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Minigrafting and Micrografting HT


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I live in the uk where most of the HT surgeries use micrografting and minigrafting techniques!! Could someone please elaborate on this type of HT surgery, as it seems to be old school and is still widely practiced in the UK to date!!

I have posted a picture of my HT undertaken in the UK of course, i would very much appreciate some comments. Does any one know of any sites i could look at to see the type of results i should/could expect from this type of surgery ?

The picture is 11 days post op!!



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Only time will tell. Yes micro and minigrafting is old school technology but that does not mean that your results are going to turn out badly. Wait and see what things look like and if you are not happy you will likely have to make a trip across the Atlantic to see a coalition physician. But from your degree of hairloss it looks like you would need another HT in the future anyways so don't sweat it. I hope the surgeon expressed to you that 2500 grafts wouldn't probably give the coverage you desired? At some point things will look awesome, but there might be a period of time where the results are so so.


It appears as though the physcian placed your hairline high enough so that is a huge plus if things don't work out as planned. Moreover, because the technology is there now we all demand the FU placement which is very taxing to the surgeons and their staff. Some of the surgeons actually like to have some previous "old school" hairs already there because it will help with density when or if you do HT #2. I know that some people are cringing with that statement but this is what I was told.


Either way, you need to give it some time. There may be some websites out there for you to see old technology results but I suggest not doing that to yourself. Why stress the hell out of yourself?



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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You got good advice from NervousNelly, the more reading you do on this forum the more familiar you'll be with the most modern techniques, look at the photo albums (in this forum) and the member's hair blogs by clicking on their links, mine is posted below. You'll probably get decent results from your HT from seeing your photo and you'll have the knowledge to expand your choices should you want another one.

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Hi HK500! I am so glad i found this site!!

It has expanded my knowledge tremendously, and the one thing i know for sure is that i will never have a HT in the UK even if it does turn out ok; it is just a cheap or cheaper in the US to get a HT with the latest technology and great results


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From the picture, it's honestly difficult to tell, however, from what I see, I would have to agree with my comrades. It appears that the incisions are rather large and grafts do appear dispersed rather than densely packed. But as NervousNelly pointed out, give it time. Don't jump into another surgery until this one has had a chance to mature. I have faith that even if it doesn't look as natural as you would like, that a second surgery from a qualified physician would be able to camoflauge the mini/micro grafts with FUs and make it much more natural looking and add density all at the same time.


Also, if you could answer these questions (sorry if some are repeat):


1. When did you have your surgery?

2. How many grafts were placed?

3. How many days after surgery was this picture taken?


Also, any chance of using a higher resolution camera?


Happy New Year!!!



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i had 500 grafts 6 years ago to reinforce a hairline, and 2000 grafts performed on 22nd December 2006!! The first procedure was with mini/micro grafts and did look ok, but the second procedure was larger and gave me cause for concern after seeking advice and looking at the latest techniques performed.

I haven't got a camera. I took the picture with a webcam,, hence the rather bad quality!!

The picture was taken 11 days post op

Cheers Bill and Happy New Year

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Oh ok. 2000 grafts isn't bad, but it does appear that you could have benefited from more grafts in a single session. Additionally, at 11 days post op, just make sure you are gently massaging your scalp with your finger tips in a circular motion when in the shower with shampoo to get those scabs off. Give it time...perhaps the surgery will turn out better than you think.



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yeah, i should of had a bigger session but glad i didn't now. I will have another HT in about 2 years consisting of 4000 grafts, either with Dr Hasson, Dr Wong, Dr Ron Shapiro, Dr True or Dr Feller. Don't know who to go really, any suggestions ?

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I can see that in your time on the forum you have quickly started to educate yourself. Glad to see it as it will only benefit you in the future. All of those docs will be good candidates and you will be happy with things. icon_smile.gif


Not that money should ever be a top concern, but ofcourse it has to be somewhat of a consideration therefore I would suggest Dr. Feller for you. I think that his pricing is a little less than the others and a flight from overseas to the east coast will be cheaper for you. Just a thought.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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cheers nelly for all ur help and advice, it is much apprieciated. I would also like to thank everyone else who helped me.

