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How can this be a parting?


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There was a part near the top of my hair, coming from my crown I've always been concerned about. I say always... well I mean since I've been worrying about hair loss. This little line that showed more scalp in certain lights was described as a natural parting. That sounded cool with me, until I started examining my hair again. I took a pic with my hair spiked up and I saw this mess.




.... can that really be a parting?


When my hair is wet, there's no signs of this strip thing that I'm seeing.




What is it? Is my concern here legitimate... or am I being irrational AGAIN?


There's an album with more pics, so feel free to look. I'm wearing a pink hair band in a couple of shots. Don't judge me. It's all there was in the bathroom.


hair pictures by jonnykino - Photobucket


Sorry for posting again after my last post, but I'm not sure what's going on here.


Thanks. Hope you all had a good Christmas.

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I agree...believe me there will be plenttttty of time to worry about losing your hair...enjoy the time you have NOW as your hair seems fine...if anything consider getting on Propecia to keep your hair. Enjoy your life and enjoy your hair! Move on.

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I have a similiar line on the centre of my head a bit more towards my left than dead central,looking at photos i had since i was 16,it never got worse,its visable when i stand under a light,i think its an area of low density naturally,inface density varies all over my head the whole right side of my head is thicker than left-from nape to sidebirns the whole lot

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Looks like a natural "parting" to me as well. I'd "keep an eye on it" and possibly schedule an appointment with a trusted dermatologist or hair restoration expert to confirm.


Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Keep in the mind that wet hair always looks thinner, and top shots with flash look thinner still. It looks to me that you have a good head of hair. If you are concerned then set up a consultation with a hair doctor and get a miniaturization test done to see if you need to get on Propecia.

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So it IS just a parting and I shouldn't be worried? Mum swears I've had it all my life, but... yeah.


Lol. Cuz I posted this pic on another forum, and this guy told me to get on fin, minoxidil and nizoral right away.


If it's just a parting then I don't need to stat using any of that stuff, right? I don't wanna start taking anything if I've got no problems.


I mean, I'm gonna start using nizoral just for my scalp, try and settle the down the dermatitis.

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Ehhh. I get so many mixed responses from different forums I don't know what to believe, and I just get more confused by it all.


I don't wear my hair like this, but if I comb my hair along the 'parting', then it looks like this.




And it looks like it follows on from my crown;




But combed completely straight, you can't see the parting, except this little... thinner part. I'm guessing it's due to the parting, but I dunno.




So yeah. I dunno what it is, and what to believe. One place tells me it's just a natural parting, then the next place tells me to keep an eye on it, and the next place tells me to start taking propecia asap.

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That is not hairloss but your not going to be conviced until a doctor tells you so I suggest going to a dermatologist or HT surgeon and get their opinion.


But seriously, it looks totally fine.

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I like you thought it was originally a "parting" or I also made a ton of excuses why it looked a certain way that could be deemed to be the very early stages of thinning...I am not bad at all in the crown and perhaps people would even say I am not very slightly thinning but at the end of the day you have to just throw out the excuses and mental games we play and realize it could very well be the verrrry beginning of MPB. Our eyes want to see and our minds want to believe what we want them to. I would get on FIN because thinning happens very slowly and remember we can lose 50% of our density and still look ok...one day you will wake up and be like oh man I'm thinning and by that time it will be too late to offset all that you were losing when you thought it was nothing but a "part". I would start Fin or if you don't want to go extreme start at least Rogaine...putting a little in that section at least once a day. I wouldn't just sit back and wait and pray it is just a part.

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i have to disagree to start Rogaine since after starting it u will be dependent on it for eternity.... Remember once stopping Rogaine u will lose any little hair u gained and may lose more,,,,Also, i actually think it could make yr situation worse since many people experience a great deal of hair loss once starting Rogaine..


I would not go the Rogaine route.

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Like anything in life...everything is a trade off. Believe me I don't want to be on Rogaine but if I want to try to keep my hair as best as I can I have to use it...trade off. Do I want to be on Propecia that could have some side effects...nooo but again...I don't want to be bald and want to try to keep the hair I have...trade off. I also feel once you had a HT (like I have) you tend to see your hair as an actual asset bc u invested soooo much money into it now so you tend to do everything to try to keep it looking good and holding onto what you have left to avoid having to get another HT. Bottom line if you care enough about your hair loss and potentially going bald...you too will do whatever necessary to hold onto it...also running the simulatenous risks mentioned above...hence trade off! I gather the loss of hair you mention on Rogaine refers to the initial potential shedding phase as this is deemed to be normal.

