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Stay away from Atlantis 2000 International!

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I found Lucien Armand MD, in 2006, through the website, www.atlantishairtransplant.com. Strangely, I never met Dr. Armand face-to-face, but only spoke with him during my procedure from behind me. The consultation was performed by Medical Director, Kris Johnson. Dr. Armand left me with a very large scar in my donor area and an unnatural hairline. I never returned. Two years later, I discovered that Dr. Armand had had his medical license revoked by the Florida State Board of Medicine in 2002, for "failing to maintain adequate records and failing to practice medicine with the level of care which is recognized by a reasonably prudent physician as acceptable". The revocation of Dr. Armand's license occurred four years prior to my procedure. See link. http://w3.health.state.ny.us/opmc/factions.nsf/58220a7f...04d1932?OpenDocument

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Guest wanthairs

this guy should be sent to prison !!!!


the before and after photos are completely 100% misleading.


They are criminals !

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  • 1 month later...

What I read here above from other people saddens my faith in mankind and these kinds of comments I have found out through investigating these claims were made from their competition making false statements. The Doctor that this above person is referring to was not even the same person and has a different number all together. The Dr. Armand they had working for them previously had retired prior to the date stated above.


I have personally had my first procedure done with Atlantis 2000, International back in June of 1996 when I just started losing my hair. I was explained then by their Wonderful Staff that I would need a second session in the future when my other natural hair fell out between the grafts as I aged since I was not done losing all my hair yet.


When this happened in the future, it would be time for my density session to fill in the small 1-2 haired grafts on the front hairline that looked so natural no one could ever tell I had it done. I also had the little larger 3-5 haired grafts put behind the front hairline for added density going all the way back and including the back of my head crown area.


I then returned back to Atlantis 2000, International in January of 2000 and had my density session done to fill in the little spaces that were created by the last 4-years of losing more of my natural hair. They have a full staff of highly qualified and skilled Physicians that work all together as a great and wonderful team. I found that every person working there has the highest integrity from beginning to end that I have ever seen and I judge and deal with the worst of all people as a profession every day of my life, so I know very well the good from the bad.


Since my last hair transplant in 2000 I have lost more of my natural hair to date and just finished my third touch-up procedure on March of this year 2008 with the Great Doctors at Atlantis 2000, International. I have seen and lived the long term history of hair loss and would only trust my head to them.


I have referred and sent over 46 of my buddy's in my Agency to Atlantis 2000, International and they all have had State Of The Art Technology performed on them with flying colors. My other buddy has referred all of his Sheriff co-workers as well. I suggest you give them a call and judge them for yourself.



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  • 1 year later...
  • 11 months later...
  • Regular Member

I had a supposed 3000 follicle transplant 14months ago, May of 2010, and it has been a disaster for me. I see NO visible difference in my appearance. In fact I think I look even BALDER now. As other patients have said, they pile little clumps of follicles on a big frozen pan in groups of supposedly 100 follicles each. Then they make you sign a paper saying you have counted all the follicles and agree that they are all there. How am I going to accurately count 3000 nearly microscopic hair follicles in the manner? They also force you to sign many waiver to cancel your legal rights, which I am told by my attorney brother that it is illegal to have a contract to cancel someones legal remedies. I am currently trying to get a refund from them but have only recieved hostile responses from Mr Johnson. as they took over 5 hours with only two technitions implanting the follicles one by one. I think they dried up and died on the pan before they could get them implanted. A Mr Johnson (I have no idea what his credential are, as he will not tell me after repeated requests) does the entire procedure with the two technitions, once the doctor (don't know his name, he just comes out of a room and does it saying little or nothing) cuts off the donor area. Then the doctor completely leaves and you do not see him again. The doctor does not speak to you examine your head, or do anything except cut the donor skin off. I think he then leaves the very small, old, threadborne office. DO NOT GO HERE, YOU WILL BE VERY SORRY. They are rude, and hostile when you try to ask why the grafts did not grow, and especially if you try to get a refund, they will threaten to sue you! The Navy Seal, and the FBI are obviously shills, proabably the one who did my transplant by the sound of the emails I have recieved from him about my complaints. Someone should track down the IP address, and I am sure it would prove true. I will be happy talk about entering into the class action suit should someone start one. I have asked for proof of their claimed 23000 procedures, 4 offices, and the many "board certified" doctors on staff, claimed in their website with no results or answers.

