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FUE into scar and repair

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Has anyone gotten a scar revision with Dr Wolf? Id like to see some pics...Also, Id like to see before and afters of people who have FUE into scars and any stories etc


Private msg me if anyone is okay with discussiong their situation with me...

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Has anyone gotten a scar revision with Dr Wolf? Id like to see some pics...Also, Id like to see before and afters of people who have FUE into scars and any stories etc


Private msg me if anyone is okay with discussiong their situation with me...

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Just-a-guy,


I'm also in the situation of needing scar revision or FUE into scars. I will prob go for the FUE method. The only example, I know of FUE into scars, is Spex, which was performed by Dr Feller. If there are other people who have gotten it done, I would sure like to hear from them. icon_smile.gif


The comments/statements made above are my opinion only.


898 Scar Revision and Staple Cycle Experiment - Dr Feller & Dr Rogers (Nov'06)

2200 Strip - Dr Feller (Nov'05)

4 bad surgeries at Hosp Grp

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Scar and HT repairs are performed routinely by most top surgeons I know that Ron Shapiro also specializes in repair work. I would ask for a consult from the top doctors near your area for their advice.


Spex has a very detailed website of his experience and scar revision which you can view here: http://www.hair-help.co.uk/


There are typically two ways to repair a scar, One way is to add grafts into the scar to camoflague it while the other is to have another donor strip removed that contains the scar and seal it off with a tricho closure. The advantage of the later method being that you will have some grafts left over to transplant should you need to.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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Go to hairloshelp.com for some guys that have gotten FUE's in...

Met feller, wasnt the most compassionate guy...all these doctors really suck when it comes down to it..Dr Wolf SUPPOSEDLY gets ok results from revisions but when it comes down to it, its not guaranteed.

Our BEST bet right now, is wait for Juvista to come out or haircloning..or shave down...Ive talked to a few guys that have shaved and most are VERY VERY happy they did...Its not an easy way out, but there is no easy way out, we're screwed no thanks to these as*hole doctors and this industry'


Beware though...all these sites are full of doctors and marketers just trying to get your money and brainwash you

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I understand, just like me you have been researching scar revision. Have you made a de cision yet ? Hvae you had any other consults in person ?



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You're negative reaction to HT's sounds typical of someone having received a bad HT from a mediocre doctor. Is this the case? i.e. was it performed by someone outside the coalition?


Its just that even without the result, I still feel happy that I had a HT knowing that I will finally no longer have an obvious receeded hairline that I have been self conscience about for the last 4-5 years. Unfortunately like many I have shaved down before my HT - Unfortunately I do not look good without hair so the HT is really the only route for me to be happy with my hair.


Also going to a doctor like Ron Shapiro my concerns about a Bad or noticeable HT were never an issue. He also considers your future loss and will tell you what can be achieved with your limited donor supply in the future depending on what NW you will get to in the end. So my future looks bright even from day 1 after my HT.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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No, my reaction is that of a formerly overly self conscious, insecure person, who has awoken to the rest of the world's reality, that no one gives a crap whether you receed or lose your hair...


In today's world its a LOT cooler , and more possible to be "attractive" with a short haircut or shaved head then a HT that you need to maintain and keep up with for the rest of your life, with limited donor hair, with scar stretching (and the possibilities of worsening of the scar stretching with each procedure), a scar that is there for life, pitting or pitting possibilities.


Even a "good" HT, is still ridiculous and not normal looking. Go on some of these sites at the top docs and look at the patients they are most proud of to show..in most case 90% or more, the final results is still a receeding hairline...and in 5-10 years they will lose more hair and will be forced to get cut open again and again


I recently woke up to this superficial scam we fell for, while other smarter more confident guys shaved down or crop their hair and still get girls, have confidence and get over their insecurities


All these sites are run by docs...wake up people...It took me too long to do so unfortunately.

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I will agree that some few people can pull off the shaved look and still look good. I wish I was one of them, but sadly this is not the case for me.


As for this forum, it is contributed by real patients showcasing their real results. In many cases they use the words "the best decision I have ever made" to describe their life changing experience that their HT has given them.


