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Dr Rose 2200 FUT


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Well after lurking on this site for a few years, I finally went through with a transplant.


Dr. Rose was everything I expected, and the staff was very friendly. I felt safe and in good STEADY hands.


I can barely see the sutures, and my hair is about 1/2 inch long. Rose is pretty sure that I will be able to shave down to a 1/4 inch (#2)or even lower after the sutures come out and the hair starts growing though the ledge closure. So I'm excited about that.


I was a diffuse thinner with a good solid hairline and pretty see through on top (almost female pattern). I started propecia about a month ago (which I can tell is going to do something given the mild shed), and the 2200 grafts should fill things nicely.


I'll still have a bit of a bald spot on the crown if propecia doesn't do it's magic or unless i get more transplants down the line. But i'm okay with that. Mainly i just wanted to appear full on top and have a minimal scar. Looking at how many hairs actually went in (nearly 5000) and how much laxity there was in my scalp, the doctor and I expect my goals to be met and even exceeded.


I'll put the pre-op pics up on a weblog when I get them from laura (the head tech), and I'll try to keep some new pics up at least every month to show progress.


Anyone is free to contact me via pm if you have any questions. I know how stressful the decision can be, but if you get the right doctor, there is really nothing to worry about.


Overall, by day 2, aside from some pinkness and some tiny follicles in my head, i can barely tell anything was done. But I feel a lot better about the future. I can't see regretting it ever.


Thanks to Pat and the coalition community for all the information available on this site.


2200 fu's from Dr Paul Rose


My Hair Loss WebLog

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Congratulations on your recent procedure with Dr. Paul Rose. He is a world renowned surgeon and his work is ultra refined.


Do you have any photos you can post for us? The best and easiest way to present your photos is to create a free hair loss weblog and then link it to your forum signature. For instructions on doing this, click here.


Heal and grow well.


Best wishes,



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Thanks, Bill. I just wish the journey wasn't so long.

I'm out of meds ... now I wait.

Can I itch it? Should I? I just want to touch what's there? Oh man. Still so far away. Check the mirror? Nah. Just wait. Just wait. Just wait. Check the mirror? Nah. Just wait.


Heh. I can't wait.


2200 fu's from Dr Paul Rose


My Hair Loss WebLog

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Don't stratch the recipient area. After 10 days the grafts are secure and you could do some light massaging with your finger tips. But the area of the scalp is still sensitive and it's a bad idea to use your nails to scratch your head anyway.


Try applying some Aloe after the 10th day to help alleviate the itch. As it heals, the itch will stop. However upon hair regrowth, you may experience some more itching. Try to avoid scratching as much as possible.


Best wishes,



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  • 8 months later...
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I think it's just that my hairline was still there.


it was pretty much horseshoe other than than. thinned rather than receded, ya know.


Bill, you said in my blog that there were no before pics. the 3day post op pics show the same amount of hair since you can't really see where he put them in. what's wrong with that for comparison?


2200 fu's from Dr Paul Rose


My Hair Loss WebLog

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