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  • 4 months later...

Atlantis has a company policy that they will not participate in prapaganda and made-up attempts to extort them by others writing lies, but I will. You can also run my ip address to see that I am a real past patient and stop with those horrible false accusations. Hair transplant doctors have the hardest job there is. They are dealing with men that are mad at the world that someone has taken away their youth by means of their hair. They get mad at anyone also even including their wifes and blame the hair transplant people when it is not thick enough in their first session when they only get small amounts of hair on their first surgery. Humans have over one hundred thousand hairs on the top of their heads. Then when totally bald men can only afford only a couple thousand grafts they get mad at all the of doctors that their hair is not as thick as Elvis's was after only one time, even though they have been told this verbally and all their paperwork claims that when you are bald you will need more than one session throughout your lifetime. This kind of uneducated thinking shows in the smear attempts, false statements made, fake pictures posted and false opinions of moles are the work of evil angry men.

I am a corporate attorney that has had five hair transplants in the past thirty years as well. I have been to three of Atlantis's offices over this time of my life when I was loosing my hair. Atlantis does not have to pay the huge advertising budget that other companies have to pay. Nor do they have marble tables and marble floors that other companies pay for on their overhead. Any smart businessman understands about the high cost of overhead. They also pay a yearly lease on a Medical Suite located in the Medical III Building adjacent to the Hospital, just like every other doctor does in business. They also have all the medical doctors licenses posted on their wall as everyone does. When I started thirty years ago Atlantis's prices were twelve dollars per graft. As they lowered their overhead on their building at that time the price dropped down to eight dollars per graft on my second density surgery. Then on my third time years later after I had lost more hair due to aging they made it even more affordable to the first three dollar graft I saw advertised. After two sessions with Atlantis's competition I did my third, forth and fifth procedure with Atlantis and they looked remarkable. As I aged and lost more of my original hair I have done all my density sessions as they are called with them as well. The uneducated men that think they will have hair as thick as Elvis after only one time, this will never happen as all of the older hair transplant patients all know this by now. If the uneducated guys want to blame someone they will have to blame their parents and grandparents.

Fact for the record: Dr. Calhan does all the surgical parts of the procedure, just like other doctors do at other companies that I have used and the rest of their medical staff are perfect.

Fact for the record: The Medical Waivers that you sign are standard for any and all surgical procedures performed in the United States and are strong as steal. Otherwise no doctor would ever perform any kind of surgery for the human race because all of the deceivers trying to get something for nothing or a free surgery.

Fact for the record: I am also aware of the most common thing that other salesman and doctors working for other companies say to convert second time density patients from their original doctors. They claim you did not get the amount of grafts you were told. Then when that density patient gets angry the competition salesman and doctors say; but come to me for your density session and I will correct it for you. New density patients please do not fall for that bait and switch technic some of the competition use.

Fact for the record: Dr. Calhan is the hair transplant doctor and is a full Military Colonel that was a flight surgeon and has done almost every kind of surgery known to man. He has seen every stage of hair transplants through his life of approx. seventy years and specializes in hair and other procedures.

Stop trying to smear their good reputation by making side deals with other competition companies to get free surgeries and money for doing these kind of actions against them. I wish our youth of today and yesterday would be mandatory to have them serve in the military right out of school as I did, so that in their early years of life they would learn respect and honor in this day and age instead of sitting behind their computers in their underwear writing wrongs against their fellowman.

I have had the greatest experiences with Atlantis's Medical Team and they are one of the best in my professional opinion and verified by thousands of positive testimonial letters that I have personally seen.

