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Dr. Gabel or Dr. Hasson?


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I am new to the forum and I am currently thinking about getting an HT. A little bit about me: I'm currently 26 years old and have had my hairline slowly receding for the past 4 years, but I have never really had a "good" hairline. I have been told I am norwood IIA. On my mother's side everyone has a full head of hair and on my father's side, only my dad is bald. I've thought about trimming my hair down to a 2 but don't feel that it is a good look for me. I have already had an FUE procedure done with a popular HT doctor but had a very poor result. Because of this I am considering an FUT as it seems from looking on forums that people say it has a better yield. I am nervous about this because of the linear scar but I feel that if you have a doctor well trained in this procedure that it should be minimal. My goal is to maintain a mature hairline and to thicken my current hairline along with bringing the temple area down slightly. I am trying to be realistic about HT as I know I can never have the density of when I was 19-20. I am currently on the BIG THREE and that has seemed to completely stabilize my hairloss for the last 3 years but no regrowth.


I am currently wanting to find a good HT doctor. I live in the NW so I have been looking into Dr. Gabel and H & W. In your opinion, who is the better doctor (best results) or should I be considering other doctors for the best hairline result possible?

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  • Senior Member

Welcome to the forum.

To be honest, both clinics seem outstanding but I have researched Hasson & Wong a lot more.

If you want dense packing & a mature quality hairline, you won't go wrong with either clinic.

Research on here by putting the doctors' names in, look at patients' profiles & search on YouTube.

For hairlines, Dr Rahal is also an artist.

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  • Regular Member

You are very young. Do you think you might look good with a buzz cut and cosmetic micropigmentation to give you a good crisp hairline and increase the density to give you the look of a fuller head of hair? It will make you look younger, give you a modern style and increase your self confidence! Besides, its immediate, permanent, natural non- invasive with no down time or maintenance (besides clippers or a razor).

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I'd be looking at Rahal too he is the man on form right now!

Bonkerstonker! :D




Update I'm now on 12200 Grafts, hair loss has been a thing of my past for years. Also I don't use minoxidil anymore I lost no hair coming off it. Reduced propecia to 1mg every other day.


My surgeons were

Dr Hasson x 4,

Dr Wong x 2

Norton x1

I started losing my hair at 19 in 1999

I started using propecia and minoxidil in 2000

Had 7 hair transplants over 12200 grafts by way of strip but

700 were Fue From Norton in uk

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Thank you for all of the responses and sorry I didn't post pics early. I attached some pics and would really like some input on what you guys think. To answer Dutch, I had 1000 FUE placed at the hairline on both the right and left side. From that procedure I would say I retained roughly 40-50% of the grafts on the right side and 20% on the left (if that). I guess I am just a bad candidate for that procedure which is why I have been looking into FUT. It's reassuring to hear that both clinics I am looking into have a great reputation and I will be meeting Dr. Gabel in person shortly. I have heard of Dr. Rahal and his work seems top notch (does he do strip by the way?). I know travel shouldn't be an issue but I wouldn't mind staying close to home (both clinics are within 2 hour driving distance). From what you can tell from the pics, how many grafts do you think I would need to slightly lower the hairline and thicken it up. I would also like to get my temple points back. Lastly, I have a period of 26 days to recover from the procedure if I were go through with it. Would I be able to hide the fact I got a HT in that amount of time? Once again all input would be greatly appreciated.


Tat2gurl - I have never heard of the micropigmentation. I will look into that for sure. Do a lot of people do this?









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IMO maybe 1000-1500 grafts? Others might disagree. But what you have now is good anyway.

Scar Micro Pigmentation has been around for a little while. It's like scalp dye if you like. Its tattoo dots to make the skin darker to match with the colour of the hair & give you a fuller look.

It is also being used to fill in the scar line, which is awesome and I'm very interested.

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I figured I would need about 1500 so it's good to see that you think about the same amount. After seeing my pics do you think I should still get a strip? I am really getting tired of styling my hair to try and hide my hairline Also, How long until I could go out in public before anyone notices. Like I said earlier I have 26 days that I can be locked away if needed. Lastly, with 1000-1500 grafts what kind of result should I expect in regards to density (cm2). Etc? Thanks again for your input!

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If you have a limited time that you can hide away, go with a doc that won't make you shave down - and grow your hair out a little longer in the front leading up to the procedure so you can comb it forward for a few weeks after the procedure. Should reduce your downtime significantly.....


Was an important factor for me as well, and there are some top notch doctors recommended by this community that will let you take this approach for your HT.

Dr Arocha

3626 FU's


H1: 508

H2: 1741

H3: 1377



My Hairloss Website:


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Shaving or not shaving in this case would make almost zero difference. The area to be worked on could still easily be covered with the hair behind combed forward. Or, a shorter buzz cut could still be utilized to blend the rest of the hair (tapered down) with the transplanted hair.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

FUE would normally be recommended in your case, but seeing as it didn't work so well for you, I would try FUT. Make sure and inform Dr. Gabel that a small/short scar is a key objective.


And given the lack of any significant bald spot at the vertex, I would think 1,000-1,500 should be PLENTY; I had 1,750 grafts, and that pretty much took care of my entire frontal scalp region and lowered my hairline a bit too. Seeing as you're only trying to bring your hairline forward, you could probably get away with a lot less than me and have a great result.


I only had 12 days to hide, and most of the discoloration and minor swilling was long-gone by then. 26 days would be an ample amount of time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Thank you everyone for your help and comments. I have decided to go with Dr. Gabel and scheduled my appointment for September 2nd. I am nervous about the procedure and the resulting scar but after talking to a few people, specifically othersyde, I feel confident in my decision and I am sure my results will be great. I'll do my best to post pics every few weeks or so to keep everyone updated with my progress.

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  • Senior Member

I was really worried about the scar issue before I had my HT. In my case, it was difficult to see the scar 5 weeks after my transplant with a pretty short haircut (photos on my site). Now at just about 2 months, it is hard to find it. You should be fine and will be in great hands with Dr. Gabel.

Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUT 6/14/11 - 3048 grafts


Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUE 1/28/13 & 1/29/13 - 1513 grafts



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