I am sorry you did not experience the same satisfaction, perhaps you were not a good HT candidate to begin with. Did you go on any medication to halt or slowdown your hairloss? this may have prevented you from requiring multiple HT's.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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Even a "good" HT, is still ridiculous and not normal looking. Go on some of these sites at the top docs and look at the patients they are most proud of to show..in most case 90% or more, the final results is still a receeding hairline...and in 5-10 years they will lose more hair and will be forced to get cut open again and again





I'll admit that at first I debated even responding to you as your comments sounded almost irrational to the point that you are just looking for a fight. But then I thought - what if you are genuine and what if others get misled by your statements. So, here is my response.


A hair transplant is NOT a scam and it can be a wonderful thing. There is one condition - it has to be performed by a top quality doctor.


You mention that it's cooler to be bald than to have a full head of hair? WOW - never knew that. Some people can pull off the shaved head look and be fine with it, but others - like myself - love the idea of 'not aging' (at least my hair not aging) and know that we look better with hair. Choice is a wonderful thing!


You mention "a HT that (is something) you need to maintain and keep up with for the rest of your life". In actuality, a HT moves permanent hair from the sides and back of your head to the front and crown. This requires no further maintenance or upkeep. A HT is not a 'weave', 'fusion matrix', 'hairpiece' which requires daily, monthly, annual, etc. upkeep. It's a permanent procedure. I'd recommend Propecia or Rogaine for those who are thinning or want to prevent future loss, though, in addition to a HT.


You also mention "scar stretching". If a person has a HT today with the tricho closure, there is virtually no scar to speak of. Further, if one is careful following the HT (ie. not doing deadlifts a couple weeks after a procedure), then the scar will not stretch and get worse. In fact, my scar got better with my recent HT as the old Bosley scar was removed and replaced with a Tricho Closure. I'm very pleased thus far.


You continue... "even a good HT is still ridiculous and not normal looking". Again, you are mistaken here. An 'acceptable' HT is a HT that grows hair and a 'good' HT is one which is mostly unnoticeable. But this is not the standard that is sought after on this site. A great or ideal HT is one that is so good that you would have NO idea that it was a HT. HT's from the top Doctors are now that good. Look at Futzyhead's images. There is no way you could ever describe that as a recognizable HT. Never.


You continue, "The final results (are) still a receding hairline". Of course they are still receding. A HT is permanent hair and will not recede over time as most normal hairlines do. Thus, to ensure they look as natural when the patient is 25 as 55 as 75, there is some recession built into the HT procedure. This can still look amazing and each person is judged individually.


Okay - that's all for now. Seriously, Just-a-Guy, you need to forget the HT's from the 80's and any Bosley / MHR , etc. HT outfit. The new state-of-the-art locations (ie. Shapiro, H&W, etc. as listed in the Coalition on this site) are TOP QUALITY. There is no pitting, obvious hairlines, etc.


Hope this clears up any confusion.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Justaguy, what a really ignorant, superficial, imature thing to say. You have every right to not get a hairtransplant if want, but you have no right to judge why or whether anyone else should get a hair transplant. You are wrong about the results from good HT doctors and you are certainly wrong about how important looks are in our society. I am a trial lawyer. I can tell you for a fact that those lawyers who get the best results are generally the better looking lawyers, everything else being equal. You my friend live in a world of ignorance. Maybe it shouldn't be the way it is, but it is the way it is: Looks are important in Romance and in life. Accept it or not.

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I'll answer both of you in this...

First of all..


I am not ignorant...I WAS until recently...


I go suckered into the savages preying on the insecure in this industry.



You can not assume or guarantee or even predict what a man's scalp will do, stretch or not


No matter what the closure type or technology..hair will keep falling out and thus more procedures...any top doc will admit that with more than one procedure (which will most likely be needed, as they will admit over time) the skin WILL stretch and you will not get as thin a scar


Sure its great in theory, but scars are real and permanent, you can feel them , see them and they arent going anywhere. Bald or short hair cuts ARE in finally and I and many of us are suckers and idiots for not seeing this and chasing a pipe dream of keeping and planting hairs in our head and cutting our heads open to do so.