Note to deceivers and angry people: Don't bother slandering me in responds to my facts here posted. I don't play their competitions games either. Just some of you are out of control as it shows here with what you write. You are only on this earth for a very short time, try to live it a little more happier. Signed: Corporate Attorney Power.

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Wow, their web site is awful. Not a single before and after picture to be found and they push $3/graft HT surgery along with Botox, facelifts, and all other types of plastic surgery. Read their explanation of FUE too, it's stunning.


CorporateAttorney (is the name supposed to intimidate us?), There is no law against writing a bad review of a business online, and unless you can prove these guys did not have poor results and a bad experience, what's the issue? Looking at the photos I can see why OKcowboy is unhappy. But honestly, all an educated HT consumer has to do is look at their web site and enough red flags should go up to steer them clear.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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  • Senior Member
Wow, their web site is awful. Not a single before and after picture to be found and they push $3/graft HT surgery along with Botox, facelifts, and all other types of plastic surgery. Read their explanation of FUE too, it's stunning.


CorporateAttorney (is the name supposed to intimidate us?), There is no law against writing a bad review of a business online, and unless you can prove these guys did not have poor results and a bad experience, what's the issue? Looking at the photos I can see why OKcowboy is unhappy. But honestly, all an educated HT consumer has to do is look at their web site and enough red flags should go up to steer them clear.


Good point and I agree completely. I read CorporateAttorney's post and it is almost comical it is so bad.

Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUT 6/14/11 - 3048 grafts


Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUE 1/28/13 & 1/29/13 - 1513 grafts



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  • 3 months later...

Well for it's worth I used Atlantis 2000 back in 2003 when Kris Johnson was associated with Dr. Siegal a dermatologist. At that time I was probably about a Norwood 4 or 4A, basicall my head looked like a young George Kostanza from Seinfeld.. Kris explained that he would first do a coverage session and then at some point I would have to come back for a density session. A trained eye could discern (barely) that Kris himself had had this procedure done to himself and I have to say it looked good to both my wife and myself. I had him do the procedure sometime in January of 2003 for 1200 grafts for around 2700 bucks back then.


Both my wife and I were a bit taken aback by the unprofessional atmosphere of the room in which the procedure was done in at that time. But then again too, I don't know what it is about South Florida doctors (outside of Boca Raton) but for some reason a lot of them seem to gravitate to what to me seem to be real shit holes for offices. I guess it's all the money they have to shell out for malpractice insurance.


The procedure was very straight forward and Dr. Siegal came in only briefly to supervise the donor area removal and right then I knew that some kind of generous bending of the rules governing who could and who couldn't do medical procedures was probably going on but I figured that this Johnson guy must be some kind of a really good artist in order that the M.D. was letting him do the vast majority of the work. I don't know maybe his background is in wig making or make-up or maybe even taxidermy for all I know, I just know that when it comes to this kind of procedure that's what you REALLY want - an artist.



For many other things medical we tend to seek out the Doc that was top of his class from Harvard or Stanford Med school. The Doc that regularly gets papers published in top medical journals etc, etc, etc. Unfortunately it's quite rare that guys like that are also heavily artistically inclined. Which if you think about it is what you want when your having something done to yourself that people look at all the time. Bosley sold a lot of franchises to a lot of Dr's out there that just went to a very short course on H.T. and I'm sure that from a purely "procedural" standpoint they are quite good. Being procedurally good and being an artist are two VERY different things when the person you are having a conversation with keeps staring up at your hairline !


Anyway, the surgery went fine but the recovery from it was a lot more painful than I realized or was led to believe. I've had two rotator cuff surgeries and I would have to say the recovery from H.T. was more painful IMHO. I am also glad that I gave myself ten days off before going back to work or else everyone would have surely known that I had something done. All that being said though I honestly have to admit that both my wife and I were VERY pleased with the end result. (I will try to find some pics to post).


