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Patient Results for Dr. Wu - 3460 grafts

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Taiwan Hair Transplant has a team of highly capable and well-trained professionals who are able to make your procedure a pleasant one.

In order to keep up with the most current techniques and procedures, we continually seek the latest information available in the world of hair transplantation. We are constantly training and educating our staff and bringing in the latest of what is new.


Your complimentary consultation is with Dr. Wu personally. Dr. Wu is very proficient in English,Mandarin, Cantonese, and Taiwanese.


Dr. Wu is a board certified doctor of the Ministry of Health of Taiwan. His training and residency was at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, where he later became a full staff physician. He was also a clinical lecturer at the National Yang Ming Medical College. Dr. Wu is a well-trained hair transplant surgeon and is now an active member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS).






Follicular unit transplantation ( FUT ) performed on a 31 y/o Chinese patient on June 16 , 2009:

- One session of 3460 grafts were done.

- Norwood Class V(a) patient

- Donor density of 80 FU/cm2 at mid-occiput area, 68 FU/cm2 at the parietal area.

- Hair diameter of 78 microns, black color, straight hair

- On Finasteride before the transplant for hair loss prevention, but no obvious regrowth noted.

- Patient expectation is to have hair covering frontal zone and the mid scalp. Will consider vertex transplant in the future


Treatment plan:

Recipient area:

- total of about 100 cm2 balding area to be transplanted; 50cm2 frontal zone and roughly 50 cm2 in the mid scalp

- roughly 2000 grafts to the frontal zone and 1400 grafts to the mid scalp

-recipient site density of about 30 to 40 grafts per cm2; 40 in the front and 30 in the mid scalp.

- start transplanting from the existing frontal hair line which is about 7 cm from the glabella

- combination of sagittal and coronal incisions with gauge 21 hypodermic needle for the single hair and custom made 1 mm blade for the 2-hair and 3- hair follicles

-Dense packing in the frontal hair line with about 50 single hair /cm2.

-Frontal tuft receive 40 to 45 grafts/cm2 and the rest of the frontal zone 40 grafts /cm2.

-mid scalp receive about 30 grafts/cm2


Donor area:

-Total number of grafts harvested:

1403 single hair

1728 double hair

329 triple hair


-Donor strip 29 cm X 1.6 cm was excised.

-Donor wound closed in 2 layers. One layer with Nylon as retention suture and the other layer, superficial running suture with Vicryl

-Trichophytic closure with trimming of the lower edge applied



- Asian scalps, in general, are tighter and have less hair density than Caucasian scalps; thus a larger strip needs to be excised. Asian hair, however, is thicker in caliber and, therefore, produces better coverage.

- The majority of Asian patients have straight hair.

- Because there is a strong color contrast in Asians between their black hair and pale skin, the FUT procedure produces the most natural look.

- - Average Asian follicles are 5-6 mm in length, whereas they are 4-5mm for

Caucasians. There is higher risk of producing "transactions" when doing transplants on Asians.

- Asians have a higher ratio of single hair follicles. The survival of single hair follicles are lower than the 2 or 3 hair follicles










Edited by TaiwanHair7838
Dr. Wen-Yi Wu is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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  • Senior Member

Hi Doctor Wu,


Oravan from DHT Clinic recently gave you a very good recommendation when I was considering a hair transplant. I am in need of a second HT to cover my crown and I am considering another procedure next year and a holiday in Taiwan would be a welcome change from Thailand.


I have forwarded you an email and I look forward to corresponding with you.


Kind Regards



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Dr. Wu,


Thank you for taking the time to share this detailed cased with our community. You're experience, work, and training seem quite impressive, and I'm eager to review more presentations. Nicely done!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member
Dr. Wu,


Thank you for taking the time to share this detailed cased with our community. You're experience, work, and training seem quite impressive, and I'm eager to review more presentations. Nicely done!


Thank you very much for the compliments. I have always tried to do the best work I could do. Will try to upload more presentations in the future. If there are any English grammatical errors in my descriptions, I feel sorry about that. English is not my mother language.


Good day!


Dr. Wu

Dr. Wen-Yi Wu is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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  • Senior Member

Your English is extremely good Doc! ;)


This is a very nice result. You should post more! I also like all the information you give outlining the procedures details and patient history.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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