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Like anything in life...everything is a trade off. Believe me I don't want to be on Rogaine but if I want to try to keep my hair as best as I can I have to use it...trade off. Do I want to be on Propecia that could have some side effects...nooo but again...I don't want to be bald and want to try to keep the hair I have...trade off. I also feel once you had a HT (like I have) you tend to see your hair as an actual asset bc u invested soooo much money into it now so you tend to do everything to try to keep it looking good and holding onto what you have left to avoid having to get another HT. Bottom line if you care enough about your hair loss and potentially going bald...you too will do whatever necessary to hold onto it...also running the simulatenous risks mentioned above...hence trade off! I gather the loss of hair you mention on Rogaine refers to the initial potential shedding phase as this is deemed to be normal.



Im very aware of the trade off, maybe to aware.. I guess i wanted to share the possible risks in using the product since yr first post sounded like u were advertising the product. The intial potential shedding phase u say being normal...HAHA! I know i wouldnt want to use a product that's going to make my hair fall out and actually count on some product's testimony that it's going to bring it back...I read some people testimonies about the product and they're are not all positive. U can stick with the Rogaine...!!

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I am definitely not promoting any product but simply stating that there is a risk/reward for everything in life including maintaining/restoring our hair. Everyone reacts differently to any product and before they take anything they should do their due diligence to know the risks and rewards and potential side effects of it. With that said and especially researching this site there appears to be the obvious 2 products that help/aid in maintaining our hair (FIN and Rogaine). There are risks to both but there are also rewards. It is up to the person to decide if it is worth it or not. Some people said they didn't shed and others said it was a massive shed...again risk/reward. Like I said early...once you get a HT you now have more skin in the game of maintaining/holding onto your hair because you invested sooo much to restore it. With that said you will try to utilize the products on the market as mentioned above to aid in this process. If you choose the not use anything at all because you are scared of potential side effects that is understandable but then perhaps that takes you out of the realm of complaining about losing it.

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Hello! Still confused, but I've updated my album with some more pics.... sorry :P


Couple of questions;


What's the best way to check yourself for thinning or whatever? Harsh or natural light? Flash or no flash? Video camera or camera? Dry or wet?


Anyway, I wet my hair and ruffled my hair, and saw this. Not sure what to think.




My hair is well and truly sticking up. I don't wear my hair like that. I only did it like this for the pics because after my shower near my light I could see some scalp.


But yeah, the album has been updated, feel free to take and look and tell me what you think.


ALSO! Does the online consultation work? I tried to send some pics and once the pics had been uploaded I got an error.



Edited by jonnykino
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Part your hair down the middle and take some shots overhead without a flash. Flash makes it look twice as thin as in reality. The scalp reflects the light back into the lens washing out the hairs at the point of "impact" for the light. Be sure there is good ambient lighting though such as outdoors but not in direct sunlight. Being the UK this is the perfect time for outdoor shots since it is most likely overcast.

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Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Sorry for the long response. I was debating on whether I should post any more pictures, cuz I go through phases of being like "I'm stupid, my hair is fine", but then it flares up again.


Anyway, I've got a fair few photos of outside shots of my hair, as well as some indoor shots. Pictures of the parting, pictures of the hairline. I dunno what to look for when looking for miniturisation, so I've included some macro shots of my hairline, as well as a couple of shots with a ruler measuring the space between my highest forehead line and my hairline. Again, I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but am wondering where I stand Norwood wise on my hairline. So yeah... feel free to take a look.


Hair 2 pictures by jonnykino - Photobucket


So natural light gives the best representation of my hair?



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These are much better photos. Of course natural light is better and these photos show that you don't even register on the Norwood scale and you have zero hair loss. ZERO, none, zilch, nada. You have a very strong juvenile shape and density. Move on and enjoy your life and don't obsess with your hair. Seriously.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Hey, thanks for the reply. I do appreciate it.


Right, I'll try not to worry! It's pretty hard though, especially when I get conflicting replies (from other forums) telling me different things, especially regarding the crown area!


But I'll try! :/

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This is not even close to hairloss.


I often wonder when I read about guys like this that obsess over their great hair because they feel they may have lost a hair or two and wonder what they must think of us NW5+ guys. We must look like $%^$ to them :)

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As a 21 year old I must have been dumb because I didn't even look at my hair because I was having so much fun going out clubbing with friends and drinking beer. My mother had to tell me that she thought my hair was getting thin and by that time I'd probably lost about 50% of my hair. I sure wish there was medication around like there is today!


Have a good life, stop worrying pointlessly because there will be far worse things that can happen to you. I can guarantee that...





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Bah. When I posted the first album, I also sent it off to BaldingBlog for their opinion, and I got this. Only just noticed it.


I’m Concerned About How My Hair Parts - Balding Blog


According to whoever wrote that, I style my hair to cover the 'suggestion of thinning', whatever that means. I just brush my hair over, I don't do anything intentional. And I also have 'possible' hair loss in the first picture, according to him. I'm getting sick of this, it just eats into my life. I've been the doctors to try and get a referral to the dermatologist, but my GP says there's nothing wrong with my hair.


Anyway, yeah. Getting a bit annoyed now. Dunno what to believe. I appreciate you guy's putting up with me and replying to me, it is helpful. Thanks :)

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