As I write this I am in recovery from my second procedure from Kris Johnson AKA Atlantis 2000. After almost nine years I decided to go back and have the density session done. I probably should have had this done at least four years ago as my hairloss from behind the hairline that Kris had created started to catch up to me. I started to feel that it was looking a bit off and could tell that people were looking at my hairline more frequently. I REALLY did not want to get the procedure done again because it was in fact so painful before but some vain part of me ended up talking me into it. This time I got 1800 grafts for about 3100 bucks supposedly because I was a repeat customer. This time I also shopped around a bit and went to probably the antithesis of Kris Johnson - a Doctor Glenn Charles in Boca Raton. I really liked Dr. Charles and felt good about him doing the procedure but also and more importantly his artistic aptitude. I don't care what his graduating position was from his med school - I really just want him to be an artist. Dr. Charles office was outstanding, his location was much closer to my home than Kris Johnson's and the atmosphere was highly professional. BUT.......being a cheap ass airline pilot I just couldn't get over that his price was exactly double what I would be paying at Atlantis 2000. My wife (even cheaper than me) reasoned that Kris had done an excellent job before why should I switch horses now ? Well, sorry for the long post but I think my pictures will speak for themselves but don't look for them for at least two months because that's probably how long it will take for everything to look it's best. I agree that the other posts that praised Atlantis 2000 were nothing short of PUFF pieces - it's totally obvious to me too as well. I can't speak for everyone but I am satisfied with the work that was done. Maybe I am the only one or maybe I am just twice lucky - I don't know. I do know that in my profession I tend to try and save up my "luck" to be used in better ways.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good Mood,

My hair loss is probably half of what yours is, imagine your pic and take just the forward half of it and that is where the bulk of 3000 grafts were placed (roughly 1200 in 2003 and just recently 1800ish three weeks ago). Some at the crown too of course but I say again my coverage area was smaller than yours. I am waiting to post pictures until I can find my original "before" picture from 2003 and also for this latest batch to grow out so we can have a fair comparison.

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  • 1 month later...

757, your story sounds very much like mine and what i was thinking through the whole process, from the facilities, to the doctor not really doing the procedure, to the pain after and the time needed for recovery. I am about at the touch up point in my life and am wondering if Atlantis is the way to go, again.

I had no problem before, but am looking around, and wondering if it is worth the extra money. I guess the only issue I have is that I can't cut my hair as short as I would like to in the back, I can only go to a #3 and then I can make out the line where the scar is, but it is not discernible to the average person. I would like to fill in the crown and also a bit on the hairline and hopefully it will last me another 9 years or more.




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  • 2 months later...
  • Regular Member

All you have to do is click on my profile and look at my before and after pictures. REALLY? Do you see 3000 transplants after?? Proof enough for me about the terrible work done on me, and FBI man SEAL and all the other BS posts are obviously from the same person who wrote me back about my complaints with their service. Same type of nonsense and retoric I got when I complained and showed them the proof...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had supposedly 3600+ about 10 months ago. I had 2 previous hair transplants done in Mexico where they put in 750 with each procedure. When I met Kris Johnson I felt that he was trying to scam me. He said, "How much are you paying per follicle? Actually I don't need to check ok, where is the costs that we recommended." He then looked and said, "$1.75/graft and other discounts...yes you need 3500 grafts as you have fine hair." I felt that he already had a price set up and than said you need 3500 to suit his price. He tried to tell me that I have fine hair as he does and that I would require 3500 grafts. He told me that he was a Doctor and later on I realized that he lied.

The Callahan removed the strip and was nice and considerate and promptly left after removing the strip. There was 2 technicians who than cut my hair into grafts with a loop rather than a microscope. It is much better with a microscope. They than brought a plate over with some hair grafts on them and said, "each of these piles has 100 grafts" and they looked like piles of 10-15 for an educated guess. When they bought the piles of 100 grafts which looked miniscule I wanted to count them, but I did not feel very well as the back of my head was frozen and I just wanted the procedure to be done.

The procedure took about 2 1/2 - 3 hours to complete with putting in supposedly 3600 grafts. I talked with another hair transplant physician and he told me that placing 3500 grafts would normally take a minimum of 7 hours with 2 technicians.

