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Going through my first transplant with Dr. Feller tomorrow

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Thanks for the reassurance. I went through a really bad depression a couple of years ago, and the thought of going into another one gets me really nervous. I've only heard positive things about the doctor, which is the reason why I chose him..but just cant help it!


In any case, looking forward to tomorrow.

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Thanks guys appreciate the optimism, makes me feel at ease :)


Just went out to buy a travel size pillow, aloe, MSM, fish oil, DVDs and lots of snacks (kept it healthy) since I wont be able to work out as much. Also picked up the pain killers, now I think I'm all set for the 2 weeks ahead!


Will report in on the procedure the day after.

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Firstly, congratulations on your upcoming procedure with an oustanding surgeon. Knowing you've selected one of the best should certainly provide you with some comfort.


However, it's perfectly normal to experience a certain level of anxiety when journeying into the unknown. After all, this is surgery. I felt the same way, especially for the first two procedures.


I think you'll find the procedure virtually pain-free and even relaxing as you kick back and watch your favorite movies while the techs above you are working diligently on your hair makeover :-).


I hope you'll report back and share your experience and photos with us. Know that you have our support and we'll be thinking of you tomorrow during your big day :-)



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I very nearly got out of the chair minutes before my first procedure and ran away! Didn't sleep much the night before either. One huge mistake I made was refusing the anti-anxiety medication I was offered. I was climbing the walls by midday.

The second time around I took the pill and brought my IPod. I listened to relaxing music and drifted in and out of consciousness. The whole thing was over before I knew it.

Have a great day tomorrow. After it's all over you'll feel elated and truly satisfied that you made the decision to finally do something about your hair loss.

All the best,


David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Thanks everyone!


The procedure turned out to be more pleasant than I had thought. Dr. Feller and his team of technicians were extremely professional put me at ease at every step. Here's my attempt at a write-up of the procedure.


I arrived early at 7:00, I live in the area so had no problem driving in. From reading other users' write-ups I didn't expect anyone to be at the office yet, but I went up to check anyway. Went back to my car and put on some smooth jazz to relax before it hit 7:45. At 7:30 I saw Dr. Feller walk into the building and followed behind.


Around 8:00 - Dr. Feller invited me into the office to draw the hairline. I already had a consultation with him a few months earlier, and expressed since that consultation over the phone that I wanted more of a widow's peak instead of the more round line originally drew. I didn't need to remind him of what we spoke about, and the first drawing he made was exactly what I was looking for. He took some pictures and answered any remaining questions I had.


At about 8:20 - was brought into the operating room. I was greeted and settled in by Dr. Feller's team of technicians (each one was very friendly and polite btw). They set up the room for the procedure while I sipped on OJ. The doc then drew in the donor area, and Kathy shaved areas of my head as necessary. I was quite nervous about the shaving since I have to return to work in 2 weeks and concerned about how I would look, but I noticed she had kept it to a minimum.


8:40 - was laid down in the next room for anesthetics for the donor area. Then brought back to the op room to lay for a few minutes while the medication settled in.


After a few moments, the back of my head was pretty numb. I didn't realize until that half-way through, that the doc had already started cutting for the donor area! This was ok, since I didn't feel a thing. I tried to put my iPod back on but immediately took it off because I could actually hear every detail of the cutting better with the earphones on lol. Was then stapled and bandaged. This went by much quicker than expected.


Anesthetics were then put in the recipient area. After letting the medication soak in, Dr. Feller started making way for the grafts. By this time I was pretty knocked out, thinking it was from the medication, but the doctor explained that it was from the adrenaline built up before the procedure and it was the fading of it. I felt at ease and went to sleep through most of this. After he was done, he showed me the work. I thought it was a work of art (although a bit bloody) :). My lunch order was then taken (whole-wheat ham sandwhich with swiss) while the technicians came in to slowly place the grafts into the area. I really needed to go to the BR at this point but held it in to not disrupt the workflow lol.


At about 1:15 it was all done. I was then given post-op instructions. I changed my shirt and ate lunch. Dr. Feller then took some post-op pics in his office. I looked through the pictures with him as he explained to me more in detail what he did. I was quite impressed when he explained that he followed the pattern of the natural direction of my hair and this is probably one of the reasons why he is one of the top doc's. From the pictures, you will be able to see the direction in which my existing hairs are pointing. They are pointing towards the front and slightly to the right. When you compare that to the newly transplanted grafts, they are in the same direction! I was really satisfied when he mentioned this. I think the picture clearly shows this.


Also I was planned for 2000 grafts, but I don't think all of it was needed and was shown in the pricing.


All in all, the procedure went really smoothly and was able to drive home.


It wasn't as pleasant when I got home. I was quite exhausted from the procedure. I also started taking the pain killers, but it didn't agree with my body. Everything I ate came back up pretty much.


Today - I'm feeling much better. I'm also not on any pain medication since I don't feel any. Is this normal? I would think the anesthetics have worn off by now. Not complaining here...


His office will be emailing me more pics, but these are the ones I took for now. (More on the blog).


**Update #2: Staple Removal

Just got my staples removed an hour ago at Dr. Feller's office (9 Days post-up). It wasn't as painful as I expected, felt like individual hairs being pulled out except they're staples.


