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Okey Dokey Pauwy, you wanna to be tweated wight away?


Awwwww! You say you towd da good docta you insisted on having a trwanspwant, but he wouldn't budge??!


Awwwww, you aaah in BIG BIG BIG TWOUBWE!!!


Wet me tew you something: you DEFINATELY ARE in big trouble, Paul, because you seem to have always been used to getting what you wanted in life, pretty sharpish, by my reckoning, and without much interference for the sake of what was necessarily best for you in life. F^@k me if I'm wrong, but I'll bet you come from a pretty well-to-do family, and they never realized that what you actually needed in life was either a hell of a good spanking every once in a while, and/or a decent military academy.


Maybe you think that all anything takes in life is a few "well-placed" questions to "rouse the spirits of the good hearted (but dumb) hoi polloi of the world" in order to get what it is you're after on the web (i.e.- mass concession for what it is you're actually striving after in the depths of your super ego).


Your friend probably didn't advise you to plumb the depths of this website in a fashion analogous to the manner in which you're attempting. He/she probably meant for you to actually READ a few of the EXPERIENCES logged heavily within it, before looking like an ASS by asking so many FRICKING, ridiculously UNREAD questions!


You're going to have to change your name now (do you realize?) before you're forever regarded as the spoiled brat whose always had everything served up to him on a platter and couldn't be bothered to actually dig a little bit into the facts for himself before making a potential ass of himself in revealing how "important" his questions were above anybody else's (regardless of the fact that they were ALL asked a thousand times before ??“ if one would only LOOK) on this website!


Dr Berstein is one of the finest hair transplant surgeons on the PLANET.


How do you think he came about achieving such a reputation - by delivering anything less than absolutely natural hair transplantations?


Do you actually believe that a natural appearance is the NORM for a hair transplant surgeon's delivery???!


Tell you what, Paul, you go ahead and keep your appointment with MHR, ??cause you obviously fall within that miniscule proportion of individuals, in life, whose impulses always prove to be infallible.


Don't ask me to name any of the ones I actually know of, in life ??“ just rest safe in the knowledge that you're the first of these superheroes that any of us has ever heard of, let alone met!


Rock on, man!


P.S. - Do you remember where it was I said I'd gotten my HT from, how about jotronic's (or are you okay with doing a little reading within the same thread you actually started?)???


[This message was SEVERELY edited by HarryLemon on January 05, 2003 at 01:34 AM.]


[This message was edited by HarryLemon on January 05, 2003 at 01:37 AM.]

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  • Senior Member

DUDE, i think everyone that has responded to you has said DON'T do it, so did the guy who went to school for like 50 million years and is respected as one of the top 3 in the USA. Guarranteed(bad spelling) you will thank your lucky stars for listening to the idiots like me, or you can antie up and help pay for the ride. Doing so could ruin your life, ESPECIALLY with the gomer pyles you are thinking of going to. I dare someone to tell me i'm wrong!!

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You will certainly be able to find a doctor who is willing to take your money. Does that make it the "right decision"? You can find a doctor who will give you breasts, too. YOU ARE NOT BALD ENOUGH YET FOR A HAIR TRANSPLANT, as Dr. Bernstein told you. That must be a terrible dissapointment!


Get the cobwebs off your brain and start listening and learning. Your hair transplant might look great for a few years. 5 years from now you might be in a terrible mess, because you wouldn't listen.


Your insecurity is going to make an ass of you.


I expect to read more posts from you in the future... "I wouldn't listen.. Now what do I do?"


I hope it is a learning experience. Smart people try to learn BEFORE they drive off a cliff, but to each his own I guess.


Good luck.

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Look, I just want to say, first of all, that I'm sorry for attacking you like I just did, Paul. It was a bit out of line (in my book) for me to have a go at you like that, and I sincerely apologize if I offended you.


The purpose of this site IS to give people, such as yourself, the best advice possible based off of who you are, where YOU'RE at, and what your goals are. Yes, it's primary purpose is to steer people into the hands of excellent, trust-worthy surgeons - if a HT is for you, but - because this forum is made up of people who have had both good AND bad experiences (of every kind imaginable), you will find that you're not necessarily going to be getting a symphony of sympathy for what it is that ails you. This is because of the SIMPLE FACT that YOUR PLAN (of just topping off with more HT's as you progress down the road) is INFEASABLE given the limited amount of supply you have to work with, if you're looking to maintain a high school hairline (unless you fully expect not to recede any further - which is a HUMUNGOUS GAMBLE). YOU REALLY, REALLY, REALLY NEED TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK HERE, PAUL! This is a basic fact regarding Hair Transplantation. You will very likely look like a FREAK by the time you're 35 if you insist on maintaining a high school hairline, because you will find out ??“ the hard way ??“ that your wonderful plan did not take into account the simple law of supply not meeting demand.


Your impulsive inclination to immediately jump into the hands of any doctor willing to take you is going to spell ruin for your future if you don't seriously step back, DO YOUR RESEARCH, and rethink your whole approach on this.


To get back to the spirit of sharing ideas constructively, though, I want to encourage you to do as you, yourself, said:


>>> "I would like to show you all some close-up pics on here and take a little poll. How would i go about doing this ??? thanks !!!" <<<


I think that that's actually a great idea, Paul. I believe that taking a poll may actually be of further benefit. You never know, right?


To post pics, I believe all you need to do is check the box marked "Post Attachment", under the actual text box where you type your replies (under "Options"). Please give this a try so that we can all have a look at your current level of recession.




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I was the same as you... and I acted on my receding hairline... to my regret.


Actually, I thought I had won the "gene" lottery because I am four years older than my brother and he had lost all his hair, while I still had quite a full head at the time. Just like you, I thought I'd stop the loss I was seeing. I had old style punch grafts done in my mid-twenties and then mini/micro grafts in my very early 30's. Both blended in well when i had a pretty ful head of hair.


Now my hairline has almost caught up with my brother's. I am a NW 5A/6 with a bunch of unsightly plugs and grafts in front and not much behind it. As a result, I am reading every damn post on this board to learn what I can so I make sure no further mistakes are made... by me. I don't blame the doctors or clinics because they were my choices... and I made bad ones, but now I have a means to learn from the positive and negative experiences of others. It's this board and I am using it for all its worth.


That's my story. I'd for it to be yours. Even with the newer techniques, you'll be better off waiting and much happier that you did. Don't get a HT. YOU WILL REGRET IT!


Mr T

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Paul80: I think you've heard the consensus, and you are saying, "these guys don't understand my situation". Honestly, that is what I'd say to someone if I was 20 and balding. But please also, I hope this has at least arised a "reasonable doubt" as to what your impulses are telling you to do.

Yeah, you'll find someone to do an HT. But that money won't buy to what you want. Be assured of that.


poet: man, I am so sorry you had/have to go through all that BS because you took action early. You were proactive and tried to take control of things and it produced unexpected results.

But let me say, that I respect the candor of your post. That took courage to write. You helped someone else by writing something like that.

It sucks that girls can be so BS sometimes, especially considering some of the monumental insecurities they can bring to a relationship.

All I can say is this: everybody respects courage. And you have displayed that to me.


I don't know if my opinion means anything to you, but I had to write that.



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