I was shocked when they were done in 2 1/2 hours as the procedure that I had done in Mexico took this long and they had 2 technicians and they only put in 750 grafts. I compared how many grafts I had done in Mexico by the scabs and I had about the same amount done...about 750 grafts.

I was positive while looking in the mirror that night in the hotel that only about 750 grafts were done. I felt sick and still feel sick thinking about it. I felt like asking Dr. Callahan if Kris was up to mischief and was overstating how many hair grafts were being put in.

About 1 week after the procedure I went to see a physician to remove the stitches and he started laughing when I stated that I had 3600 grafts. He said that he did not think that it was possible nor even close to that number. The physician said that he had seen hundreds of hair transplants and that the grafts may have been up to 1000 max. I then went and saw a barber about 3 weeks after the procedure and told him that I had 3600 grafts and he also started laughing hysterically and said, "wow, of course you didn't get that many maybe 800." He said that he has had a lot of clients and he has seen lots of the results before.

I was also looking at the sight and I thought that it was a little strange as Kris Johnson has his own story on the website endoring himself...that is him parachuting...and he has those pictures in the office. Look up the site and you will see a guy parachuting...that's Kris...lol.

When I read the story about the other guy who stated how he had 3000 grafts put in and he did not notice that much of a difference it made me want to write and warn people about this location as they overstate the number of grafts they give you like 5:1 and then charge you so you are NOT getting a deal.

One last thing when I read some of the positive results from the atty...lol and the other guy FBI or something....I have to admit that spending time with Kris in the office that it sounds like him writing the articles. I would bet $1000 on that and it would be an easy win....lol.

Please don't get scammed by them as I did. I was to trusting and I believe in honesty and integrity something Atlantis does not have.

To update you on my hair situation. I have more hair in the frontal region and its barely noticeable in the crown region. Another physician before I left to Florida to meet Kris told me that if I got 3500 grafts that my entire top and crown would look amazing. I guess that did not happen. I will not ever go back. Try avoiding this place as you may not want your own barber and physician laughing at you for how exaggerated the number of grafts that are stated.

I end this with some sadness for the others who have experienced the same results as I have. Avoid this place if you want to keep your money and as they use the loop they will lose 30%+ of your remaining hair as they don't use a microscope....STAY AWAY!!!

I really didnt want to waste my time typing this but its only to warn you.

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  • 5 months later...

They make you sign your rights away, do not sign your rights away to these scam artista, they are criminals.


I am advising anyone considering a hair transplant to not have their procedure done by Atlantis 2000 International which is located at:

Atlantis 2000 International, Inc.

4100 S. Hospital Drive, Suite-108

Plantation, Florida 33317

United States of America.



I cannot begin to tell you the amount of dissatifaction I have for my hair

transplant which was done at that dreadful place. After waiting 12 months after the hair transplant, growth of the newly transplanted hairs were barely noticeable at all. I mean there was almost no difference in the way my scalp looked before and after the procedure. The man, Kris Johnson who conducted my consultation knew that I was looking to complete my density session after I had a prior hair transplant done previously and was not happy with that. During the consultation with Kris Johnson I directly told him i wanted to fill in the area of my scalp where there had not been good have coverage. He said that he could do it in one session and that I would have great results, he lied. Kris Johnson was not completely honest in informing he about the number of grafts I would need to get the results I needed.


What he did was lure me into thinking that I could get a good hair transplant with less the minimum amount of hair than what I needed. He said that I could get 2000 plus grafts and the results would look great. You know what happened after the procedure?



then made me sign more papers and then said that he would reduce the cost per grafts to $1 per graft to cover up the spaces that had not received any hairs. This was his game plan from the beginning, to take my hard earned money, transplant an amount of hairs that would provide me with the satisfaction and coverage I desired so that I would come back for another session to transplant the amount of hairs I really needed.


I think I needed somewhere around 5k to 6k grafts, so $1 per graft would

be $5,000 to $6000. He would have made at most $9,500 in that scam he devised. Why not just tell me the real number of grafts that I would need. He knew all along that the number of grafts he suggested which was 2000 plus grafts would not provide me with the coverage that I needed.