Yes, i think choosing Dr Feller for the HT sounds like a good decision.

I will post more pictures of my HT in the coming months for a bit of feedback

Cheers All

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Nervous and Johnno,


I believe there is little to no difference in price between Feller, Hasson and Wong, and True. I'm not sure about Shapiro's prices honestly because I never researched it...but being that the prices are very close, I strongly recommend that price be the last factor in determining who to go to. If you were considering a doctor who was extremely expensive, I might advise that you consider pricing as a factor, but not in the doctor's you have chosen. Dr. Feller is an excellent choice, but then again, so are the others. You have plenty of time to decide...you should wait at least 1 year post op before having another surgery.



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Dr Feller is considerably cheaper (well to me $3000+ is considerable because I'm not rich icon_frown.gif ).


I found a price comparison on another forum by a guy who compared prices he was quoted (I haven't personally checked the H&W price but the poster is reliable and I'm sure a H&W patient will correct me if I'm wrong):


Feller - upto 3500 grafts = $9750

H&W - 3200 grafts = $12900


(Armani was also in his comparison but he was even more expensive than H&W)


Dr Feller's prices are on his website: http://www.fellermedical.com/Fees_Financing.htm


Dr Feller is in New York, H&W in Vancouver - travelling from the UK New York is considerably closer so there would be a very big difference in total price of surgery and travel. From the results I have seen, both clinics provide excellent results, so I don't see any point in paying more for the same job icon_wink.gif

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Guest Cousin_It



All the doctors you mentioned are top rate, you cannot go wrong with any of them. Their skills are virtually identical. I would suggest, when the time is right, you begin emailing them through our online consulation with your objectives.


As PB mentioned, there may be a price difference between them, though not great. If this is a consideration, it would not be detrimental in choosing the one that fits your budget, you will not be sacrificing quality, IMO. I am kind of partial to Feller, he was my surgeon, I feel he gives you the most "bang for the buck".


As always, if you have questions we will be more than happy to give you our advice. Good luck growing.

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cheers everyone for the advice. The advice that has been given to me by you all is very much appreciated and i have pretty much made my mind up as to which Dr i am going to see for my next HT in a years time. For the meantime my mind is set on Dr Feller but with time this may change.

Could you tell me how long you have to stay in in New York for a 3500 or 4000 graft surgery, the cost of accomodation and a return flight, the best accomodation and airline company to select and airport to arrive at.

Thanks very much for ur help!!

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Guest Cousin_It



Sounds like a good game plan. Your stay here should be minimal, ie fly in Sunday, have it done Monday and return on Tuesday. Once you decide for sure you can start checking sites such as expedia.com for specials, by booking in advance you can get great deals. Maybe we can even hook up when you come down, I am only 20 minutes away from Feller. Keep us up to date. Good Luck!

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Ah, should have had it in Dublin Doc, could have a pint and find a wedding to go to to watch a fight......... icon_biggrin.gif


HT2 2570 grafts Dr Feller

HT 2350 grafts Dr Epstein

Finax 1mg per day

nizoral 2% 3/week

MSM 3000 mg / day




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Originally posted by Cousin_It:



Sounds like a good game plan. Your stay here should be minimal, ie fly in Sunday, have it done Monday and return on Tuesday. Once you decide for sure you can start checking sites such as expedia.com for specials, by booking in advance you can get great deals. Maybe we can even hook up when you come down, I am only 20 minutes away from Feller. Keep us up to date. Good Luck!

Cheers cous, i sure would like to meet up with you and have a good old chat with someone who has experienced what i have been through

Thanks for the offer

all the best


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Dr Feller,

I was wondering could you perform the FUT procedure on my scalp as i had a HT 6 years consisting of 500 grafts and another HT 2 weeks ago consisting of 2000 grafts, all of which were mini and micro grafs. Will this give me the natural result of the FUT that i have seen in so many of your patients and disguise the old school HT?

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Guest Cousin_It

Excellent! The more the merrier. Hopefully by the time this happens we will all be sufficiently healed so we do not appear like freaks. Looking forward to that day. Everyone, grow well and fast!

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