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Recent hair transplant / now infection, possible graphs dead

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I was avoiding these forums this week to keep from the trap of venting with my post surgery blues. I wish that is what this was. In fact, I had surgery over a week ago and have done everything as suggested with post op care along with taking antibiotics. Went back to the doc for a week post op visit and he said it looks like I have an infection. I came home and continued to sit around, do nothing, clean it with soap water 3 x's a day, add neopsporin and continue to take antibiotics. It is now Saturday and I have just someone look at it with a medical background and it is still infected. The kicker is the Doctor told me the follicles could die around the infection. OK, so now after months of research, a ton of money, 2500 graphs, a week off of work, I am sitting here watching the infection fester on my head, waiting for shockloss and not knowing if this spreads or not to really set me back. I hope I look back on this in 9 months and say, I was just paranoid, etc, etc, but not sure. I have the added luxury of having to wait until the holiday is over Tuesday to see the Dr in person. Very comforting :-). So why write this? Because after all my research I did not see this come up before as a threat to success. I did all I could do but and followed instructions and this was not avoided. I want to make folks aware of this and the finally, would love to hear of anyone out there had the same thing happen and what did they do? What happened long term? Knowing what I know now, I would not do the HT again. I hope I regret saying this long term, we will see.

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I was avoiding these forums this week to keep from the trap of venting with my post surgery blues. I wish that is what this was. In fact, I had surgery over a week ago and have done everything as suggested with post op care along with taking antibiotics. Went back to the doc for a week post op visit and he said it looks like I have an infection. I came home and continued to sit around, do nothing, clean it with soap water 3 x's a day, add neopsporin and continue to take antibiotics. It is now Saturday and I have just someone look at it with a medical background and it is still infected. The kicker is the Doctor told me the follicles could die around the infection. OK, so now after months of research, a ton of money, 2500 graphs, a week off of work, I am sitting here watching the infection fester on my head, waiting for shockloss and not knowing if this spreads or not to really set me back. I hope I look back on this in 9 months and say, I was just paranoid, etc, etc, but not sure. I have the added luxury of having to wait until the holiday is over Tuesday to see the Dr in person. Very comforting :-). So why write this? Because after all my research I did not see this come up before as a threat to success. I did all I could do but and followed instructions and this was not avoided. I want to make folks aware of this and the finally, would love to hear of anyone out there had the same thing happen and what did they do? What happened long term? Knowing what I know now, I would not do the HT again. I hope I regret saying this long term, we will see.

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  • Senior Member

Damn, dude, vsorry to hear.... icon_frown.gif


Has it been discussed why the infection has come about and/or why it has become so powerful? Specifically, is this a result of something virtually unavoidable, or is there some sort of maltreatment -- intention or unintentional -- on your part or the clinics?


Did the doctor identify what exactly this "infection" is? Has your dermatologist?


What's done is, of course, done...at this point, all you can do, and all I can say, is to go see a good dermatologist ASAP and talk w/ your doctor ASAP and gather as much specific information as possible and make the best decision for treatment, which I assume is connected to the survival of your grafts.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I feel for you mate.You did everything by the book and you shouldn't have to be going through this.I hope there is someone out there who can advise you and take some of your worries away.

All I can say is that I have been plagued with folliculitis all over my scalp for years (because it was constantly misdiagnosed as seb dem).After a course of oral and topical antibiotics it is finally gone.I have also been taking zinc everyday for the past couple of months and I think that, more than anything, has made an amazing difference.

I'm sure the fact that you're taking antibiotics this early in the infection will be very beneficial,it just might take another week or so to kick in. Here's hoping that your follicles will be fine.

Will keep everything crossed for you.

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It sounds like you may have a case of bad folliculitus. Did your hair transplant surgeon prescribe you any antifungal medication that could help aid with healing?


In many cases, folliculitus will go away on its own however, a bad infection should be treated right away.


Be sure to speak about this with your surgeon on Tuesday. In the meantime, using warm compresses with white vinegar may help aid itching and healing.


See also my recent post about folliculitus on this thread.


Best wishes,



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Thanks thanatopsis and moldilocks, I really appreciate the support. I am not sure who is to blame for this, if anyone or how it could be avoided. That is why I chose to write and also it felt good to vent a little. I have so many questions, like will it spread, do I need diff med's,. Is my native hair now toast too?. I actually called the Dr's office when I noticed the infection, not knowing what is was and they told it was normal and not to worry. It was not till a few days later that they actually looked at it and said it was infected. The advise was do more of the same and call me in a few days. I guess there is not much more I can do. I have been moping around all day. This should not take over my thoughts this much, but hard not to have regrets at this point. I will keep updating and searching the web for information on someone who may have had the same thing happen. It is the not knowing that kills. Moldilocks, your feedback gave me hope, thanks much.

