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My story/ reccomendations requested

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I am 25 and have had temple recession (NW 2) for the last year. It has started creeping up from the temples to the front in the form of vellous hairs especially on the left side. I have been using Rogaine (2%) for the last 8 months, Saw Palmetto Extract (450 mg daily), and just started on generic Finasteride. Oh and I have fine straight dark hair.


My MPB seems to follow my fathers side which is currently at an NW 3, essentially deep temple recession and some thinning throughout but, no complete baldness throughout the rest of the scalp at age 60.


I've consulted with Dr. Cooley's office and as most would, they recommend the finasteride for a year to see if the MPB progresses. They also said at this point it would require 1500-1800 grafts.


My questions:


1. FUE vs FUT

I've done my research and I know the pros/cons behind each but, if you were fairly certain that you had the recession under control would you recommend FUE or FUT. Side note: I am currently in the military reserves and would require shorter (2 blade +fine hair) once a month.


2. Are there any surgeons out there that perform FUE and provide ACell and/or PRT as part of their procedure. I know Dr. Cooley/Hitzog offer it but use the FUT method.


3. To wait or not to wait. I know technology is advancing and we may have less invasive procedures in the future but I am in my prime NOW. The hair loss seems to be stealing my youth and life is short.


4. Lastly if anyone has pics of procedures done at an early age and the progression of MPB. I realize that one procedure is usually not gonna cut it but financially two procedures withing 2 years may not be feasible.


I've attached some pics and would appreciate any answers/recommendations to any parts of my post. Sorry for the length.






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  • Regular Member

Reece, sorry you're not happy with your hair. The good news is that your hair loss is MINIMAL and 95% of users on this site would be quite envious of your head of hair. Before answering your questions I must STRONGLY suggest that you wait at least a year (or more) before having a HT, if you have one at all. Hair transplantation surgery is a lifelong emotional journey that you shouldn't take lightly. I don't think your hair loss is stealing your youth or cutting your life is short, I think your preoccupation with it is.

Your questions:


1. FUT, the real industry insiders will tell you that FUE has not yet been perfected and is unadvised except for specific situations.


2. ? I don't know.


3. WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me!


4. n/a



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  • Senior Member

Welcome Reece! Your hairline looks solid to me. The residual loss towards the back could be covered up with Topikk, have you tried it?


If you got to roll with a two guard, then yeah fue may be your best choice. This forum has a huge slant towards FUT, but if you're wanting FUE + Acell your best bet will be to go to Dr C_ole out of Georgia.


Good luck and keep us updated!

Dr Arocha

3626 FU's


H1: 508

H2: 1741

H3: 1377



My Hairloss Website:


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Thanks for the replies. Inevitably I will give it a bit more time as the recession seems to have just begun in the last year. I am just trying to do my due diligence on the industry and my options. I would also like to see some concrete evidence of success using the ACell technique as I know it is still fairly new.


Why are most surgeons opposed to FUE?

Yield and donor supply are the only real explanations I've read. I realize its more time consuming and takes experience to accomplish but besides that the scars are much less noticeable and most results are very similar.

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I don't think it's a matter of the doctors being 'opposed' to FUE. I went with Arocha for a FUT, but also found out that he does indeed do FUE as well. That being said, I could tell his opinion was that he prefers FUT, probably for the reasons you mentioned regarding yield and what not.


A top doc is going leave you with a FUT scar that going to be hard to find assuming you're a decent healer. Check out my website and you can see what mine looks like at a month out on a three guard.


With your level of hairloss, and you being as young as you are and not knowing your final hairloss pattern at this point, I'd probably stick with FUE if you're wanting to have it done now.

Dr Arocha

3626 FU's


H1: 508

H2: 1741

H3: 1377



My Hairloss Website:


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You've gotten good advice so far. Get on Fin and I say stay on it for 2 years before you get any kind of procedure. You're still very young. Probably too young and with not enough loss to make a transplant worthwhile at this point. See what the meds do for you and take it from there.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Thanks for the advice. Yes Troll I have just started finasteride and you are right that my issue is primarily psychological.


A few of my concerns at this point are hanging on to thinning hair for too long and having it look like a train wreck. Its straight and fine so the vellous hairs would be all over the place, but I am not quite ready to go for the full shave.


I appreciate all the help guys and I will keep on eye on your progress Aaron and Ahairdown. Good luck and thanks.

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  • Senior Member

reece, Mild temple recession is totally normal in guys your age and it looks perfectly fine. If I were you I wouldn't go near any HT surgery, strip or FUE. You have to keep in mind that once you get one surgery, you will eventually need another as you will likely have further loss. Then it becomes a chase. Trust me, most guys on this forum would kill to have your hair.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I was holding out hope that I would be following my father's hairline as we both seem to have straight fine hair, unfortunately that does not seem to be the case. I have been seeing clumps of hair in the shower after running my hands through. I notice them falling out at my desk during the day too. Its been pretty demoralizing and devastating.


A month ago I was hoping that it would slow and I might be able to recreate a younger hairline, now I am doing my best to accept the fact that I may be VERY bald. It seems to have been relentless in the last 6 months overall. I don't even know what type of hair cut to ask for anymore. As vain as it may seem it has become one of the tougher times in my life. I am not sure whether to buzz it to show off the recession as I have fine-see through hair to begin with, only because there is really no going back.


I am evidently not a good candidate for a HT either as I have not stabilized the loss, and have diffuse thinning throughout the vertex. I guess my only optimism rests in the hands of stem cell restoration at this point. This is my initial experience and from what I've read this "in 5 years" jargon seems to be status quo, so I am also not trying to put all my eggs in that basket.


As millions of men have done before me I am sure I will figure a way to cope, but I can't believe how much it has become part of my daily regimen. Just doesn't seem fair. I know you all get a discount for X amount of posts so feel free to have at mine. Don't mean to throw a pity party but, sometimes you need somewhere to air out.

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