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hasson HT my story help needed


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Ive booked a HT with Dr Hasson hopefully in july!!!


my story


im 25 and live in the uk i started going bald at 21 and it started as a coin sized thin patch just behind my fringe. since then it has spread and now the whole front 1/3 is so thin i cant hide it any more. concealers have been a god send. but now there is no exscaping or hiding it!!!


i had surgery with dr rogers of westminster medical group a year ago and it didnt make a difference! my scar thank god is very tidy but he damaged my native hair and the grafts didnt grow only around 20% grew i estimate. since then my baldness has progressed.


it has totally changed my out look on life and my personality i am no longer an extrovert im an introvert with extremely low self esteem its has directly affected my relationships and resulted in the break up of my 7 year long partner and im no longer the same peron i was.


my surgery is hopefully going to transplant 5000 grafts and im so worried. This time ive done my research and beleive i have picked the best DR available. the surgerys are not cheap and i cant afford for anything to go wrong and it not be a success my bank or my nerves couldnt take any more. i just hope i will be one of the lucky ones and it all comes good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


if any one out there reading this can reasure me and validate my choice of DR i would be very greatfull. in my mind i beleive i have made a good choice but i still doubt my self as i also beleived dr rogers was good choice and all he did was esentially rob me and butcher my head!!!


surgery planned for july with hasson fingers crossed


cheers for reading




balding sucks big time it ruins lives

Edited by j1j9j85
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Both Dr. Hasson and Dr Wong are members of the elite Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians, and two of the most respected, reputable surgeons on this site. Here is some more information on what being a Coalition physician entails:


Meeting an Ultra High Standard: The Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


Those physicians whose clinics have developed the capacity to provide large sessions exceeding 2,500 follicular unit grafts and the skill to perform ultra refined high density sessions are eligible for membership in the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians . To read about the ultra high standards for membership, click here.


You've made a well-informed decision, and I think you'll be extremely satisfied with the results.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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You are in great hands, it is not uncommon to worry at this stage, you can check out my blog I was a repair patient and got nearly 5k of grafts with Dr Hasson, if I can help just let me know.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I'm only 26 days post-op of a 4496 graft surgery with Dr. Hasson. What I can tell you is that the experience was everything and more than I expected, and he is a master of doing natural looking undetectable work. Within 5 days my recipient area, though still quite pink, had no evidence of any scarring and the hairs all exited the skin in correct angulation to match nature. And the donor wound closure was top notch.


Though many here say that Dr. Hasson routinely harvests 5000+ grafts in one pass, you must understand that you have to have the right characteristics for this to be possible. We were shooting for 4500 in my surgery, but I had hoped that we would end up with several hundred more. To harvest a large strip your scalp laxity needs to be really good and your density should be around at least average, and he can only know this for certain once you see him in person. 5000 grafts, even in 2010, is still an absolutely huge surgery! It takes not only an expert doctor, but also an expert staff and a well equipped clinic to pull it off.


From my experience so far I personally think he is the best of the best and that I could not have found a better surgeon or clinic to perform my HT. I had to travel over 3000 miles too. :cool:

Edited by EpilepticSceptic
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  • Senior Member

thanks every one im sure ive made the correct choice ive been looking at reviews for a year or more now!! but cold feet is a killer. but i cant go on like this any more enough enough!!!!


im in the process of booking my flights right now as i type. i cant wait for this nightmare to be over.


thanks for all of you for reading and posting........ i wish you all success with your own battles.


i will of course be carrying out a blog and photos of my time with hasson and the results

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hello j1j9j85.you should'nt really need any reasurance.i think if a poll were to be carried out here on who are the best for a mega sesion i think h+w would poll a massive percentage,come to think of it their probably the best full stop.it's a pity their totally out of my very limited price range.i could not afford the tax never mind the ht ,anyway the best of luck with your procedure and have a nice day.....

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thanks again for your support and im sure i have made the correct choice just not looking forward to the long wait for results its really hard as you all know!!!

im flying to vancouver on the 7th surgery on the 9th get in. it will truwly be the first day of the rest of my life. i will be starting a blog.

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Congratulations! I strongly believe you are about to embark on a journey that will change your life for the better. You have made an excellent choice - please keep us posted!

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