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LLLT patients from brouchere named Cosmetic Headlines

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Dear Friends


I have taken a liberty and scanned the pre and post op pictures of patients which were treated by LLLT in USA by some well reputed doctors.


I am not sure why these doctors have not joined the discussion, reason may be they are not aware of this thread.


Anyway, have a look


9071067593_40D28ED268F23DDFD84862D8F493D5B0.jpg.thumb 8071067593_3C2B20B68F2E09D33D4A48790EBF0C94.jpg.thumb 7071067593_E88207E030D744FE1E6FB4B49D674100.jpg.thumb 6071067593_677529ECDF35C8EE9E076B8979E935FA.jpg.thumb 5071067593_0579C7F90308E169DF9A3170054CC18F.jpg.thumb 4071067593_E0BD4D9CF09721CC6AFD929B8F8D6356.jpg.thumb 3171067593_1F4BBE6BB9C3ACAE393D8330F69EC81D.jpg.thumb 3071067593_6BE0F6D4721B2A3A7D967E34849DC773.jpg.thumb 2171067593_4DAB26DA79CA95624FDFD60CB78E543F.jpg.thumb 2071067593_A11D55814D0851D9E3C9264A318C316B.jpg.thumb 1171067593_2A6731C7F698F187C4A0F48C61CF45A0.jpg.thumb





I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Dear Friends


I have taken a liberty and scanned the pre and post op pictures of patients which were treated by LLLT in USA by some well reputed doctors.


I am not sure why these doctors have not joined the discussion, reason may be they are not aware of this thread.


Anyway, have a look


9071067593_40D28ED268F23DDFD84862D8F493D5B0.jpg.thumb 8071067593_3C2B20B68F2E09D33D4A48790EBF0C94.jpg.thumb 7071067593_E88207E030D744FE1E6FB4B49D674100.jpg.thumb 6071067593_677529ECDF35C8EE9E076B8979E935FA.jpg.thumb 5071067593_0579C7F90308E169DF9A3170054CC18F.jpg.thumb 4071067593_E0BD4D9CF09721CC6AFD929B8F8D6356.jpg.thumb 3171067593_1F4BBE6BB9C3ACAE393D8330F69EC81D.jpg.thumb 3071067593_6BE0F6D4721B2A3A7D967E34849DC773.jpg.thumb 2171067593_4DAB26DA79CA95624FDFD60CB78E543F.jpg.thumb 2071067593_A11D55814D0851D9E3C9264A318C316B.jpg.thumb 1171067593_2A6731C7F698F187C4A0F48C61CF45A0.jpg.thumb





I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Dear Friends as I said I have scanned these pictures from a magzine named "Cosmetic Headlines" though it is a biased brouchere but so is the openion in this forum.


These are th pictures taken and published in the brouchere and they bear the nae of some very well reputed doctors.


I am sure that these doctors are not aware of this thread.


Anyway, I was asked to give some proves owhy I believe in LLLT.


I do acknowledge that I do not have pictures of any patients , reason I do not offer the treatment in my office.


As these well reputed doctors do, they have given the pictures as well.


I am trying to get the paper from DR Perez as well, that was the bases of FDA clearence.


kindly comment.



I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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One more thing


according to the information in brouchere

All these male and female patients were only treated by LLLT

no finatride, no minoxidil, no hair transplant no other treatments or remidies were given. Just pure LLLT


Now if this is true, which I do believe, cause they do not need to lie. Then I guess they do have a case to sell. EVen if this is 2% to 5% of the total patients they treated then still I think its great results and should be given chance.



I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Dr Mohmand


I looked at the photos and thought the third picture was very impressive, so a bit of research and I found the patient on Dr Marko website shown as a HAIR TRANSPLANT PATIENT!!!


See link.



The same patient is also the 3rd picture on the HT section.


Dr Mohmand I admire your spirit and do not question your integrity, I would however question your research - it took me a few minutes to find the above link. You appear a little too willing to accept things at face value rather than to suspect agenda's.






3,500 grafts - Dr Feller - 08/08/08

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Each and every one of those photos is deceptive by the mere fact that the neither the surgical nor medical treatment record is offered.


Also, the typical deceptive photography practices are well represented in that before photos are taken using angles and lighting to maximize baldness and after photos are used to minimize them. Then theres the use of wetting the hair to make it look just about anyway you want it to depending on how you style it.


Where are YOUR pictures Dr. Mohmand?


Hitching yourself to American doctors is usually a good idea, and something I know plays well in the third world. But perhaps you are beginning to learn that you've hitched yourself to the wrong type.

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Some of these results look impressive. It is hard to say whether they are taking meds as well because if they started proscar at the same time is this result from laser or proscar?


Bill; Since you seen to be somewhat neutral on this issue why not have a little experiment yourself. Grab somebody that is not taking any meds and let them try the laser. I am sure if you told the laser company your intentions they would probaly give you one for free. That way maybe we can lay this to rest to a certain extent. I would be happy to try it out although I do take proscar it is at the stage of maintain right now, but I do not want to pay that price for it.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Click the link for a video I made and narrated of the results presented on an LLLT doctor's website.


