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Everything posted by getitoverwith

  1. bobby, from your pic, and from what i have seen on this forum, you might need at least 1500 IMO - obviously this will depend on your goal and you need to find a doc you develop "trust" in and discuss with him/her. Not sure where you are but, here are some good docs i like, Dr. Ron Shapiro, Dr. Paul Rose(FL) or Dr. Mike Beehner.(NY) - not all advertise much on this forum - their only advertisement, if you read a lot on this forum is their patients.
  2. Tim, are you sure Finasteride is for side-effects ? Dr. Cooley is really good, from some posts i read and seem to have very natural results.
  3. PD, can you post some pics of your progress, update on numbing, etc. Thanks.
  4. callmestupid, make sure you find a doc that is easy to work with, someone who can listen to you and have your best interests, this is a cosmetic surgery and you should be able to call most of the shots. I recommend, Dr. Ron Shapiro, Dr. Wong, Dr. Paul Rose - basically you need a down to earth guy, not an arrogant personality.
  5. from what i hear H&W seem to have 100% positive feedback, I cant find one patient who is unhappy with them... so you shouldnt have anything to worry about Good luck, my friend!
  6. Bill, the point I was trying to make was the miscommunication that seem to be consistent with Dr. Feller patients, not about the scar.... as you can see here from Malloy's post : This thread particularly is very perplexing.. And for the scar, I dont see anything so far anything to side with Malloy's argument or Dr. Feller's... I would love to see pictures from Malloy to substantiate his position.
  7. azn_guy, your 4 months pics look pretty good.. good luck further down the road...
  8. hey guys, can you suggest some good brands that any of you may have used for long ? and what should i look for in the ingredients ? any side affects ? Thanks in advance.
  9. Stay positive, my friend... my heart goes out reading your thread and your eagerness to make sure others dont get into this unless they are really really sure of their doc. Be strong. Thanks.
  10. Sierra, looks very good, congratulations !
  11. I have been following some surgeons for sometime, no offense, but it seems to me with Dr. Feller, too many patients come out getting something other than what they expected. It could be communication, it could be doctor's lack of listening to the patients. This is a cosmetic surgery for God's sake, not a heart surgery, the doctor should pay attention to what patient's goals are. A good cosmetic surgeon IMHO, should be a good listener at the very least. Here is another disappointed post : http://hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/156720-new-hair-transplant-staples-too-high.html. Its one thing to say "it may be a bit less dense", "the scar may be a bit high" and an entirely different thing to say "the doc didn't listen to me" or "I talked about it but it didnt materialize." - scares the heck out of me...
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