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Hey all, I just had a consultation with a really good and honest HT doc but when it was over and I spoke to the receptionship she said I was required to take an HIV test and Hep B/C/

I was stupifed and said "you afraid that if I have AIDS (I don't) I might give it to someone here?" and She replied in the affirmative. I spoke to a nurse friend who said that is not legal. Anyone else have this experience?

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Hey all, I just had a consultation with a really good and honest HT doc but when it was over and I spoke to the receptionship she said I was required to take an HIV test and Hep B/C/

I was stupifed and said "you afraid that if I have AIDS (I don't) I might give it to someone here?" and She replied in the affirmative. I spoke to a nurse friend who said that is not legal. Anyone else have this experience?

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Sure did and never thought twice about it. In fact, it's nice to know that I don't have any of those viruses. I wouldn't have checked otherwise, if not for getting a HT.


Their just trying to protect everyone involved. Also, there might be medical reasons such as higher risk of post-op infection or something. Don't let something like that stop you. Other than that did it seem like a positive experience?


Who did you see for your consult? ~zerro

If woman don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy -Steve Smith 'The Red Green Show'

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Yeap! most Dr. required us to take HIV and additional 3 test (I dont remember the exact test name) befroe the HT. Its part of the surgery, also u might have to pay additional $$$ for surgery intruments.


I did mine too.



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I thought I should perhaps respond to this, as I am one of the doctors who does ask his patients to get Hep C,B, HIV tests done before transplant surgery. Who knows, it may have even been my office.


First of all this is request, not a requirement. It is in fact illegal in New York for a physician to refuse surgery on a patient because of uncertain HIV or positive HIV status.

Beyond that I would never do this on ethical grounds.


The reason I make this request of patients prior to elective surgery is that it provides an added element of safety. In a surgical setting transmission of blood borne pathogens is of concern. All offices including ours follow what are called Universal Precautions to minimize risk of transmission. In our office when we treat patients who are known to be positive for Hepatitis or HIV, we take even further added precautions beyond the normal standard measures to assure safety for all staff and patients.


We do not do the testing in order to exclude patients from treatment, but to lower risk. Rarely over the years of following this practice, I have encountered someone who objected to or was frightened by testing and we have gone ahead and performed the procedure anyway without the tests.


While I am aware that some of my hair restoration surgeon colleagues do not request such testing there are many of us who do. The feed back from patients on this practice has been very positive and appreciative.


I hope you find this explanation helpful.

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Thanks to all for responses. I still find it odd as I have never been asked this by ANY doc and have had surgery several times, some cosmetic, some not. I will not reveal the doc's name but yes zerro I did have a great consultation and liked the doc a lot and no Dr. True it was not your office but thank you your response. I did email you for a consultation but never heard. TO me the receptionist's response that it was about their safety and not mine belies the suppoistion that it was for my good. Of course, it's all academic as I have been tested for HIV am neg and neg with the Heps.

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I'm actually surprised with the small number of docs who ask for that (mine didn't) considering the amount of blood involved for example in the removal of the strip.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

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My hairtransplant was a bloody mess.To the point of needing direct pressure on my temples for ten minutes at a time to stop the *gysers*of blood as the tech put it(she was wearing platex gloves not latex).Anyway I took the tests prior,I think it was a sales tool ,as a *recent* infection with either takes months to effectively detect , therefore it is ultimately a useless self-serving test.If someone gets cross contaminated during the surgical process an Hiv/hep test should only then be requested as a baseline with a six month follow-up test .Maybe this is the second best sales tool since the video-microscope.If a legitamate Dr. is requesting bloodwork a full cbc and work-up should be done also to protect the patient not the staff.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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Originally posted by where'smyhair:

Hey all, I just had a consultation with a really good and honest HT doc but when it was over and I spoke to the receptionship she said I was required to take an HIV test and Hep B/C/

I was stupifed and said "you afraid that if I have AIDS (I don't) I might give it to someone here?" and She replied in the affirmative. I spoke to a nurse friend who said that is not legal. Anyone else have this experience?


Where's my hair,


There was another thread that discussed this topic a few months back that will shed some light on the subject for you here.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Moderator thanks for the link but it did not really shed any more light. Dr. True has it right. My gripe at this point is that I was told I had to have these tests when in fact no patient is required to if they do not want to and the surgeon still has to operate. If I do decide to go with this HT doc, and the proviso is to be tested, I will contact the ACLU and the state licensing board if they insist when they know that is illegal.

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I don't think it is illegal because it is elective surgery. It's not like he/she is doing a emergency bypass or something. You need to get over this. Ask yourself, if I had the option to find out if someone is HIV positive, would I take it? An emergency is different! But your HT doc has the luxury to evaluate the entire situation. They didn't say they would turn you down if you were HIV did they. They just need to know, so they can take appropriate precautions. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill! Get 'r done. ~zerro



With my doc it was mandatory. No test, no procedure. I think that was fair. No big deal.

