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Dr. Gallagher

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I take your points but just so you know, when I said:


This website may permit anyone to post their comments anonymously, but if faced with a lawsuit and discovery motions, this website won't hesitate to disclose any and all info (name, address, etc) provided by the people who have posted messages that harm the reputation of any doctor. So be careful what you say about the doctor in question, and be prepared to back up anything negative you say with proof. Otherwise, you may end up facing a lawsuit!


I was talking about the doctor in question, who has standing file a lawsuit to protect his/her reputation online and in the real world. Regarding expressing one's opinion, free speech and the 1st amendment, that does not protect anyone from a defamation or libel lawsuit. Again, it is not my intention to scare anyone about lawsuits, but just my observation that I have yet to see any proof of bad work done by Dr. G. Without strong evidence, let alone proof, anyone should be very wary about harming another person's repuation.


This is the last posting I'll make on this subject since I don't see any point in wasting my time (or yours) in convincing anyone that I am indeed telling the truth about my experience. As I mentioned before, I posted my experience w/ Dr. G, and anyone on this forum is free to believe OR totally ignore my posting!! I couldn't care less!

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short answer to your question "why do I feel the need to "prove" ...", first of all, all I'm doing is refuting the claim that he's a really bad doctor, not claiming that he's the very best there is and no one else is as good. Second reason: I've been his patient for over 10 yrs, and am very grateful for all the work he's done for me. I therefore consider him my friend, and I will do what I can to prevent a friend's reputation being unfairly tarnished on the net by people who do so anonymously and without any proof (I'm sure you'd do the same for your friends).


The fact is no one needs to follow my recommendation, which is fine with me. But to suggest that I'm lying or misrepresenting the facts (or that I'm am Dr. G himself) is preposterous!


Ok, this was a better post. I can see why you got defensive, and again, I think people do tend to "jump on people" a little too quickly with accusations. However...I would like to have this conversation with you intelligently if you would like about what makes Dr. Gallagher a good doctor.


Your basis on stating that he is a good doctor from your posts seem to be mostly personal, which is indeed fine. This is why NervousNelly and others have asked you to post pics if you can. I understand if you cannot...and like I said, you don't HAVE to try to prove anything. BUT, if you have pictures and you need help with making them anonymous, I would be willing to help you if you PM me, I'll give you my email, OR, I'm sure Pat the Publisher would be wiling to help you, if you feel more comfortable with him, since he owns this forum.


I'm glad you think he's a good doctor and I'm glad he did good work on you. It's just that there have been countless others over the years that I have read about who have had negative experiences with him. So if you roll the numbers, the positives are in the low percentages...which is why you won't technically be able to PROVE that he is a good doctor using personal experience, especially since it's 10 years old.


BUT, let me tell you what WILL prove he is a good doctor. Prove somehow that he uses the latest techniques described here:




And then you'll have people seeing Dr. Gallagher in a more positive light. Every doctor who was involved in hair transplants over 10 years ago is bound to have some dissatisfied patients...the technology was much different back then. The problem today is that many doctors (and from what I understand, Dr. Gallagher IS one of them) still do NOT embrace the current trends and use older technology. THIS is the problem.


So if you'd like to try to prove he is a quality doctor in terms of methodology, philosophy, and results, I say, share your experience, but also do some research on Dr. Gallagher and prove to this community that he embraces the current techniques out there. If he doesn't, then I think you'll have to accept why people do not accept him as a cutting edge doctor.


Regarding your personal relationship with him: I'm glad you're friends with him...but just because your friends with him, doesn't automatically win him as a "good doctor"...I'm sure you understand that. I'm sure he's a nice guy...which is why you like him in the first place...but try to remember that your personal relatinship with him has no bearing on proving he is a good doctor.




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anyone should be very wary about harming another person's repuation


I agree with this comment more for moral reasons than for legal ones, but I understand what you mean. Unfortunately, I believe if you did not intend to threaten, your post was misread by many, which is what caused many of the problems.


Anyway, moving on...it's up to you if you want to continue to discuss it...I'm more than willing to discuss what makes a good quality HT doctor (by today's standards) intelligently, if you'd like to discuss it. BELIEVE ME...I'd love to see Dr. Gallagher, and every doctor in the world for that matter embrace the current and newest trends that have been so successful. It's just that, nobody really knows until they have proven themselves successful at doing so. So if you want to take on the responsibility (or maybe point Dr. Gallagher to this post to do it), please, prove him to be a great doctor...the coalition could use more quality HT doctors. So by all means...I rather he did embrace the current trends than not.