The results of my hair transplant have brought me nothing but grief, regret and mild depression.


I have to deal with that unnatural look of areas on my head that have uneven hair growth. Even when I cut my hair, you can notice the area where the transplants were placed looks uneven with the rest of my scalp. I regret ever having gone through the procdure to begin with.


This has brought me through a depression, I am more self conscious now, I cannot go out into public without a hat, myself esteem has gone down. I just wish i never had gone through that experience, I wasted my money. Please, save yourself the grief and regret that I have gone through, do not goto Atlantis 2000 International, Inc. Even the photos they have on their website have been manipulated in some form to deceive you. I am not alone in my complaint against Atlantis 2000 International, Inc. located at:



Atlantis 2000 International, Inc.

4100 S. Hospital Drive, Suite-108

Plantation, Florida 33317

United States of America.



There also others who have filed comlaints, even filed lawsuits against

Atlantis 2000 International, Inc. for horrible work they have done to them.


Here is a link from the Hair restoration network with comlaints against Atlantis 2000 International:


Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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  • 1 year later...

(ATLANTIS ALLEGATIONS, STATE INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENTS REPORT FINDINGS) Prior to the Doctors retirement in December of 2013, close of his Atlantis Hair Transplant office and Atlantis Christian based Company after forty-five years of service with no complaints. Dr. Calhan, Kris Johnson and Kim's allegations and complaints against them were investigated and found to be False and Unfounded by two State Investigation Departments. Pictures and charts show that the complainants achieved very nice heads of hair with very small line scars, including two Complimentary Letters written by both complainants prior to the false allegations that were submitted. Due to complaints being filed by complainants and investigated, privacy becomes no longer valid and the Investigation Findings will become a matter of Public Record. The Investigation Report with findings also contain the results of investigations on both complainants that show person illegally in the United States for a period of approximately three years from the Country of Iran reported by the INS and been notified, four other found extortion attempts of past US Companies, misuse of credit card accounts, embezzlement of funds report filed by mother against son, termination from State University computer operations related. Results of all computer Hosts and computer IP addresses, etc. accessed by Investigators of both complainants computer history's showing complainants distributing of computer virus's/hacking, IRS fraud, pornographic uses, complainant pedophile history accusations, vandalism, knowledge uses of fertilizer chemicals from the Country of Iran with Government Personnel Agency's notified with locations. Our Investigation Departments also have stated and will testify on behalf of the falsely accused and that this case is one of the worst findings of Felony Defamation of Character, Malicious Disgrace Attempts of Human Beings, Extortion Attempts, Internet Terrorism, False Accusations, Smear Ads and Adult Cyber Bullying that our Offices have ever seen being posted using alias names with Multiple Felonies committed by (S. Rubin) of Jewish descent and (M. Mohammadi) of Moslem descent working together on the internet. See full Investigation Findings, complete patients names, patients pictures, patients entire surgical procedures pictures, addresses, telephone numbers, charts information, signed standard medical / release forms and patients history's in the upcoming suit once filed by the falsely accused pertinent to: State of Florida Felony of the Second Degree 836.05, Reported by: Detective Mason Bridges

Edited by Bridges1
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  • 5 months later...

There are more then a dozen complains against kris Johnson also known as Marquis quality plastic surgery also known as Atlantis 2000 as well as various other names. I filed a complaint in August of 2013 they were sent a cease and desist order by December of 2013 after they receive the letter they took their ad down from the internet but recently they have reposted itunder www. Atlantis hair transplants. Com so they are using the same tactics they have been since 2008. They have ruined hundreds of peoples hair and lives and have numerous complaints against them with the do H Department of Health as well as the attorney general's office I strongly recommend reading the Ripoffreport.com and clicking on search which will bring up about half a dozen articles about Johnson.he onces work for ea hair transplant surgeon by the name of Jeffrey single who did all my transplants but I was stupid enough to trust Johnson has are most on the Internet that are duped by his false advertising he left me with a scar on my neck he is just bad news someone who lies blatantly in order to take as much money as possible there are recent complains written on the Ripoff Report that you should read aboutabout all their complains at www. Ripoff Report .com a good way to find out more information about Johnson insta google search him under Atlantis 2000 because he uses the website www. Atlantis hair transplant dot com and everything on that website is false none of the doctors exist and the so-called testimonials