If woman don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy -Steve Smith 'The Red Green Show'

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Zerro, HIV/Hep testing is not a requirement for surgery, necessary or elective, in New York. And as Dr. True said, docs are obligated to perform surgery following a set of guidelines as though every patient is a potential risk. The issue is not whether or not I will get a HT. It is any doc telling a patient either you get these tests done or no surgery. Did they say exactly that to me? No. But they did say I had to have these tests before I could have the surgery, which implies they are required. Patients should be urged to be tested but it should be left up to the patient; that's the law. Patients rights should never be considered a molehill. And yes I will get a HT.

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Dear All


. . . The HIV and Hep C Pre-Op lab work requests. Is this all that the majority of previous patients (subscribing to this thread) have been asked for? I note that, in addition to the above, the Shapiro MG also request haemogram (White blood cell and platelet count) and what is effectively Urea, electrolytes and liver function tests (presumably to ensure post-op medication compatibility).


I can only surmise that, because H/T is an invasive procedure and will always involve some risk, giving your surgeon this information could help reduce complications at the operative and post-operative stages?


I think I'd be more concerned with the outfit that wasn't interested in any diagnostics - before letting them take a scalpel to my head.


Regards, Sorleyboy

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where'smyhair... you belong to the NRA don't you? You think everyone should be allowed to own an automatic and take it to school/work.


I sympothize and understand that our individual rights are and should be front and center. I am a huge advocate for personal freedoms and liberty.


But... HIV and Hep are serious diseases. Why should a non-emergency doc/nurse risk infection. In an emergency, these test would be consider unacceptable.


By no means is a doc violating your rights, their oath or the law by asking you to get a simple blood test. He is not requiring you to get an HT. You are requesting one!


It's kinda like, it is a priveledge to operate a vehicle in most US states (NY included.) Yes, a priveledge not a right. If you want to take advantage of that priveledge, legally you must where a seat belt or pay a fine.


Bottom line my friend, seat belts save lives and so do HIV test!


I suggest you read "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mills (1869.) Although it is pretty heavy reading, the book should shed some light on your dilemma. This guy is totally against government control but he understands that the government has the responsibility to protect the individuals that are not smart enough to protect themselves. Kind of where this discussion falls, wouldn't you agree.


To be a responsible citizen means that one must minimize the potential risks to other humans. Yes, even the bright ones that decide to go swimming with the killer shark fish in Florida must have a pre-certification.


Because an individual has a right to go bare back in the heat of passion, or pump who knows what up their viens from a needle... should not be the doctors problem. He/she has rights also! I'm glad to hear you don't have HIV and so is your dr.


In the U.S. over a million people have HIV now and half of them walk and play around and don't even know it. I took the test and found out I wasn't among them. And, I'm very pleased to know that!

If woman don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy -Steve Smith 'The Red Green Show'

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On a lighter note.Provided the doctor or techs are not going to bareback you while your sedated or share needles with you at lunchtime I think they are safe.Regardless if there was a stick or incident the test would only be a baseline anyway as pre-hairtransplant parties are usually very hedonistic.Out of interest I wonder how many H/T doctors have had to break the bad news to patients about their Hiv status .I would say its 1 in 10,000 or less.However I do beleive comprehensive bloodwork by a competent physician is prudent for the patient.Another observation I would make after having arguably one of the worst hairtransplants and one of the best.The latter was nearly bloodless.If your H/T is inclined to be a bloodbath and this is a *major* concern you are in the wrong place.The janitor gloves should have tipped me off but it was too late.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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On a lighter note.Provided the doctor or techs are not going to bareback you while your sedated or share needles with you at lunchtime I think they are safe.

Mahair... that was funny icon_smile.gif and I'm still laughing.

If woman don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy -Steve Smith 'The Red Green Show'

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where'smyhair... thanks for the positive comments. Although I would normally have a lot to say, I will refrain... I'm sure you and the membership will be delighted.


However I do have one small comment, the reason this country is so great, is that we can legally have constructive debates about both important and yes, trivial matters. No sense of getting upset over it.


If I offended you, I am sorry... I was just trying to make an intelligent arguement for the other side. Being narrow-minded and self-centered will get us no where. We must look at the bigger picture. Do what you have to do! Good luck; I hope it all works out for you.


Oh by-the-way, I hear that Florida's water are now safe, the killer shark fish are moving north to cooler waters. -ha Buddy, you need to loosen up and have some fun.

If woman don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy -Steve Smith 'The Red Green Show'

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