Anyway...I've commented all I need to on the subject...but like I said, I"m open to a friendly and intelligent debate with anyone who wants it. But let's not sling mud icon_wink.gif



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I said that I would not post on this forum anyomore because this forum is focused on harming Dr. G's reputation without any proof or strong evidence, and I obviously want no part of that! However, I will make one final posting on finding a great doctor (which Dr. G is):


1. Pictures posted by any doctor showing how great the After pics looks as compared to the Before ones are meaningless. For all you know, the doctor is only showing his/her best patients, not his/her average results with an average patient (such as a patient with limited donor hair).

2. Be sure to consult at least 3 or more doctors about the surgery options before making a decision on what to do. It never hurts to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion, and I wish I had done that when I started addressing my hairloss 10+ yrs ago.

3. If one doctor makes promises that seem too good to be true, don't believe it! (e.g. the 1st doctor who treated me (before Dr. G) promised me a "full head of hair" after the treatments....a gross and outrageous exaggeration to say the least). I know that Dr. G is a a very good doc because he was always honest with me and never made a promise he could not keep (e.g. he never promised me a full head of hair which made sense to me since I don't have a whole lot of donor hair).

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Is dccapital actually Dr. Gallagher?


I mean, really?


Threatening lawsuits? The first day he signs up?


Let me tell you about missrepresentation, my pandering little wanker.




Your post about the effectiveness of Dr. Gallaghers work could be subject to a lawsuit as well.

(IF we are using your logic, of course)


Anyway, we are fully able to post any opinions we desire, because that is our right, unlike paid shills such as yourself, who thanks to a new federal law, MUST disclose their relationships with and product and service providers, or face criminal charges.


You cannot win


My Kung Fu is too strong my friend.


If for some reason you take me down, you must face my righteous brothers YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!(imagine a Karate chop)



I must say that this thread is providing me with some amusement.


However, in good spirits I will not post here again. (Sad)

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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assuming you're not Dr. Gallagher (now he wouldn't do that, would he?) who are you to suggest that he should file a lawsuit?


I am 100% sure you are: either Dr. Gallagher, are related to him or work him. In either case, you're a total idiot. You just lifted a post that says that he sucks and now many more will read. Your shill comments only hurt the cause.


Personally, I wouldn't even let Dr Gallagher transplant hair on my back, let alone head.

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On a positive note.......


I have no idea whether Dr. Gallagher's work is good or bad........haven't really heard much about him up to this point.


DC- You have a bit of a quandry here.......you feel he's done great work for you and want to share it with others as you feel he's been wrongfully accused of doing poor HT work. You have the right to post your opinion. The difficult part is, without proof, there will be few here who listen.


I'm neither for or against Dr. Gallagher personally, what we attempt to do here is offer advice for hair loss (surgical or non-surgical). Often times, the advice we give regarding a particular surgeon for any HT's is based on personal experience or other's experience who post here. We're critiquing the results...........there's nothing personal against the surgeon so please don't take it that way.


There's really no way to prove your point for or against the quality of work for Dr. Gallagher. I guess that's why I question the validity of this thread. I'm not accusing you of anything, mind you, it just seems we have a no-win situation here since you cannot prove what you claim.


To give you futher prospective.......if a surgeon wants to post their work here (as they sometimes do) they're more than welcome to. Matter of fact, I enjoy seeing it. However, if I NEVER saw a post from a satisfied HT patient to back up their posted results I'd be a little suspicious as I'm sure everyone would.


At any rate, your more than welcome to post here. However, I think this thread has exhausted itself as there will never really be any clear resolution.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I said that I would not post on this forum anyomore because this forum is focused on harming Dr. G's reputation without any proof or strong evidence, and I obviously want no part of that! However, I will make one final posting on finding a great doctor (which Dr. G is):


1. Pictures posted by any doctor showing how great the After pics looks as compared to the Before ones are meaningless. For all you know, the doctor is only showing his/her best patients, not his/her average results with an average patient (such as a patient with limited donor hair).

2. Be sure to consult at least 3 or more doctors about the surgery options before making a decision on what to do. It never hurts to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion, and I wish I had done that when I started addressing my hairloss 10+ yrs ago.

3. If one doctor makes promises that seem too good to be true, don't believe it! (e.g. the 1st doctor who treated me (before Dr. G) promised me a "full head of hair" after the treatments....a gross and outrageous exaggeration to say the least). I know that Dr. G is a a very good doc because he was always honest with me and never made a promise he could not keep (e.g. he never promised me a full head of hair which made sense to me since I don't have a whole lot of donor hair).


If you chose not to post anymore, that's your call...we won't try to push you to continue nor will we push you to leave. But know your contributions are welcome.


I agree with your last 2 points out of the 3, but I'm in disagreement on the first. Now don't get me wrong...there are a lot of bogus before/after pictures out there that one should be weary of, and often times photos CAN be misleading...but patients posting true authentic before/after photos can tell some MAJOR truths. Look at my photo links below if you'd like. I do nothing to try to camoflauge my thinning or thickening hair. I post detailed progressive photos in the same lighting so everyone can see my progress (whether good or bad).


