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best Doc. for frontal hairline and what is the best position for the frontal hairline


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Hi everyone,


i would like to ask about the best doctors for the frontal hairline?


the other question is about what is the best way to determine where to place the hairline in the front? as i noticed that the resutls are diferent and in some people the forehead looks bigger


my third question is about the thickness, how can I estimate my future thickness


the estimated that i would need 4000 to 4500 grafts


thank you for your efforts to educate us.

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  • Senior Member

Welcome, Leonardo_911!



i would like to ask about the best doctors for the frontal hairline?


This is a very difficult, if not impossible question to answer, everyone here will have their own views on who would be best - though I'm sure any of the doctors listed on the site will give great results. If I had to name one, my personal choice would be Dr. Rahal, and I'm sure others will chime in with their opinions/recommendations.


You should also have a look at other members' blogs, these can make interesting reading on experiences and may help with your decision. You can also view patients results by doctor here http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...ransplant-photos.asp


the other question is about what is the best way to determine where to place the hairline in the front? as i noticed that the resutls are diferent and in some people the forehead looks bigger


To be able to answer this, some background and photos would be best to have - a lot has to be taken into account such as your age, goal, current situation and possible future loss.



my third question is about the thickness, how can I estimate my future thickness


Again, this can be impossible to tell due to the affecting factors such as rate of loss, current medication you're taking and many others. Even with a full run down of your current situation it will ultimately be a guessing game. Nobody can tell how your loss will progress in the future unfortunately.


Are you currently using Finasteride and/or Minoxidil? If not you should look into these options in the hope of slowing or maybe stopping any future loss.

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Leonardo, the answer to your question would be highly subjective.


For me, for hairline designs, I like the ones by the Shapiro brothers, Rahal, Feller, and Alexander, in no particular order.


Go through the results of patients' blogs to see which hairline outcomes you like the best, and then make your doctor choice accordingly.

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Originally posted by Maxxy:

Welcome, Leonardo_911!



i would like to ask about the best doctors for the frontal hairline?


This is a very difficult, if not impossible question to answer, everyone here will have their own views on who would be best - though I'm sure any of the doctors listed on the site will give great results. If I had to name one, my personal choice would be Dr. Rahal, and I'm sure others will chime in with their opinions/recommendations.


You should also have a look at other members' blogs, these can make interesting reading on experiences and may help with your decision. You can also view patients results by doctor here http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...ransplant-photos.asp


the other question is about what is the best way to determine where to place the hairline in the front? as i noticed that the resutls are diferent and in some people the forehead looks bigger


To be able to answer this, some background and photos would be best to have - a lot has to be taken into account such as your age, goal, current situation and possible future loss.



my third question is about the thickness, how can I estimate my future thickness


Again, this can be impossible to tell due to the affecting factors such as rate of loss, current medication you're taking and many others. Even with a full run down of your current situation it will ultimately be a guessing game. Nobody can tell how your loss will progress in the future unfortunately.


Are you currently using Finasteride and/or Minoxidil? If not you should look into these options in the hope of slowing or maybe stopping any future loss.


currently, i am not using any medication for my hair loss , i am 24 years old and i am thinking of doing the surgery to restor a natural hair


is my transplanted hair will be like what it used to be before the baldness? or should i select some pic and show it to the Dr or should i let the doc decide what is best for me?

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  • Senior Member

Go to one of the doctors listed on this site, by all means take old photos and show the doctor - he/she will advise you on what the future may hold in term of loss. They will tell you your options and together you can decide on the best way forward.


I would seriously look into Finasteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Rogaine), most guys will advise you to try one or both of these for at least a year before considering a transplant. This isn't to say in the mean time you can't go see a transplant surgeon and get their views.


Both the above drugs have an excellent record in terms of slowing and stopping further loss, there is also the chance of them regrowing some hair.


Personally, If I had native hair on top I wouldn't consider a transplant without backing it with at least one of the above products.


P.S. Depending on your stage of loss (which sounds substantial, giving the 4500 graft estimate you received) it's very unlikely you will get back the density you had prior to loss. Don't be disheartened by this, you can still have an excellent outcome.


May I ask which doctor gave you the above estimate?

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Originally posted by Maxxy:

Go to one of the doctors listed on this site, by all means take old photos and show the doctor - he/she will advise you on what the future may hold in term of loss. They will tell you your options and together you can decide on the best way forward.


I would seriously look into Finasteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Rogaine), most guys will advise you to try one or both of these for at least a year before considering a transplant. This isn't to say in the mean time you can't go see a transplant surgeon and get their views.


Both the above drugs have an excellent record in terms of slowing and stopping further loss, there is also the chance of them regrowing some hair.


Personally, If I had native hair on top I wouldn't consider a transplant without backing it with at least one of the above products.


P.S. Depending on your stage of loss (which sounds substantial, giving the 4500 graft estimate you received) it's very unlikely you will get back the density you had prior to loss. Don't be disheartened by this, you can still have an excellent outcome.


May I ask which doctor gave you the above estimate?


Of course, i talked to Dr. Wong, Dr. Feller and Dr. Feriduni


they advised me all of the same estimate 4000 to 4500. Dr. Wong asked me to send some of photos of hairline design that i liked to see if he can achieve it. However, i am not in favor of doing so since this hairline or design might not be natural with my face design. do you think this is true that i should not dedicate a hairline but the the dr should design the natural hairline.


the recommendation was to reconstruct the hairline and fill the mid scalp and if there is available grafts the crown will be the last to be transplanted. they said that i will hopefully have a much improved apperance.

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Originally posted by Nelsonreef:

i just made my first hair transplant. you can check my blog



my main concern was to restore the young hair line.

i think dr rahal made a good work. Wonderfull team and very professional.

Now i just have to wait.


looks great, how many grafts did he transplant? and how did he place the hairline and decide what is the suitable forehead for you?


BTW, what was their cost?

i wish you have a much better apperance

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I don't think there's any harm in sending a picture of your preferred hairline design. The doctors you have mentioned have excellent reputations and I have no doubt that they will give you the best advice. If they feel the hairline isn't suitable for you I'm sure they will say so.

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Different docs approach HTs in different ways; this can yield differing types of results with respect to both the look of the hairline, as well as the number of grafts harvested in a given session.


IMO, I would inquire into the docs you are considering as to their specfic philosophy on hairline work....what kind of density they will be shooting for, how they exactly go about placing the singles and doubles throughout different zones. Some docs might use DFU's on you, given your loss.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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