These sites are run by and sponsored by doctors and marketers in the industry...


The "good" results from most of these featured doctors, still are balding men at the final stages, just with a little more hair


There is a limited amount of donor hair and the older you get, the less of it...you cant spread 3000-5000 hair grafts around and expect it to look like a normal unreceeding man..thats moronic...


Yes looks are important..and having an ear to ear scar and hairs planted on my head ,no matter how good or bad the doctor is, is not cool or visually realistic


Clearly none of us think we can pull off a bald look...DUH! Thats why we did this..but we all can...MOST shaved head men, didnt think at one point they could pull it off..but now they NEVER have to worry or be insecure again about this crap...we cant say that...


Tricho does not make the scar smaller and works best with a virgin scalp, not a revision...do your research..I have...it only allows some hair to grow through it.


You do need to keep up with it, your graftd hair is permanent but the hair around it isnt...common sense...


I have no experience (thank GOD) with HT's from the 80's mine were from 2000-2005..and I WOKE up now to my insecurities...someday you'll do the same...I spoke and thought about HT's like you for my whole life..one day you'll realize what you did

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For the record I have had 2 Ht's and it's has been truly awesome. I really feel bad for the early HT victims as they really paved the way for us.. It's a different age IF you have a good doc & do your research..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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We'll whatever your story is for some reason you have a very pessimistic view on HT's, Im guessing this is from personal experience since it appears that you have recently been *awoken*.


I'll try to reply to your stated facts:


Originally posted by JUst-a-guy:


You can not assume or guarantee or even predict what a man's scalp will do, stretch or not



We'll you probably can't predict what the end result will be for yourself but fortunately we are able to examine the scars from previous patients. The tricho closure from good doctors in all the cases I've seen appears it ranges from completely undetectable when combing through the donor area to a pencil thin scar of up to 1mm in thickness. So to minimize your donor scar you should go to a good doctor and follow their post op directions dilligently.


No matter what the closure type or technology..hair will keep falling out and thus more procedures...any top doc will admit that with more than one procedure (which will most likely be needed, as they will admit over time) the skin WILL stretch and you will not get as thin a scar



Yes your surrounding native hair will continue to fall out just as it would've done even without your HT. To minimize or halt further hairloss there are clinically proven hairloss meds which are recommended by most leading surgeons. There are also laxity excercises that you can do pre op to improve your laxity and theoretically final scar size.


Sure its great in theory, but scars are real and permanent, you can feel them , see them and they arent going anywhere. Bald or short hair cuts ARE in finally and I and many of us are suckers and idiots for not seeing this and chasing a pipe dream of keeping and planting hairs in our head and cutting our heads open to do so.



Im not sure which country you are living to be thinking that 'Bald is in'?? As for the buzz cut I agree that they are more accepted but I bet if you ask balding men with buzz cuts if they would prefer to have hair instead my guess is most will say yes.


These sites are run by and sponsored by doctors and marketers in the industry...



We'll this forum is run by Pat who has had a positive life changing HT experience. To make this forum possible I believe he is sponsored by the highly ethical and quality surgeons listed in the coalition. Im not sure where you get the *marketers* from, I don't see any here? in fact the rules of this forum bans and edits commercial posts.


Overall I am thankfull for this forum of invaluable information on not just HT's and real patients experiences and results but also for the invaluable information on pre/post op care, support group, hairloss meds, vitamins, future technology, etc.


The "good" results from most of these featured doctors, still are balding men at the final stages, just with a little more hair



There are also more "good" results from real patients from all NW scales.


There is a limited amount of donor hair and the older you get, the less of it...you cant spread 3000-5000 hair grafts around and expect it to look like a normal unreceeding man..thats moronic...



Who here thinks that 3000-5000 grafts will get them an unreceeded hairline? only unimformed people who consult unethical surgeons (i.e. people who have not researched forums like these).