I'll further add that this forum is NOT about trying to put doctors down. If anything, this forum is about education, and promoting doctors who have proven themselves over the years. Dr. Gallagher, simply said, hasn't proven himself either way. Though from my reading over the years, there have been a number of disappointed patients that came from Dr. Gallagher. Take that for what it's worth of course.


It's important that you learn to differentiate fact vs opinion. Facts are absolute and can be backed up with data. Opinions can't...they are simply people's feelings on a matter. And of course, for the "facts", it's important to determine which of these "facts" are indeed "facts" and not LIES:


FACT: There have been a few (not numerous, but a few) posts over the years by dissatisfied patients of Dr. Gallagher.


You can prove or disprove this by looking up Dr. Gallagher on the forums and see how many posts you get


OPINION: Dr. Gallagher is a good (OR bad) doctor


No way to prove this...it's just your feelings on your own personal experience.


FACT: Dr. Gallagher is not mentioned much on this forum


LIE: This forum is focused on harming Dr. G's reputation without any proof or strong evidence


...I call this a lie and not an opinion because you are saying something absolute about other members of the forum and not your own personal feelings on the matter. If you believe this is a FACT, i will ask you for proof that people are trying to ruin his reputation. If you are to proove this statement as a FACT, you will have to provide evidence of LIES made against Dr. Gallagher, and not use other's opinions as evidence. Opinions can be discredited, but facts or lies cannot.


FACT or LIE: Dr. Gallagher does not use the current technology and adhere to the current advanced technological standards of Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Transplanation


I'm not sure if he does or not...but I'm sure somebody can prove this, but that person would have to be very knowledgable about HTs and visit the clinic. Ah...how about...PAT? icon_biggrin.gif.



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After doing a search myself on "Gallagher", I've returned some threads. The only patient of Dr. Gallagher's on this forum that posted any pictures or experience was indeed EASTCOAST. His experience and complaints are legitimate and has/had every right to post them. Just as DCCapital has every right to post his experience and photos.


DCCapital...I encourage you to read through these threads and look through the pictures (even though blurry). Nobody is trying to ruin Dr. Gallagher's reputation. I personally think EastCoast has/had every right to be angry by what he received because even though the pictures are blurry, they are obviously very pluggy. And technically, nobody can really PROVE that these pictures are really from Dr. Gallagher, but who can really prove that any of my pictures are from any of the doctor's I'm claiming them to be? "Proof" for such things would be preposterous and impossible. in order for me to prove that my doctor's REALLY performed the surgery, I'd have to reveal my full name to everyone and then call the doctor's office and give them written consent to release my information to you all that I indeed did get surgery from them. I highly doubt that anyone would really want to go through not only this trouble, but ruin their right to privacy. So...that being said....I think we can leave it at this...EastCoast had a disappointing experience with Dr. Gallagher and he had every right to post everything he did. Whether or not you agree that the work is good or bad is everyone's perogative. My personal opinion is that it's pluggy and I'd be upset too.




Negative Experience from Eastcoast:







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  • 1 year later...

I would agree. Dr. Gallagher does incredibly quality work and one hell of a nice guy too. Being in the field of medicine myself, I know many good and bad practicioners and have nothing to gain or lose by posting here. I just think that the truth should be known... Possibly, someone has a grudge for some unknown reason but that shouldnt detract people in the Philadelphia area from seeking him out because I suspect his fees are going to be more reasonable than most others and I highty doubt you will get better quality work anywhere in the area that comes close to his.

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This thread is almost 2 years old. This is also the second consecutive Dr. Gallagher post you have made giving him a glowing review.


Are you a former patient of his or do you work for him? Either way, you are entitled to post here, but if you work for him, you must add your affliation with him in your signature as per our terms of service. Prospective patients have the right to know where you are getting your information about him.





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I posted prior to reading everyone else's comments. Certainly, there are going to be unhappy patients among even top ranked physicians in every field, whether they be cosmetic in nature, cardiac, or otherwise. Each and everyone is entitled to their own opinions and hope that everyone has a positive experience with whomever they choose to do their procedure.

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I suppose now as an official representative for SMG you have to euphonically refer to these "pandering little wankers" as little shillsters. icon_smile.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hadnt read the postings on the site so that is why I hadnt gotten back to you until now. Of course, If I were employed by Dr. Gallagher, I would certainly make that disclaimer. I am a former patient and was just surprised to see people so unhappy with his work when I wasnt. I didnt think that I gave him a glowing recommendation and if I did, I retract that. I think that he does good work and priced reasonably but I suspect after reading the other various posts that there are surgeons who are superior to Dr. Gallagher in the general tri-state area. I have heard good things about Dr. Katz and Dr. Pistone. Neither of whom i work for ----I am in the medical field but not associated with the hair transplantation field even remotely.

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