hasson wanted me to try for 4 weeks this time with the staples so I went ahead and did some "extra credit." Let's hope it helps.


I e-mailed the photos to Jotronic and he said it looks like shockloss to him and said that he could see a fine line that was the actual donor scar. He said the hair would come back so just be patient and that all looks good at this point.

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your results from your first ht are simliar to mine....mine right side grew well and my left not as well......i thought it would catch up but never did just like yours....so I had a 2nd ht and got those grafts for free.....best of luck bud

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