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Everything posted by Leonardo_911

  1. Well, i searched for the girl but she is already engaged with other activities ;p i went to a doctor and he saw me and said i cannot do it, then i called the advanced hair medical inst. and they said we do it for our patenits only. i called a hosipotal and they said you need to deposit $ 2500 and then we will do it!! that's why i have asked here after several tries. i thought some of you might know some doctors.
  2. Good Day All, Anyone knows who can remove my stures in Las Vegas? i contacted Dr. Joseph Williams clinic and they said we do it only for our patients. As i did it in Canada by Dr. Rahal, they said they cannot do it for me. I went to another clinic and they said they cannot do it. any help? tomorrow i will go to Denever so i may delay it if no one in Vegas can do it, i will try denever When you think about it, i think all the recommended doctors in the network should accept any patient from another docotor. Thank You
  3. looks great, how many grafts did he transplant? and how did he place the hairline and decide what is the suitable forehead for you? BTW, what was their cost? i wish you have a much better apperance
  4. Of course, i talked to Dr. Wong, Dr. Feller and Dr. Feriduni they advised me all of the same estimate 4000 to 4500. Dr. Wong asked me to send some of photos of hairline design that i liked to see if he can achieve it. However, i am not in favor of doing so since this hairline or design might not be natural with my face design. do you think this is true that i should not dedicate a hairline but the the dr should design the natural hairline. the recommendation was to reconstruct the hairline and fill the mid scalp and if there is available grafts the crown will be the last to be transplanted. they said that i will hopefully have a much improved apperance.
  5. This is a very difficult, if not impossible question to answer, everyone here will have their own views on who would be best - though I'm sure any of the doctors listed on the site will give great results. If I had to name one, my personal choice would be Dr. Rahal, and I'm sure others will chime in with their opinions/recommendations. You should also have a look at other members' blogs, these can make interesting reading on experiences and may help with your decision. You can also view patients results by doctor here http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...ransplant-photos.asp To be able to answer this, some background and photos would be best to have - a lot has to be taken into account such as your age, goal, current situation and possible future loss. Again, this can be impossible to tell due to the affecting factors such as rate of loss, current medication you're taking and many others. Even with a full run down of your current situation it will ultimately be a guessing game. Nobody can tell how your loss will progress in the future unfortunately. Are you currently using Finasteride and/or Minoxidil? If not you should look into these options in the hope of slowing or maybe stopping any future loss. currently, i am not using any medication for my hair loss , i am 24 years old and i am thinking of doing the surgery to restor a natural hair is my transplanted hair will be like what it used to be before the baldness? or should i select some pic and show it to the Dr or should i let the doc decide what is best for me?
  6. Hi everyone, i would like to ask about the best doctors for the frontal hairline? the other question is about what is the best way to determine where to place the hairline in the front? as i noticed that the resutls are diferent and in some people the forehead looks bigger my third question is about the thickness, how can I estimate my future thickness the estimated that i would need 4000 to 4500 grafts thank you for your efforts to educate us.
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