You make the call if you think this doctor made the case for LLLT and whether or not the woman actualy received any benefit from her use of LLLT.


This presentation is typical of all LLLT before/after photos in my experience.



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Dr. Mohmand,

Honestly, don't you think resorting to promotional brochures by the marketing department of doctors SELLING LLLT is a bit desperate?


Well, you're not alone. The entire LLLT industry has always defaulted to deceptive pictures without including any information as to the medical and surgical treatments thier customers have received or are receiving. They throuw the photos out to fool the public, plain and simple.


How sad. You couldn't prove LLLT through science, rational thought, cited studies, nor your own experience with it. Instead, you are now grasping at marketing photos from doctors you don't even know just to keep alive your "belief" the LLLT works.


At this point I can't believe a licensed medical doctor is so naive or ignorant. I am now coming to believe that you are just interested in making a buck off of your uninformed patients because no rational professional could possibly dismiss obvious facts and then make up false ones as you do to justify selling a clinically unproven treatment.


Dr. Mohmand, there is no bias on this forum as you contend, only rational analysis of the information that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that you are on the wrong side of the debate. If there is ANY bias here, it is on your part because it is YOU who are selling LLLT for money. The rest of us don't stand to make a dime one way or the other.


Do yourself a favor and stop selling and supporting this quackary. It belittles not just yourself, but the science of medicine as well. Take some time to re-assess your position and show us all that you are an intellectually honest and honerable doctor.

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Dr Mohmand-


Your response please to TUBS observation that one of the pics on the brochure is actually a Hair Transplant?


Do you believe everything you see on a brochure?


I have nice color print, would be happy to put together a nice little brochure with a photo of the Statue of Liberty for Sale for 50,000 USD. Are you interested?

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Either LLLC works or it doesn't. Extremely cogent, comprehensive analysis and demonstration has been presented that it doesn't. If it doesn't, and the seemingly overwhelming evidence against it can not be rebutted, how can we deem those who advocate it as anything less than naive or unethical?


This is why I find the amazing abscence of those who *do* advocate -- if not sell -- LLLC's services an absolutely absurd joke. Dr. Mohmand is the lone exception, but surely those other doctors who hawk LLLC as well have something else and additional to add....


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Originally posted by Dr M Humayun Mohmand:


EVen if this is 2% to 5% of the total patients they treated then still I think its great results and should be given chance.


Dr Mohmand:

Without any double blind studies, this 2% to 5% can may very well be placebo effect.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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He is spending alot of time posting about LLLT because he is in bed with the quack LLLT industry. He is on the Hairmax Medical Advisor Team.




He's been on here constantly because he's been trying to undo the damage I and this community dealt to the LLLT industry through rational analysis and discussion of the facts underlying LLLT.


How dare he call this community biased when he is the most biased poster I've ever encountered.

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What arrogance and gall to think this information would not come to light and that it would continue to be purposefully withheld and remain in the shadows.


I wondered why he kept dodging the calls to either accept a new position of truth or man up and espouse an actual defense for the refutations repeatedy stated.....!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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This disclaimer is definitely something to take note, but I think we ought to wait for an explanation from him as to why he didn't disclose his affiliation with Hairmax in the debate before we start throwing the deception card. Perhaps it was an oversight.


Nonetheless, I'm sure his convictions services he provides extend far beyond any financial investment.


I'm sure he'll respond on this thread.



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Nobody knows what his convicitions are, and based on the tripe he has written AND the massive deception he has been engaging in I think it's safe to say his convictions are well within the financial ballpark if not a dead on bullseye.


Remember, he said he makes little financial gain from the sale of laser combs, but how much do you want to bet that the way they got him to join the Hairmax team was with stock or stock options. This means he gets a piece of every laser comb sold!!! It also means he's a liar.


Why would you even care what he wrote after finding out what he's been hiding? He's a liar and won't hesitate to lie right to your face as to the nature of his relationship and why he didn't disclose it.


Now that you've seen how Dr. Charles, who is also a Hairmax Medical Advisor Team Member (surprised?), and Dr. Mohmand have responded to these threads do you think NOW that they may have some ethical problems?

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Objectively, the fact that people's intellectual reputations and even moral codes are being heavily questioned if not eviscerated -- not by vicious emotion, but by scientific debate -- is leading to my continual amazement that the said people associated with it will not even make an appearance.....I can't help but wonder if they feel their prescence would only lead to *further* deconstructing of half-truths and quackery.....I honestly can not think of anothe reason at this point; but, of course, the door still remains open.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Dear Bill


I have answered your emails already.


Dr Feller, Yes I am an advisor to lexionton, cause I they knew that I do give an option to patients to try LLLT, there is no fee or any benifit paid out to me.


I have not linked myself up to any of American Doctors patient or assiciated people.


I work through my ouwn mind, if i think some thing is working and can work then I will use that and defend that, This has nothing to do with my running of clinic.