Also everything seems to be healing well, the scabs/dry skin from the recipient area are starting to come off. Dr. Feller says I can be a little more aggressive with shampooing. I also took a look at the donor area, and seems to just be a very thin line with hairs going through it (trichophytic closure). The hairs are expected to fall off and regrow in months time.



Edited by rayj8
Update for staple removal
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I'm quite the work-aholic. So instead of working or watching TV I decided to write this while eating lunch:)


I was pretty much in bed the whole day yesterday afternoon and night. It was worst in the afternoon since I was quite dizzy from the one Vicodin pill. By 2am I was starving and had some slices of bread, then went straight back to sleep.


I slept at a 45 degree angle as instructed, but was quite uncomfortable. Understand that this is recommended on the first night. Tonight I will try to sleep straight on my back. The only concern I have is that since I will be taking my bandage off before tonight's shower - will moving cause the scar to stretch?

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It sounds like you had a great experience. If you're anything like me, you realize shortly after the procedure that your nerves were exaggerated since the procedure is straight forward and virtually pain free.


Thanks also for posting some surgical pictures. It looks like Dr. Feller's usual first-rate work :).


Regarding your question, you're not going to want to do anything to strain the donor area. But taking the bandage off isn't going to cause any problems. Just don't grab and pull on your scalp or do any exercises that puts pressure on the wound and you'll be fine :).


Heal and grow well!



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Hey Rayj8, great to hear everything went so well... the pics you showed look like Dr Feller has really packed them in there! This is going to look great when its all come through :) looking forward to seeing the new hair but dont forget you will have to lose these nice new grafts before you can grow the new hair in so be prepared to feel less happy than you do now before you see the end results :) (at 2-3 months is the hard part before you start seeing tiny hairs start pocking through)


All the best and grow well!! :cool:




Thanks everyone!


The procedure turned out to be more pleasant than I had thought. Dr. Feller and his team of technicians were extremely professional put me at ease at every step. Here's my attempt at a write-up of the procedure.


I arrived early at 7:00, I live in the area so had no problem driving in. From reading other users' write-ups I didn't expect anyone to be at the office yet, but I went up to check anyway. Went back to my car and put on some smooth jazz to relax before it hit 7:45. At 7:30 I saw Dr. Feller walk into the building and followed behind.


Around 8:00 - Dr. Feller invited me into the office to draw the hairline. I already had a consultation with him a few months earlier, and expressed since that consultation over the phone that I wanted more of a widow's peak instead of the more round line originally drew. I didn't need to remind him of what we spoke about, and the first drawing he made was exactly what I was looking for. He took some pictures and answered any remaining questions I had.


At about 8:20 - was brought into the operating room. I was greeted and settled in by Dr. Feller's team of technicians (each one was very friendly and polite btw). They set up the room for the procedure while I sipped on OJ. The doc then drew in the donor area, and Kathy shaved areas of my head as necessary. I was quite nervous about the shaving since I have to return to work in 2 weeks and concerned about how I would look, but I noticed she had kept it to a minimum.


8:40 - was laid down in the next room for anesthetics for the donor area. Then brought back to the op room to lay for a few minutes while the medication settled in.


After a few moments, the back of my head was pretty numb. I didn't realize until that half-way through, that the doc had already started cutting for the donor area! This was ok, since I didn't feel a thing. I tried to put my iPod back on but immediately took it off because I could actually hear every detail of the cutting better with the earphones on lol. Was then stapled and bandaged. This went by much quicker than expected.


Anesthetics were then put in the recipient area. After letting the medication soak in, Dr. Feller started making way for the grafts. By this time I was pretty knocked out, thinking it was from the medication, but the doctor explained that it was from the adrenaline built up before the procedure and it was the fading of it. I felt at ease and went to sleep through most of this. After he was done, he showed me the work. I thought it was a work of art (although a bit bloody) :). My lunch order was then taken (whole-wheat ham sandwhich with swiss) while the technicians came in to slowly place the grafts into the area. I really needed to go to the BR at this point but held it in to not disrupt the workflow lol.


At about 1:15 it was all done. I was then given post-op instructions. I changed my shirt and ate lunch. Dr. Feller then took some post-op pics in his office. I looked through the pictures with him as he explained to me more in detail what he did. I was quite impressed when he explained that he followed the pattern of the natural direction of my hair and this is probably one of the reasons why he is one of the top doc's. From the pictures, you will be able to see the direction in which my existing hairs are pointing. They are pointing towards the front and slightly to the right. When you compare that to the newly transplanted grafts, they are in the same direction! I was really satisfied when he mentioned this. I think the picture clearly shows this.


Also I was planned for 2000 grafts, but I don't think all of it was needed and was shown in the pricing.


All in all, the procedure went really smoothly and was able to drive home.


It wasn't as pleasant when I got home. I was quite exhausted from the procedure. I also started taking the pain killers, but it didn't agree with my body. Everything I ate came back up pretty much.


Today - I'm feeling much better. I'm also not on any pain medication since I don't feel any. Is this normal? I would think the anesthetics have worn off by now. Not complaining here...


His office will be emailing me more pics, but these are the ones I took for now. (More on the blog).

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the breakdown of your HT day. You have a bunch of hair and hope you get a bunch more...... from the Doc you chose and the looks of things you will! Good luck and I second spex - heal and grow well.

Edited by nsuede
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