have been made up by Johnson to continue duping the public out of thousands of dollars. donor area is limited and very few people have 3000 hair grafts to give yet he tells everyone the same story that you need 3000 and then sells them for a dollar 50 52 and 95 per graft when you actually only got a few hundred the biggest problem is he is not a doctor Inez damaged many peoples here severely as well as create a tremendous scarring on many people here is work done he is really a criminal that belongs in jail but the Department of Health has not been able to catch him because he works in a dingy smelly office and works by appointment only his hall and is designed to do nothing but find suckers and so far since 2008 he has been very successful at doing so the only difference is more and more people have gotten wise to his tactics and turned him in to the state of Florida but they have not been able to him as of yet he is like a cockroach you step on him but he does not die

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I found Lucien Armand MD, in 2006, through the website, www.atlantishairtransplant.com. Strangely, I never met Dr. Armand face-to-face, but only spoke with him during my procedure from behind me. The consultation was performed by Medical Director, Kris Johnson. Dr. Armand left me with a very large scar in my donor area and an unnatural hairline. I never returned. Two years later, I discovered that Dr. Armand had had his medical license revoked by the Florida State Board of Medicine in 2002, for "failing to maintain adequate records and failing to practice medicine with the level of care which is recognized by a reasonably prudent physician as acceptable". The revocation of Dr. Armand's license occurred four years prior to my procedure. See link. http://w3.health.state.ny.us/opmc/factions.nsf/58220a7f...04d1932?OpenDocument

Johnson is currently working under an assumed name at www. Atlantis hair transplant. Com he is wanted by the state of Florida on numerous counts of frauds and the state attorney as well as Attorney General are aware of his actions he now has a new website operating under another name he has change name 7 times in 8 years and the Department of Health can not catch him because he works by appointment only the best thing to do is google his nameAtlantis 2000 that will bring up a page that will also take you to the Ripoff Report dote Ripoff Report you need to click search to find all the articles that have been written about him.since I'm speaking instead of typing some of the wording is not coming out correct but by googling him and typing in Atlantis 2000 you will see other complaints on the Ripoff Report all you need to do is click a searchand you will find many others in the same boat as yourself!
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just google search Atlantis 2000 and you will find numerous complaints about Johnson on the Ripoffreport.com.he was recently sent a cease and desist order by the state of Florida and change his company name once again when you google search an it will take you to his name specifically. From there you have to click the links and then click Search to read the numerous articles about wedding is done 200 people over the years and has gotten away with very few people have 3000 graphs to givebut he tells everyone the same story the problem is he is not a doctor and ruins people's hair. He works on he left me with a huge scar on the back of my neck and believe me there are many others better in the same boat as myself I went to visit legitimate plastic surgeons I took pictures of me so that I could submit them to lawyers for prosecution but nobody would take the case because I signed a release form waving him from damages which is another illegal tactic that he uses on his customers.everything written on his new website is false false testimonials for starters false pictures all he did was change the name and start the process all over again which is what he's been doing for the last seven to eight years successfully because he works by appointment only in a little dingy smelly office with an older doctor who has a license that he works under and the point being again he is not a.Dr and that makes him very dangerous

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  • 2 years later...
  • Senior Member

Wow, this website is STILL up? Meaning someone is maintaining the domain name? Who on earth in 2017 is going there?

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Hi Mike,


Sorry about your situation. Hope everything gets better for you moving forward. However, thank you very much for sharing your experience, and bringing to light this clinic one needs to avoid.


Good luck going forward.


Happy Patient's Blog

What's shocking and mind-blowing is the website is apparently being maintained at a subpar 1999 high school computer class level.


How on earth is this a thing?

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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