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Everything posted by Joe

  1. OK. Thanks for that useful info and your honest appraisal as well. Very helpful... Have a great day. Joe.
  2. Hi Rickyrixon. May I ask, did Dr Xu give any details on whether Dr Knudsen was performing less surgeries than he used to or if he's retiring soon or any relevant info? Or is Dr Xu in training when it comes to performing hair transplants? Would there be any choice between either of the two performing the surgery? Was just curious. Thanks so much for your helpful info. Joe,
  3. Rocky, thanks for the extra photos mate. I've always been keen to see further pics of the work you had done after seeing your initial pics some time ago. Looks great. Joe.
  4. Super dense appearance. He's one lucky guy to have those hair characteristics. Beautiful results with only 2.2K grafts! Brilliant work, Dr. Konior.
  5. Very pleasing. Even the crown is excellent with the whorl pattern and coverage. I'd be most satisfied.
  6. I think that's pretty amazing for 2814 grafts. Great coverage and a soft, natural hairline. What an impressive change in his appearance too! Looks more confident and radiant. The 2nd last pic with the flash, though, makes it a little bit hard to see the true results on top due to the 'bright' effect. Fantastic scar as well. Joe.
  7. I agree, it's a great start. I'd be very pleased with these results. A large area to cover but with where you're at, it's made a wonderful difference! Joe M.
  8. I really like this result, it suits him very well. He also looks great for 50! Not a wrinkle on him - there's hope for us all.
  9. Very impressive! You look great. No, you look fantastic!
  10. Lorenzo, I'm getting an error message with both url's.
  11. Hi there. A number of people have had very good experiences with Dr Russell Knudsen. In a few months time I'll be making a booking to have my HT consultation with him after reading numerous great reports about him. He's based in Sydney but also performs surgery in other cities including Brisbane. Just my thoughts... JoeM
  12. What beautiful work as well. Looks flawless, perfectly artistic, clean and highly professional. Happy healing and growing to you!
  13. Hairnow, you look great! Very pleased for you mate.
  14. Hi. There is a permanent injectable filler called Aquamid which is available for use in a number of countries. Depending upon the nature of the depressed scar, you may also require subcision of the underlying tissue of the scar prior to injection of the filler to prevent possible later movement of the filler to the perimeter of the indentation which could just give a further depressed look. The filler has been very successful in helping a number of people with scarring including chicken pox scars.
  15. Best wishes for fantastic growth and speedy healing. True artistry is clearly evident in Dr. Hasson's work...beautiful.
  16. Thanks Matt for posting your pics. After viewing the relatively few but impressive cases presented online which were performed by this docotor, I'm very keen to have my consultation with Dr. Knudsen to hear his thoughts on what he can do for my hair loss pattern. He sounds cautious and sensible...looking forward to meeting up with him. Best wishes for smooth healing and good growth, Joe.
  17. Thanks Matt for posting. Looking forward to seeing your pics and progress because I'll be having a procedure with Dr. Russell a few months down the track too. Best wishes for your healing/growth!
  18. Matt, I too have a strong interest in having an HT with Dr. Knudsen in the following months. I've yet to have my initial consultation with him but from what I've read and seen here from Rocky's posts and Jojojo1's and also elsewhere I'm quite intrigued. I also contacted a guy who put his HT slideshow on youtube (do a search for 'knudsen trannsplant') who had surgery with Dr. Knudsen and he's more than happy with his overall experience so far. I look forward with great interest in hearing more about your experience and in months to come I'll be keen to share mine with others here as well. Joe.
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