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1 Week Post Op Pic Dr. Nakatsui. Input appreciated


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pic 1 week post op of 4312 grafts with Dr. Nakatsui. I have no idea if this looks 'normal' or not. Seems like I have a couple of completely bald channels near the front right, there is a better pic of the entire area on my weblog day after. those channel areas weren't there at that point so i'm wondering if i lost a whack of grafts? shock losss maybe? seems like something i'd notice but damned if i know so, any help would be appreciated. I'm seeing Dr. N on Thursday for staple removal. Top is a little numb still, some pain from the staples, no big.


My Hair Loss Weblog


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pic 1 week post op of 4312 grafts with Dr. Nakatsui. I have no idea if this looks 'normal' or not. Seems like I have a couple of completely bald channels near the front right, there is a better pic of the entire area on my weblog day after. those channel areas weren't there at that point so i'm wondering if i lost a whack of grafts? shock losss maybe? seems like something i'd notice but damned if i know so, any help would be appreciated. I'm seeing Dr. N on Thursday for staple removal. Top is a little numb still, some pain from the staples, no big.

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agio, those are indeed some pretty wide spaces between grafts. were all 4k grafts used in your frontal area or did some go into your crown?

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Good luck Agio,


I think you will not really know how it will affect the final result by the post op. Yes you can see the small open channels but when this grows in they may not be noticable at all. I suppose you should ask the doc about the strategy on the graft placement.


The work looks very good. I am sure things will turn out great.





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hi hairthere and nobuzz-thx for the input. not the best pic as it doesn't catch the back part but no crown work was done. there is a better pic of the entire area on my weblog day after. all 4300 in the hairline and top 70%. Here's another pic.


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Considering your immediately postoperative photos looked fine, I imagine that you may have just experienced some early hair shedding as the scabs have been falling off.


As long as you haven't been bleeding in the recipient area, I trust everything will turn out ok.


Keep us posted on your progress.



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Thx Bill-I've had no bleeding at all. Those channels look like there is absolutely nothing there though. Maybe shock loss in those areas and all that's left is the grafts? As you said and I know, the areas were done. Average of 59 grafts per sq cm.

Anyhow, I'll ask the Doc on Thursday.

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Th 1week pics look quite "strange" to me; but, like others have said, your immediate post-ops looked fine, and you went to a great clinic, and you haven't had any recipient bleeding.....so, I can't imagine your results won't be A-OK. Everyone heals differently; will be curious to hear Dr. Nakatsui's opinion when you see him.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Hi Agio,


I'd have to agree with most here. The immediate post op photos do look like nice refined work and the 1 week photos appear odd. Hopefully it's just very early shedding of the newly implanted grafts as Bill mentioned and you'll be lookin good in 6 months time.

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Guest josh - b



Whats important is that your immediate post op pics look great and although dr nakatsui doesn't have a high online profile i believe him to be one of the best.


its obviously some early shedding so don't worry about it.

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agio, sorry man, just saw your immediate post-op pics. they look fine and as everyone has already stated, you're probably just a fast shedder. i wouldn't worry....

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Thanks all. I have the utmost confidence in Nakatsui. I'm thinking as I generally heal fast it's fast shedding and maybe some shock loss. Either that or the graft planters decided to plant in such a way that their initials will be emblazoned on my scalp when it grows in...

No worries, I'm sure Nakatsui will give me the straight goods on Thursday once I tie him up and take pliers to his fingers. icon_cool.gif

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Good luck man, your case will be one that many would follow with interest based on your doctor alone, who's name I have never heard of before. I'm glad you are happy with this surgeon and I cannot tell from your pictures whether or not you are a fast shedder or I am looking at someones initials in another language on the top of your head. icon_razz.gif


My guess is those empty areas visible are where you already shed. I cannot see why it would be anything other than that. If it is, than your doctor owes you a detailed explanation why. But I wouldnt worry as I saw his pictures on his website and he's a coalition doctor so he is obviously good at what he does, his work is impressive from looking at his photo gallery. Congrats.


Keep us posted with your results.

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Saw Nakatsui Thursday. After his nurse removed the staples (OH! OH! HAPPY DANCE!) he inspected the entire area and saw nothing untowards and commented on how fast and well I'd healed. Apparently the 'channeling' effect seen is because the scalp in some patients ( he said quite a few) contracts-it's almost like a spasm, creating the nifty look. According to him it can be quite dramatic but it goes away so we'll see in time. Combined with dead hair, scabs, maybe some early shedding and maybe some shock loss it could look quite crappy.

Anyhow, after all of that he had his nurse do a thorough 'clean up' of the recipient area as there was a whack of dead skin etc. I was quite impressed with that type of post-op attention.

He then took a bunch of photos for the both of us and I'll have those later to post on the log.

For now, here is a comparison photo that I took (flash and all) Friday morning after a shower.


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Agio, good to hear of Nakatsui's positive prognosis, and that you are healing well. The latest photo you've posted looks good! Can't wait to see your results, as I've always been intrigued by Dr. Nakatasui as all I have seen and heard from him has been elite.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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You have nothing to worry about with those "channels". I've seen it many times before and experienced it myself after my first procedure. As the scabbing has separated it has taken some of the hair (but not the grafts) with it and in six months you should see all the spaces filled and no hint of trouble.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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