Yes looks are important..and having an ear to ear scar and hairs planted on my head ,no matter how good or bad the doctor is, is not cool or visually realistic


Clearly none of us think we can pull off a bald look...DUH! Thats why we did this..but we all can...MOST shaved head men, didnt think at one point they could pull it off..but now they NEVER have to worry or be insecure again about this crap...we cant say that...


Tricho does not make the scar smaller and works best with a virgin scalp, not a revision...do your research..I have...it only allows some hair to grow through it.



A blackened smokers lung is also not visually aesthetic to look at but what does it matter if no one can see it? Tricho closures do make the scars looks smaller and can be just as effective for someone with good laxity. The mechanics are pretty simple you are trying to stretch the scalp, the better the laxity the less the tightness.


You do need to keep up with it, your graftd hair is permanent but the hair around it isnt...common sense...



please refer to the paragraph on hairloss meds above.


I have no experience (thank GOD) with HT's from the 80's mine were from 2000-2005..and I WOKE up now to my insecurities...someday you'll do the same...I spoke and thought about HT's like you for my whole life..one day you'll realize what you did



I'm glad you don't have experience with the primitive HT's of the 80's and early 90's. But having a HT even today will not guarantee a good result. There are only a handfull of surgeons that can perform an excellent and trully undetectable result.


I go suckered into the savages preying on the insecure in this industry.



With this comment I will assume that you fell prey to a 'hairmill' that actively engages in unrealistic and unethical marketing. I believe its your negative experience with these outfits that have shaped your negative view on HT's. Please correct me if I am wrong.


This is the exact opposite of what this forum is about. It provides invaluable information that the quality of the surgeon is a huge factor in your final result and what to expect with the limited no of grafts you have left, etc.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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Hey Just-a-guy,


Originally posted by JUst-a-guy:

Met feller, wasnt the most compassionate guy...


Can you tell me what Dr Feller said to you? Did he advice you on FUE into scar as opposed to scar revision? Dr Feller has suggested to me that I do FUE into the scar as the revised scar may stretch back.


Are there any good examples of scar revision on multiple scars (i.e. 4+ scars)? The advantages of scar revision is that the results will be more instant!


My only concerns with FUE into the scar is the expected yield of growth. From what I understand , the rate varies and it's likely that not all of the grafts will grow icon_rolleyes.gif


There are precious few examples of FUE into the scar out there so its hard to make a decision.


How many scars do you have? I have been butchered in the UK and yeah its a horrible situation to be in.


Our BEST bet right now, is wait for Juvista to come out or haircloning..or shave down...


haircloning won't be around for another 8 years and I simply can't wait that long.


The comments/statements made above are my opinion only.


898 Scar Revision and Staple Cycle Experiment - Dr Feller & Dr Rogers (Nov'06)

2200 Strip - Dr Feller (Nov'05)

4 bad surgeries at Hosp Grp

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Whether we want to admit it or not, Just A Guy voices some legitimate concerns. I have considered all of these issues from time to time.


Didn't a historical figure state something to the effect of "While I don't agree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it".



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Not only do I have a right to say it as a free citizen..but I have a right to say it as someone who has suffered from the insecure feeling of losing hair....and I have a right to say something as someone who let my insecurities be victimized and taken advantage of by these savage doctors who know all the facts that Ive stated earlier and just don't care.


There is a CURE for the balding man...SHAVE YOUR HEAD and or accept that you are a human being and we as human males sometimes lose hair...this is not a disease or something "wrong"...its natural..unlike getting our heads cut open to try and work through our emotional and psychological issues

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I could not agree more that you are entitled to your opinion and the right to express it here or anywhere else. If you are a victim of a bad transplant I am sorry, BUT there are many men who feel their looks and life have been improved by transplants. It doesn't make them wrong, screwed up or insecure. We all care about how we look, some of us prefer hair. Nothing wrong with being bald, to each his own. This forum exists to a certain extent, to prevent a bad experience. If doctors sponsor it so what, I am reading posts by people like you, not the doctors and that has value to me. I chose to have a transplant, I don't know what the end result will be. But I felt much better reading the good and the bad prior to making the decision. I appreciate your input as well as others. It is what helped me make my decision.



