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TakingthePlunge and Future_HT_Doc are our new Co-Moderators and Editorial Assistants

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Several weeks ago, we posted a part time, paid job opportunity for an ongoing part-time editorial assistant and forum co-moderator. A lot of excellent candidates applied which made selecting a single assistant quite difficult.


After careful consideration, Pat and I decided to hire two part time forum co-moderators and assistants. Thus, we are pleased to welcome aboard David who posts as "TakingthePlunge" who will be our new 'assistant publisher and forum co-moderator' and Blake who posts as "Future_HT_Doc" as our new 'editorial assistant and forum co-moderator'. David and Blake will both be available to answer any questions you may have regarding hair loss, hair restoration or this community and make your experience here even more enjoyable. To send either of them a private message, click on their names above which will take you to their social profiles.


David will be primarily be responsible for co-moderating the surgical section of this forum, writing updates for our Hair Loss Q&A Blog, newsletters and websites. Blake will primarily be responsible for co-moderating the non-surgical and other sections of our forum and the occasional Hair Loss Q&A blog article. This will give me more time and flexibility in managing several behind the scenes projects including further improving our new discussion forum and social community, creating an online sales section for credible hair loss treatments, hair restoration videos, and more.


David is a 2 time hair transplant patient with Coalition member Dr. Alexander. View David's patient website. While Blake is still too young and has too much hair for hair restoration surgery at this point, view his patient website to learn more about the beginnings of his hair loss and how he became fascinated by surgical hair restoration and the Hair Transplant Network.


David graduated from Northern Arizona University with a bachelor's of arts in Anthropology and obtained a master's degree in elementary education from Arizona State. He also has an excellent background in writing and editorial work.


Blake graduated from the University of California with a bachelor's of science in Biology with an emphasis on pre-medicine and is currently attenting A.T Still University to obtain his master's degree in Health Administration. His ultimate goal is to obtain a doctorate in osteopathic medicine and in time, is considering becoming a hair transplant surgeon.


David and Blake both have a stellar reputation on this forum for their incredibly level headed, balanced and fair posts. Because David and Blake have excellent backgrounds and have been true patient advocates by providing candid and thoughtful advice to those struggling with hair loss, Pat and I are confident that they'll fit perfectly into their new roles.


Please join me and Pat in welcome David and Blake as our new Forum Co-Moderators and Editorial Assistants.


Best wishes,


Bill Seemiller

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Bill ,


Thank you for the kind introduction! I just wanted to take this opportunity to publicly thank you and Pat for allowing me to work in this position, and state how excited I am to collaborate with you, Pat, and David (TakingThePlunge) on the Hair Transplant Network and the hair loss discussion forums. As you stated earlier, I am definitely here to help and encourage members to ask questions, send private messages, and seek my help for any issues they may be experiencing! I look forward to interacting with each and every member on the community!


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Thanks for the warm welcome and for bringing me aboard! I'm looking forward to taking on a formal role here and continuing to provide support and advice to others experiencing the negative effects of hair loss.


Here's to hair!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Bill i am sure that the new moderators are great guys, however since this is a hair transplant site, moderators and people who help with hair loss / transplant issues, should have some experience not only with hair loss medications but hair transplants also, how can a person with a full head of hair, who hasnt feel the devastating effects of hair loss, who never got sat on the chair to get his head sliced and grafted, who never experienced the social embarrasment and weird looks in the post op period be taken seriously helping others with hair transplant issues, especially when many people here had unfortunate experiences and many of them are repair cases ? no hard feelings for the new people, it just doesnt sound right to me..

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Our new assistant publisher David is a two time hair transplant patient. While Blake hasn't had hair transplant surgery, like David, I feel confident that his knowledge of hair loss and hair transplant surgery promotes his ability to help answer questions. Besides, a number of highly esteemed hair restoration physicians haven't had hair transplant surgery. Would you have a problem taking them seriously?


Blake's primary moderation duties reside in the "Non-Surgical Hair Restoration" section of our forum. However, he will definitely be helping David moderate the surgical section when appropriate. Pat and I have full confidence in both of their ability to do an outstanding job. I will also continue to oversee this community and stay involved by answering some questions myself.


Best wishes,


Bill Seemiller

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I agree with tsakalos...the guy has NO hairloss and is crazy if he thinks he does. Beginnings of hair loss? I dont think so, the guy is a NW1.5, just b/c his hairline isnt as straight as an arrow anymore (and this always happens with age), doesnt mean u are experiencing hair loss.

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We're not going to make this an issue of whether or not you agree that Blake is experiencing hair loss or not. The fact is, Blake is highly educated and informed on hair loss and the various treatments for baldness, including surgical hair restoration. Dr. Hasson, Dr. Bernstein and dozens of other leading surgeons (including females) produce outstanding hair transplant results daily and haven't had a hair transplant themselves. Blake's ability to answer questions and moderate this discussion forum have nothing to do with the amount of hair he's losing. Frankly, we should all be so lucky to start researching available treatments so early on.



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You're stretching now. Not all reputable physicians have representatives that have had hair transplants, including dozens of impressive female surgeons who don't suffer from hair loss nor had hair transplants.


Once again, Blake's ability to help answer questions and moderate this community doesn't depend on the amount of hair he's lost.


I expect this to be the last post on the topic of Blake's hair. Any others will be removed.



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Well done guys! I'm sure you'll both do excellent jobs.


I have to agree with Bill on this one, the fact that Future_HT_Doc hasn't had surgery and whether he is or isn't suffering loss should be a none issue for his role (remember guys, a photo may tell a thousand words but it doesn't always tell the whole story).


Where as it may be ideal for a football/soccer referee to have played some games, it isn't a necessity in order for him to do his job of moderating, decision making and advising the players.

Edited by Maxxy
Missed word
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future and takeing all the best with your new roles i'm sure once given the CHANCE you will prove to be as excellant as Bill believes you can be.which is high praise indeed...to say someone who's never stepped on a football pitch entered a boxing ring has never been a politician and thousands of other senarios has no right to comment is i would say quite ignorant[no offence intended]are there not lots of repair cases out there that would say they know a lot about hair loss and ht's yet have made several mistakes themselves leading them to be a repair case...like i say all the best chaps and everyone have a nice day...

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Congratulations to you both.


I guess I have noted Blake's comments the most, as he has indicated a desire to become a hair surgeon.


I suspect this will significantly bolster his credentials in getting a residency that allows him to pursue his goals; and I suspect he'll be an outstanding hair doc down the road.


When I was his age I was still too focused on non-medical topics to have been mature enough to do all of the blogging he's already done.


Good luck fellows.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Congratulations to both of you on the new positions I am sure you both will serve the forum well.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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