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Thanks Bill, I am taking antibiotics and topical neosporin 3 x's per day. He asked me not to do anything else right now. I will certainly ask him when I speak with him if extra measures like you mention here are things I should do as well. Most of you know how I feel, there is nothing I wouldn't do to make this successful in the end.

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Glad that I could be of help, all be it only in a small way.

Knowing how I completely freak out about my hair most of the time,were I in your situation at the moment I would be feeling exactly the same

HOWEVER given that, and knowing how I get things out of proportion(not that that stops me from obsessing about hair loss everyday!) I would think that the fact that you must be mentally, physically and emotionally drained at the moment,all the "what if's "and "why's" etc running about in your head,(They certainly do with me and I'm just trying to decide whether to get an ht or not!)will be playing a part in your outlook on things.In no way am I belittling your situation,you have an infection and that is no fun.Just when you thought you could be free of worrying about your bloody hair another follicle related problem comes up! But you have had the guts to take the plunge.Difficult as it will be just try and relax,I'm pretty sure it will sort itself out, and I look forward to you saying to me in a few months"Do it!It's the best decision I ever made"Keep us posted,all the best

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Forest, I dont have itching but that may be because it is still numb. You can se the infection cause it is a little yellowish. I cant really tell because of the other scabs, etc but the doc could and so could a friend who knew what to look for.

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Moldilocks, scary and comforting at the same time is seeing that I am not the only one who eyeballs his head every chance they can worrying about this stuff. I really need to work on that mentally rather than throwing money, time, etc at it. You are right on though, the HT was my shot at reducing my worry about my hairloss. That's why I went through with it. I knew it would not be perfect, but committed to it because I wanted an improvement. Now, shockloss, post HT blues, ugly period and all that seems manageable in light of what this may do. I will ride this out and keep everyone posted cause there may be some poor bugger out there that this happens to as well and maybe it will have a happy ending and insight he can grab on to. Thanks again guys.

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  • Senior Member

Im really sorry to hear this as Dr A is a very good surgeon. If you have a staph infection read this and take the advice as Dr Rassman has seen it all.

Hopefully its minor and will clear soon .

Keep your head up and remember at the very very worse Dr A will stand behind you a 100%.

I think youll be ok though . I had an infection from Nuhart that cleard in about 2 weeks and

the PLUGS still grew icon_smile.gif Not sure if that was good or bad for me.



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Hi PGP, You know, he is a very good Doctor. He has called me back this weekend to try and help out. He called in another antibiotic and explained another step in cleaning, so almost all he can do besides see me. He says my blood / oxygen supply to my head is not what it should be, which may be a good excuse to my wife for doing this in the first place. Strange, though because I do triathlons, eat all natural foods most of the time, high proteins, no smoking, social drinking yes, but not for weeks. So not sure why it got infected in the first place and how I could do anything different to avoid. I am sure he will stand behind his work and word, it is just not a path I look forward to taking at this point in light of all this. I like hearing that even after 2 weeks of it happening to you, it worked out, at least you got what you signed up for :-). The Doc told me it is a small local infection, not staff, that will not spread, which is a huge relief. It is the size of a dime now and i think a little less red, although hard to tell with Neosporin on there. I have to run now, haven't looked in the mirror at it for an hour os so and I am convinced it won't heal unless I do :-)

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Just to follow up for anyone that this may happen to. The infection is now gone. Looks like I had some follicle casualties and the Doc said he believes I may have lost some. Not that many though, like a 1/2 finger nail or so. It was a std infection from an open would and environment. Not sure if it happened at the Doc's office or not. Either way, he said if I come in for another procedure he would fix.

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Why do you guys always see the need to cover-up for these doctors. while the reference to the doc. as "Doctor A". If this forum is set-up at the patient best interest, why then do folks seem tocover up the docs ID where as if it was a successful procedure, we idolize, praise and heap ecomium on this Doctor.

Guys pay almost their life saving on these procedure(no health Insurance accepted, raw cold cash)) so when it's good let the world know and bad let the world know also. This will keep this guys at top performance.

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  • Senior Member

Futher to above post - IMO this thread highlights a risk of any surgical procedure, whenever the skin is cut we are all at risk of infection no matter how clean a operating theatre is.


This must have been a frightening experience for nw3inAZ and the fact he did not mention his surgeon by name possibly reflects his understanding that he could well have contracted the infection outside the clinic. For clinics the transparency of the forums is not only an opportunity but also can be a risk.


Dr Alexander response appears to be a credit to his professionalism.




3,500 grafts - Dr Feller - 08/08/08

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Thanks for the response guys, glad all that is behind me now. You are right, not sure where or how the infection occurred so wasn't going to blame Dr. Alexander. He said he would take care of it though, either way. Like a lot of other folks here, I figure I will be going through a lot of swings over the next few months, so trying to keep calm, maybe I should look into those pills icon_smile.gif Moving into week three now and all looks great. He did the work around my native hair, so still waiting for the possibility of the other shoe (hairs) to drop. Hoping to keep the originals in place. If so, I will be very happy for now.

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