If you see the links in my web site then the only link of any doctor is bernstein and reason he has put a link of my paper that i originally presented about the curvature of shaft and its done to that reason, rest is about hair Transplant network, other sites showing the doctors and nothing else.


So please make sure that what you saying is credential.


Now, I did not check any picture to se if they are authentic or not. Reason, I am an honest man and I see every one in my own image. SO I do not question them and presume that they are doing it honestly.


If Doctors in USA are doing this and being very dishonest than what can I say.

We in third world look up to doctors in USA to tell us things honestly.


I still think tha may be LLLT is not that really great and may be its nothing but a hoax, but unless I speak to the company and the doctors who told me all about the LLLT, I am sorry but I cant make my final decision, but I thank you to alteast tell me that its not as true as it sounds.


Bill my comment about the community being biased is based on they are not willing to listen or give any weight to all the doctors who posted the pictures, I guess why dont you get to those docors personally and find out why did they put the pictures on brouchere if they are not true.


I think if that is the case then all those doctors should be removed from the forum, the reason if a doctor can lie about one thing then he can lie about anything.


ONCE AGAIN I AM NOT A PAID MEDICAL ADVISOR TO LEXINGTON, I accpeted it cause i though its an honour for me to be included in an american based company.


I hope this is clear about my intensions.


Dr Reller where where you when Dr David Perez was presenting his paper at ISHRS, only DR Rassman objected but he was replied to by two other doctors.



I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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I am a member of Lexington Medical board, but that does not mean I get any money from them for being the advisor, i wonder if any one gets or if they do at least not to me.


My income is only from my hair transplant and cosmetic surgeries that I do.


I never thought that doctors in USA can or have a potential to lie and for that matter in any country.

It was due to this lie that I left a group of practise.


If you see the names associated with the laser company they are wel reputed doctors and leading figures in Hair transplant surgery.


I have been seeing those doctors as the people I should be folowing, so it will be a great disappointment if I find out all these doctors who have helped Hair transplant to develop to this heights are actually fraud.


Anyway, I think this issue shgould be brought up at the Medical ethic commette of USA, and let them decide if this is a true hoax or a geniune thing.


I am spending time on this LLLT to defend cause in my exprience though limited and no proof that I can defend with I still think it can work.


ANYWAY, I have though to do a study on this and see for my self if it works.


I will let you know in about 1 year or so...........


Lets hope we come up with some thing.




can you please take a note of the Doctor who has put the picture of his hair transplant as a LLLT.........that is really bad. I am feeling guilty to know I have been defending doctors who are using wrong tectics.


if thats true its shocking to me.



I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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i am actually surprised that non of the doctors who are pro LLLT are not member of hair transplant network .


Dear Bill


Can we have an openion of Dr William Parsley


I respect him a lot and he is a very senior Doctor. He is very very good and I respect him very much.





I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Dr. Mohmand,

What LLLT proponents are doing is Legal (unfortunately), so it is NOT fraud or a scam. Neither are other homeopathic remedies or businesses built legally around them (unfortunately). LLLT really falls into that catagory of medicine imo. I'm not happy about it, but it is what it is and it's been going on for years.


The real problem here is that medical doctors, not just a lay public, are involved in great numbers. I see that you are confused by the shear number of doctors involved in the LLLT industry. I now understand that you placed most of your faith and belief in them. But did it ever occur to you that those doctors may have put their faith into YOU as proof of the clinical usefulness of LLLT as you did them?


I am just a doctor myself, one who suffers from hairloss. I would love LLLT to work as well. I wish I were at the meeting where the paper was given and Dr. Rassman raised a question. I'm not surprised he was critical, and I will give him a call next week to find out what his question was and will find out his position. Who knows, maybe he'll get me to change MY mind. But I seriously doubt it.


I will give an opinion of Dr. William Parsley. He's a well respected doctor who is among the best in the world that I've seen. He is also a very amiable and friendly man and I have enjoyed the few times I have had opportunity to speak with him. Even if he believes in LLLT it will not change my opinion of him. I doubt he knows about this debate raging on HTN, but I would love to read his response to the information presented against LLLT thus far. I'll give him a call too. Maybe I'm missing something?


Let me make this clear. If a doctor really believes in something like LLLT and has real cause to believe it works, then doing so is obviously ethical imo.


But ignoring physical and intellectual evidence to the contrary is what leads to the beginning of the unethical path.


I don't want any fellow doctor to be branded as unethical or deceptive. It's bad for the entire profession. But if serious evidence is raised against what LLLT proponents are preaching and selling I believe that once they are so informed that they are ethically obligated to respond. To date, it seems you are the only one to respond.


It's good to see that we finally got to the heart of your belief in LLLT. You seemed to have placed all of your faith on American doctors who also believe in LLLT. But by their failure to come to your aid on these threads and to logically address the issues raised, you are beginnng to have doubts. That's good.


As a Hairmax Medical Team Advisor, perhaps you can contact your colleagues and inform them of this debate and the doubts you now harbor. Encourage them to join the discussions and make their case. That's what these forums are all about.

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