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I am not the victim of a BAD HT per se... as much as I am a victim of Hair transplants...No one can "tell" I had one...because I jumped the gun and got one so early and of course the doc wanted money and agreed..however, now that Ive woken up and realized what a complete jack ass I was..I no longer have the option to shave or cut it down without exposing the ear to ear nightmare we are left with..


Do we all care how we look of course...but dealin with aging is a normal part of growing older than I fooled myself into thinking I could run from.


I will not list all the FACTS I did before...but HT's should be illegal where they are now...No doctor ever would guarantee results, or scar results or lack of stretching, or future loss...and none of us can KNOW how we will feel 5-15 years down the road..


I was someone that 5 years ago or less, would have said to myself, "why isnt everyone doing this?"..I even saw 2 guys with scars and bad ht's shaved down and though, "Man that sucks they didnt go to a better doctor"....but I woke up and realize Im one of them...if not by sight, then by mentality.


our bodies change almost as much as our MINDS do (and decisions)..and this is one decision we can not go back on ever!!!


Some guys get things pierced or dye their hair green or cheated on a test in college or stole money from a register when they were 10..but this is a mistake we have to live with forever and commit to forever or until we shave or are LUCKY enough not to have future loss.


Its a losing battle and we are savagely being taken advantage of by docs who know the risks.


Why do you think the repair aspect of HT's is so big? its not just crappy docs who produce bad results..look around, research...there are guys from every doc who had bad luck, bad genetics, and regret this more than anything. Its ruining lives and confidence more than helping.


Sure, SOME guys luck out or feel better...I did for about 5-6 yrs..I thought it was great....things change...scars dont

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Originally posted by JUst-a-guy:

Not only do I have a right to say it as a free citizen..but I have a right to say it as someone who has suffered from the insecure feeling of losing hair....and I have a right to say something as someone who let my insecurities be victimized and taken advantage of by these savage doctors who know all the facts that Ive stated earlier and just don't care.


There is a CURE for the balding man...SHAVE YOUR HEAD and or accept that you are a human being and we as human males sometimes lose hair...this is not a disease or something "wrong"...its natural..unlike getting our heads cut open to try and work through our emotional and psychological issues




Of course you have a right to express your opinions and we welcome them. From what I can tell you are recommending balding men considering a HT to just shave their head and accept it. That is definately the easiest option and if guys are able to be comfortable with that route than the better off they will be.


IMHO there are both good HT's and bad HT's and I also believe that no HT is better than a bad HT. It doesn't change the fact that a good HT can have a positive life changing experience as is expressed by so many patients here that have gone to good doctors. It also appears that there are patients that never wished they had a HT. This is also good to know as the more information we have available the more informed our decision will be.


You are stating some valid points, the most obvious one being that a HT is a life comittment and if you down that route you have to expect that you will require future HT's. So all patients should weigh up the pros and cons before contemplating a HT.


But what would be more helpful rather than suggesting people get bald gracefully is to tell us your story, how you approached your hairloss, the doctors you went to and the results you had as well as the results you were expecting. This information will be more helpful and can hopefully save someone from having a bad HT experience.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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You have every right to your opinion, to express it and to think HT's shouldn't be performed. I have every right to be very happy with my HT and don't understand why you think the government should have the right to outlaw it simply because you aren't happy with your results.

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You really need to be more open-minded to hair transplants. Let's see - you went to Bosley, had a bad hair transplant and now regret it. So far our paths sound very similar. I also went to Bosley for a HT and now regret it.


However, after this is where our paths differ. You regret ever having one and wish you could shave your head now.


I don't regret having the HT, but I do regret going to the *wrong* HT doctor.


I have since learned from my experience and conducted enough research - on this site and others - to know what to do and what I would be happy with. I am on Propecia and Rogaine to stabilize my hair loss and am waiting for 1662 FU's to grow in my hairline to make it wonderfuly thick and natural. That's all for me!


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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